Core Competencies
The English Core Courses
All English students take four core courses:
- UNIV 103: Seminar for English Majors
- ENGL220: Introduction to Linguistics
- ENGL 237: Literary Theory and Analysis
- ENGL 242: Reading Our World (themes vary)
UNIV 103: English Major Seminar
The English Majors Seminar may not be required for transfer students.
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
- distinguish and articulate the subfields of English Studies, their cohesion, occasional discord, and their practical and cultural value;
- identify the diverse possibilities for meaning of the term “text” and address those possibilities in analyzing texts;
- grow fluent in and effectively apply the terminology--the metadiscourse--that distinguishes English Studies;
- distinguish and apply the basic tenets of composition studies and rhetoric to reading and writing texts--a crossover from our English 110 (Composition) class for some;
- demonstrate facility with strategies for the writing, reading, and speaking demanded of English majors;
- implement effective collaborative strategies for team discussion, writing, and oral presentations;
- apply technology effectively in research and composing processes when and where appropriate;
- demonstrate understanding of and facility with using 无忧短视频 resources that support academic success; and
- demonstrate strengthened inquiry, research, and information literacy skills.
English 220: Introduction to Language Study
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
- identify and discuss key issues related to these fields and subfields, including the neurology of language, language acquisition, language variation (in both its regional and social dimensions), and language change.
- Identify 3 principles of language acquisition.
- Describe regional and social variation of language.
- Identify examples of linguistic change.
- apply methods of linguistic analysis to language structures and meanings, including phonology (sounds), morphology (words), syntax (sentences), semantics (meanings), and pragmatics (contexts).
- Apply an appropriate technique of linguistic analysis to a given problem.
ENGL 237: Literary Theory and Analysis
Students who successfully complete this course will be able
- to recognize major theories, theorists, and critical approaches to “text."
- to develop critical vocabulary and apply it in analysis of literary and cultural texts.
- to apply major theoretical and critical approaches to their own reading and writing about literature.
- to produce texts marked with clarity, precision, depth and correctness.
ENGL 242: Reading Our World
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to
- Use appropriate literary, linguistic or rhetorical terminology to explain formal elements in texts.
- Analyze the relationships between structure and meaning in texts.
- Explain how expressive works provide insight into human experience and culture, ultimately inviting connection to students’ experiences.
- Explain how literary, linguistic or rhetorical conventions and authorial choices relate to social, historical and cultural contexts.
- Recognize and describe literary, linguistic or rhetorical styles and movements.
- Describe how literary, linguistic or rhetorical traditions are challenged by new voices and innovations in style, theme and form.
- Formulate and revise written arguments following the instructor and/or peer suggestions.
- Compose original work in student’s chosen textual medium.