Dr. John Kaiser Ortiz
Associate Professor

Office Hours
T: 8:10 -- 9:25 AM and 12:05 -- 12:20 PM
W: 8:30 -- 10:30 AM and By Appointment
R: 8:10 -- 9:25 AM and 12:05 -- 12:20 PM
Comments: SP 2025 Student Consultation Hours
“Todos Somos Joaquín: An Inter-American Elaboration on Chicanismo"
Radical Philosophy Review, Spring 2022 (25.1)
“Four Thinkers in the 20th Century Genealogy of Mexicanidad: Justo Sierra, Samuel Ramos, José Vasconcelos, and Octavio Paz” Genealogy, July 2020, 4 (3), 75
“Jewels and Ladders: Visualizing and Resisting the Racialization and Dehumanization of E/Im-migrants and Refugees” Critical Philosophy of Race, volume 7, issue 1 (2019): 187-211.
“Sor Juana’s Solitude: A Case Study in Existentialist Syncretism”
Inter-American Journal of Philosophy, volume 8, number 1 (Spring 2017): 17-34.
“Problems of Immigration & Warfare for the Pragmatist Pacifism of James & Addams” The Pluralist: The Journal of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, volume 11, number 2 (Summer 2016): 86-110.
“Gloria Anzaldúa and the Problem of Violence Against Women,” philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism, volume 6, number 2 (Summer 2016): 195-213.
“Hazel Barnes and Octavio Paz: Two Existentialist and Pan-American Philosophies of Education,” Comparative Philosophy: An International Journal of Constructive Engagement of Distinct Approaches toward World Philosophy, volume 6, number 1 (2015): 60-77.
“Octavio Paz and the Universal Problem of Mexican Solitude,” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy, volume 11, number 2 (Spring 2012): 1-5. *This essay was awarded the American Philosophical Association’s Best Essay in Latin American Thought Prize.