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The signed contract (next page) must be submitted no later than the end of the 4th week of the semester the student is enrolled in the course so that it can be approved by the HC Director. Rationale: To assure timely matriculation and to improve retention rates, the HC aims to provide students with a more flexible structure for completion of University and program requirements. This policy does not affect courses that carry a formal H designation. This policy only applies to Honors by Contract credits. All steps in a formal approval process must be followed before a student is permitted to earn honors credit. No additional compensation is provided to the instructor of record. Process: The student will consult the Instructor of Record for the course in which the student is interested in earning honors credits. The student should be a 2nd year student and have earned 9 honors credits prior to the start of the proposed Honors by Contract course and select a 200+ level course in the major, minor, or related field/dept for Honors by Contract. (Note: On occasion, 1st year students may pursue this option with special permission of the HC Director. Also, a 100 level course may be considered, with permission of the HC Director, if the course is needed/helpful for the students program of study) The student will develop a formal contract with the instructor that spells out the nature of the additional inquiry/work and the added level of engagement that merits honors credits. The student must send the contract on the next page (signed by both the student and the instructor) to the HC Director no later than the end of the 4th week of the semester the student is enrolled in the course. (Note: exceptions to this timeframe can be made with prior approval by the Director of HC) The HC Director will review and approve, if appropriate, the signed contract. The contract will be maintained with the students Honors College file. The HC Director will communicate with the instructor of record to discuss the contract if there are any concerns or points that need to be clarified. After the completion of the course and the student has completed the terms of the contract and earned a B- or better, the Honors College will communicate with the Registrars office about changing the credits to H credits. The HC will maintain a permanent record of the contract and the students grade. Guidelines for the Student and Faculty - Criteria for Honors by Contract University Honors courses require a deeper level of engagement, analysis, and expression than non-honors courses. HC encourages critical thinking and interpretation, refined creative or technical writing, and constructive engagement with the course materials. Faculty are encouraged to work with the student to define clear and sensible standards for achieving these goals in the course that will be converted to honors credits via Honors by Contract. In general, standards should be articulated and the work load defined in ways that are appropriate to the course subject matter. Honors credit could include any of the following activities (or others as determined by the instructor of record) beyond the normal course requirements: 1. Additional readings, project, presentation, studio work, or lab work, as appropriate to the subject. 2. Enhanced research opportunities, including some element of original research appropriate to the subject. 3. Regular tutorial discussions between the instructor and student. 4. An appropriate research or creative product that engages issues, problems, & materials presented in the class. 5. Exploration of topics or foundational activities that might benefit the students eventual honors thesis. Honors by Contract - Approval Form Under special circumstances, students enrolled in the University Honors College may pursue honors credits by contract. Courses at the 200 level or above will be considered appropriate. Students must have already earned a minimum of 9 credit hours with an honors designation and be a 2nd year student (or beyond). (On occasion, first year students may pursue this option with special permission of the HC Director. Also, a 100 level course may be considered for this option if the course is needed/helpful for the students program of study) Date: Name (print clearly): M#: Semester the course will be completed: Major: Course # and name: Describe proposed work required to earn Honors credits (use a separate sheet if necessary): Approvals: _______________________________________ (instructor of record print name) date: _______________________________________ (instructor of record - signature) _______________________________________ (student print name) - date: _______________________________________ (student signature) _______________________________________ (Director of Univ. Honors College) date: +,-567^c    ( ) , 3 4 8 : ; G H K L P Z ` c d ~ thDmh~@CJaJhDmh\5CJaJhDmhw7LCJaJhDmhGKCJaJhDmhz5CJaJhDmh CJaJhDmh1CJaJhohbCJaJh~@5CJaJh~@h~@5CJaJhb5CJaJh~@5CJaJhohb5CJaJ+67 *+^_hgdOq$a$gdw7Lgd\5 & FgdDm$a$gdo~     % ) 1 Y Z l s     - > @ E U e ԾԳ߳ߧԳԂhDmhZ1CJaJhDmh\5>*CJH*aJhDmh\5>*CJaJhDmh3>*CJaJhDmh CJaJhDmhz5CJaJhDmhOqCJaJhDmh1CJaJhDmh\5CJaJhDmhw7LCJaJhDmh3CJaJ3  1 6 7 E G k m $ = M N w z ()*5=ɾɳ߳xxxxhDmhlCJaJhDmh\5CJaJhDmh CJaJhDmh3CJaJhDmh"}CJaJh"}hDmh\5CJaJhDmh"}CJaJhDmhw7LCJaJhDmh3CJaJhDmh CJaJhDmhOqCJaJhDmh1CJaJ,=CEGRTclos),QRz~>BE^bpthDmhOqCJaJhDmh"}>*CJaJhDmh3CJaJhDmh"}CJaJhDmh3CJaJhDmhlCJaJhDmhlCJaJhDmhDmCJH*aJhDmCJaJ>/9P`bgu 48?IKR`eɾɳɜꑆ{߾߾߾hDmhlCJaJhDmh\5CJaJhDmh CJaJhDmh CJaJhDmh3CJH*aJhDmh3CJaJhDmh CJaJhDmhOqCJaJhDmh\5CJaJhDmh"}CJaJhDmhlCJaJhDmhbCJaJ0ex{|$'()*+Mb  ]^_hjm~ɾꨨ곤~uhOqhw7LaJ hOq5aJ h\55aJ hl5aJ h 5aJhOqhOq5aJh hDmhOqCJaJhDmhz5CJaJhDmh"}CJaJhDmhWCJaJhDmhw7LCJaJhDmh3CJaJhDmh CJaJhDmhlCJaJ. !$(,28<C^_`aehst46U_j,Ch '()*5?Afmrֵֵֵֻֻ hDmCJhDmh CJhDmhw7LCJhDmh CJhDmhOqCJ hw7LaJ hlaJ h3aJ h\5aJhOqhOqaJG#035ht23[_e˿yhlCJaJhw7Lhw7LCJH*aJhg]hGCJaJhw7LCJaJh\5CJaJhg]hz5CJaJhOqCJaJhz5h ihz55CJaJhIPhz55CJaJh~@5CJaJhIPh~@5CJaJhDmhz5CJaJhDmhOqCJ/*+23FGgdz5$a$gd~@gdl  (*+23@DFG^gv|}9NRZ[\]^_mhg]hMhh ih\5hDmhOqhGhg]hz5CJaJh\5CJaJQ\]^_;gd igdz5m#2:; h ihOqh hOqh ihGhg]!21h:pOq/ =!"#$% x2&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List HH  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y ;%:~ =em;;8@0(  B S  ?=)4HR~   gpG=333333333_#:=RTWc (:=v_j_s0^`OJPJQJ^Jo(-^`OJQJ^Jo(hHop^p`OJQJo(hH@ ^@ `OJQJo(hH^`OJQJ^Jo(hHo^`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJo(hH^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoP^P`OJQJo(hH ^`hH. ^`hH. pL^p`LhH. @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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