Conference Schedule

Morning Keynotes 9AM (Choose One Option)

Cindy Allen-Fuss, M.Ed. | “Unlocking Potential: A Parent's Guide to Supporting Dyslexic Learners" |STAYER HALL: 104

Kimberly Stockton, Ed.D. | "Recalibrating Reading with Instruction Based on the Sciences" | STAYER HALL: ROOMS MPR/HYBRID

Morning Breakout Sessions

  • Breakouts | 10:00 a.m.
    • Dr. Pam Kastner (Stayer 104)|"Getting Started with Structured Literacy in Grades 3-5"
      • Discover effective strategies for implementing Structured Literacy (SL) practices in intermediate grades to ensure all students access high-quality complex texts. This presentation highlights essential shifts in literacy instruction, such as replacing round-robin reading with more engaging alternatives, fostering student-friendly definitions through vocabulary routines, and promoting comprehension through GIST statement writing. The session empowers teachers with the competence and ability needed for deeper text comprehension. 
    • Brandie Turner (Stayer 106)|"What's the buzz around the Science of Reading?" (Parent-focused session).
      • Have you heard the terms "Science of Reading" but aren't sure what it means or how it might apply to your family? We know that families play a significant role in a child's cognitive development and are eager to support reading growth at home - yet it can be daunting to sift through all the media and research. Learn how empowered YOU can be to strengthen reading skills at home with simple, research-based methods and leave with actionable resources to use at home!
    • Michelle Trostle (MPR/Hybrid)|"Considerations for Secondary Striving Readers"
      • As a middle and high school reading specialist, I often said my job was 85% convincing my students that could be efficient and effective readers and 15% teaching the skills of reading. This session wil include a mini simulation of what it feels like to be a striving reader in a secondary content classroom, a discussion of motivation with tips for motivating your students to partner with you on the reading journey, and a review of best practices for working with secondary readers focusing on the IES Practice Guide - "Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4-9."
    • Angela Mulhare (Stayer 110)|"Unique Perspective: parent and teacher" (Parent-focused session)
      • I will present my personal story which will hopefully connect to parents who have a dyslexic child, educators who have dyslexic students in their classrooms, and administrators who hold the key to literacy success in their buildings and respective school districts. I have the unique perspective of being the mother who needed to fight for her child's fundamental right to learn to read in school, the teacher who connected with other moms - becoming Orton Gillingham certified to reach hundreds of children and help change the trajectory.
  • Breakouts | 11:00 a.m.
    • Dr. Pam Kastner (MPR/Hybrid)|"Spelling: Visible Language to Inform Instruction and Intervention"
      • This session highlights the importance of spelling to literacy development and how after analyzation can inform instruction and intervention. The integration of phonology, orthography, and morphology will analyze student spelling inventory results. Participants will evaluate students' spelling, decide the types of errors students made, and engage with a tool that school teams can use to drive analysis and target instruction and intervention. Classroom and individual results from a spelling inventory will guide participants in drawing conclusions for core and individual instruction to accelerate learning.
    • Brandie Turner (Stayer 104)|"Informing and Supporting families with the Science of Reading"
      • Have you aimed to strengthen "Family Engagement" in your school or district, but don't know where to start? Families play a significant role in a child's cognitive development and are eager to support reading growth at home, yet it can be difficult to involve families in their student's academic goals. Come to learn how to empower ALL families to strengthen reading skills at home with simple, research-based methods and leave with actionable resources to share with families!
    • Beverly DeRise (Stayer 106)|"Executive Skills for a Reading-Ready Brain"
      • Reading is complex, and for a child with dyslexia, it can feel like an insurmountable challenge. High-quality, explicit reading instruction is vitally important, but there are developmental skills that are too often overlooked that may be the key to greater reading success. Through stories and scenarios, you'll hear about practical tools and strategies that can be tailored to a student's individual needs and implemented right away. Discover what can happen when students' developing executive skills are actively supported! 


Stayer Hall MPR


  • Elizabeth E. Schucker & Tammy McDonald (Stayer MPR/Hybrid)|"What's Your Superpower? Unleashing the 'Superhero Potential' of Twice-Exceptional Gifted and Dyslexic Students"
    • Dyslexia, a language-based learning difference, can allow learners to unlock their superhero potential as they navigate and explore the innovative ways that their minds work through creative problem-solving. Dyslexia is often mistaken as a weakness. However, it can be used as a powerful strength for may gifted learners. This interactive session invites participants to explore the unique cognitive profiles and extraordinary talents of twice-exceptional (2e) learners who are both intellectually gifted and have dyslexia in the real world. Many who view the struggle of Dyslexia miss the often-concealed strengths of those remarkable and gifted individuals; everything from their exceptional problem-solving abilities and out-of-the box thinking to their heightened creativity and empathy. Attendees will leave with a toolbox of practical, strengths-based approaches to foster the power couple EQ and IQ of twice-exceptional learners through cultivating an inclusive, supportive learning environment.
    • Instead of underestimating, let's start celebrating! Join us to explore the superpowers of gifted students with dyslexia and learn more about the innovative ways that we can best nurture their gifts and talents.
  • Maria Vetter & Melanie Young (Stayer 104)|"Advocating for students with dyslexia in public school" (Parent-focused session)
    • We will go over the systems of support in public school, MTSS, Evaluation process, IEPs, and 504s. 
  • Michelle Trostle (Stayer 106)|#TeachThemToRead
    • Archer and Hughes (2011) describe explicit instruction to be an unambiguous and direct approach to teaching that incorporates instruction design and delivery. Explicit instruction is essential for children with dyslexia. Unfortunately, most school systems are not designed to support explicit instruction. This session will introduce parents (and teachers) to explicit instruction with practical suggestions for instructional routines that can be used at home (or at school) with minimal preparation for the parent (or teacher).
  • Jessica McKee (Stayer 110)|"Empowering Struggling Learners: Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem in Students with Dyslexia and Executive Function Challenges" (Parent-focused session)
    • This presentation will help parents and educators explore ways to support learners while also bolstering self-confidence and self-esteem. Maintaining overall positive mental health can be difficult for students who seldom experience the positive reinforcement of success both inside and outside the classroom setting. This presentation will explore explore the risks of underestimating the impact of academic struggles on mental health as well as provide concrete steps parents and educators can take to develop health coping mechanisms and overall positive mental health for struggling learners. 

Afternoon Keynote 2PM

Maryanne Wolf, Ed.D. | "Seven Lessons from Research on the Reading Brain and Dyslexia for the Teaching of Reading" | Stayer Hall: MPR/HYBRID