We encourage students to do undergraduate research projects and have the following facilities to promote this endeavor.
Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratories and Associated Equipment Rooms
A variety of equipment is available for students interested in acquiring skill in the laboratory techniques most widely used in the fields of genetics and molecular biology. Thermal cyclers, electrophoresis and gel drying apparatuses, research quality microscopes, high speed, ultra and microcentrifuges, photographic equipment including darkroom facilities, a variety of pipetting devices, and scintillation counters are examples of the items presently used by students and faculty in coursework and research. Additionally, computers and software are available for DNA sequence analysis, evaluating potential primers and probes, and accessing genomic databases.
Cell Culture Facility
Available for classes and student research, this facility provides sterile hoods, inverted phase microscopes, carbon dioxide incubators, autoclaves, and cryogenic preservation equipment needed for the maintenance and storage of cultured animal and plant cells and tissues.
Plant Systematics Facilities
The vascular plant systematics facilities at ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ are in Roddy Hall. They consist of a modern 24' x 36' herbarium, associated research laboratory, and curator's office. The (MVSC) utilizes a modern compact storage system. The collection consists of about 15,000 specimens, some dating to the mid-1800's. Our ample space provides room for examination of specimens by students and the public. A computerized database of specimen records is soon to be established as is internet access to herbarium databases worldwide. The adjacent research lab is equipped to conduct allozyme and cytotaxonomic studies. We support environmental science and botanical research by ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ students, faculty and the public.
Research Pond
A large limnological research pond on campus is available to students involved in research projects.
Field Stations
The department of biology maintains affiliation with a marine biological field station. The of the Marine Science Consortium at Wallops Island, Virginia, offers a variety of summer college courses and is available for use by students doing independent projects. The facility is fully equipped with a number of labs, classrooms, research vessels, and equipment for coursework and research in marine and coastal biology. Faculty members and students also conduct both terrestrial and aquatic field research at a number of other local and regional sites.
Botanical Glasshouse Facilities
Two separate greenhouses covering a total of 1200 square feet afford growing plants under different environmental conditions. Plants grown in these houses are used in research, the classroom, independent study, and for horticultural purposes. Besides the greenhouses, various faculty have large plant growth chambers where environmental conditions of light, temperature, and moisture can be controlled and monitored for experimental studies.
Histological Laboratory
This facility is fully equipped for histochemical and paraffin microtechniques. Several rotary microtomes can be used for making frozen sections. Our equipment includes fluorescent microscopes and a scanning electron microscope.
Scanning Electron Microscope Suite
The University's Hitachi Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with multiple detectors and sample preparation resources are available for research, class, and outside industrial purposes with the guidance of a specialized technician.