Cold Weather
If the temperature or wind chill is above 30˚F practice outside with appropriate clothing.
If the air temperature or wind chill is 30˚F-25˚F then teams may practice outside but must come inside to warm up every 45 minutes for 10 minutes. Be aware of the potential for cold injury.
If the air temperature or wind chill is 25˚F-15˚F then teams may practice outside but must come inside to warm up every 30 minutes for 10 minutes. Wear additional protective clothing; cover as much exposed skin as practical.
If the air temperature or wind chill is 5˚F-15˚F then teams may practice outside but must come inside to warm up every 15 minutes for 10 minutes. Consider modifying activity to limit exposure.
If the air temperature or wind chill is less than 5˚F no outside practices are permitted.
The temperature, wind speed and wind chill will be monitored by the Athletic Trainer on duty through the MU Weather Station.
Wind Chill Calculator
Click the link to compute the wind chill factor.
Note: Wind speeds of greater than 40 mph have little additional chilling affect. Very high wind speeds or temperature extremes will produce erroneous calculations.