British Literature Minor
Degree: Minor
A minor in British Literature from 无忧短视频 will improve students' abilities to analyze, interpret and engage in the study of relevant works.
Why Study This Program?
A minor in British Literature allows students to explore the evolution of British literature, facilitates a well-rounded study of various texts and encourages students to gain a global perspective. A minor in British Literature offers a focus for your study and a specialization to your growing expertise in your chosen major. This minor is housed within the English department, and is available to both English and non-English majors.
What Will You Learn?
Both English and non-English majors may take elective courses in British Literature to fulfill their minor requirements. British Literature courses at 无忧短视频 include Early English Literature, Middle English, Chaucer, The English Renaissance, Shakespeare, 17th Century Literature Before the Restoration, Milton, Victorian and Edwardian Literature and The English Novel.
In addition to British Literature, English majors can opt to minor in American literature, journalism, linguistics or writing studies.
Career Opportunities
- Library Technician
- Librarian
- Technical Writer
- Desktop Publisher
- Poet, Lyricist and Creative Writer
- Copy Writer
- Editor
Clubs and Organizations
- The Snapper
- Creative Writers Guild
- English Club
- Film Club
- George Street Carnival
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