About Our Program
The Multidisciplinary Studies (MDST) major bridges the liberal arts, sciences, humanities, and social sciences in ways that amplify diverse perspectives across the University’s established college and departmental structure. With careful guidance and academic advisement, faculty and students can tailor a concentration (an individualized course of study) unique to their areas of interest, inquiry, and innovation. Students can elect to pursue an approved faculty concentration or craft a unique proposal of their own, as they journey toward a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree.
Content integration, academic rigor, and learning across disciplines are key attributes of each concentration. All MDST courses of study culminate with a faculty-directed capstone experience. These internships, research projects, or hybrid experiences allow students to practically apply skills and knowledge gained in the major to the real world.
Contact Information
For general questions regarding the MDST program:
Dr. Rachel Finley-Bowman
Dean of University College and Associate Provost for Student Success
McNairy Library, 5th floor
Phone: 717-871-7622
E-mail: StudentSuccessDean@millersville.eduFor questions regarding MDST Student Initiated Programs:
Professor Scott Anderson
MDST Student Initiated Program Advisor
Associate Professor, Library
McNairy Library, Room LL102A
Student initiated proposals for an MDST degree will start with Professor Anderson. Student initiated proposals may remain with Professor Anderson throughout the proposal formulation and review process OR the student proposal may involve a different Library Faculty member with professional background and/or subject expertise that better aligns with the intended proposal.