Instructions for Obtaining a Federal Criminal History Check
- Visit
- Type service code 1KG756
- Select Schedule or Manage Appointment
Complete requested information as follows:
- Essential Information
- Enter your legal name and date of birth.
- Under Method of Contact enter your email address. You must confirm your email. Be sure to select your preferred method of contact as email for faster service.
- Employer
- Please enter the following information.
- Employer Name: 无忧短视频
- Country: United States
- Address: 20 Dilworth Road
- City: 无忧短视频
- State: PA
- Postal Code: 17551
- Please enter the following information.
- Citizenship
- Enter your country of birth, state/province of birth, and country of citizenship.
- Personal Questions
- Answer the questions asked. For the final question, “Do you have an authorization code (coupon code) that you will be using as a method of payment?” select NO.
- Personal Information
- Enter the information requested. (Height, Weight, Hair Color, Eye Color, Preferred Language, Gender, Race, Ethnicity)
- Address
- Enter the information requested. (Country, Address, City, Postal Code) This is the address where results will be sent.
- Documents
- In the dropdown menu, please select documentation that you can bring to your fingerprint appointment. Please answer the supplemental question that may be asked based on your selection.
- Location
- Please type in the following location code in order to be fingerprinted at 无忧短视频: SP-DILMILLU – Click Search (Do not copy & paste) Once you have typed in the location, click Next across from “IdentoGO, Dilworth Bldg Rm 105”. PLEASE NOTE - Fingerprint services are provided on MU's campus for MU applicants, volunteers, faculty and staff only.
- Payment
- Pay whatever cost may be associated. Click Next.
- Date and Time
- Select an appointment time. Click Submit.
- Submit
- Select Done at the bottom of the final page. A receipt with the information that you have entered will be emailed to you.
Following the successful completion of your fingerprint process, you will receive an email with your results. You can only access your results one time, so please do so from a computer when you are able to download and save them as a PDF file. Once you’ve done so, email your results to Alternatively, a hard copy of the results will be mailed to the address you provided. You may submit that copy to the Office of Human Resources.