Guidelines for Crowdfunding
Eligible Projects
Before submitting your project for consideration, please be sure you can meet the following guidelines:
- Your project and/or fundraising effort is affiliated with 无忧短视频
- Approval from individual/organization’s division head/director (i.e. Vice President, Dean, Advisor)
- An established University fund to which gifts can be directed. Note: an SSI account is not considered a University account
- If you do not have an account, the Development Office can set one up for you.
- A dedicated project leader(s) who will spearhead project initiatives and promote the project throughout the entire campaign duration – in all, campaigns will run about 3 months from start to finish
- A realistic, defined, and measurable fundraising goal – suggested campaigns should fall between $1,000 - $10,000. Projects that fall outside those parameters require additional discussion
- A specific, concise project description
- Projects should be:
- Specific – be clear about what you're trying to fund
- Attainable – make sure you can complete your project once you reach your goal
- Realistic – your goal should be in-line with the size of your donor base
- Time-bound – why is it important to make a donation right now?
- A thought-out timeframe – campaigns will remain active on the site for up to 60 days
- A thought-out marketing and outreach strategy – who will be your target audience?