Spring 2021 Academic Calendar

Spring 2021


Residence Halls open at 12pm

JAN 20

Classes begin

Late registration online

Drop/add period begins online

JAN 27

Last day to drop or add a course online (by 11:59pm)

JAN 27

Last day to submit a request to take a course on a pass/fail or audit basis (requests must be in the Registrar's Office by 4:30pm)

JAN 28

W grade period begins. 

If course starts or ends outside of the regular Spring 2021 term (1/25-5/8), the withdrawal deadline will differ.  Please contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.

FEB 08

Graduate degree-seeking and certification students begin registration
for summer terms (9 am)

Summer undergraduate registration begins (9 am)

FEB 11

Graduate non-degree students begin registration for summer terms

FEB 15

Spring 2021 Break #1 (No Classes)

FEB 18

Application deadline for undergraduate Spring degree
(applications must be submitted online by 4:30 pm)

Applications for the master's degree/graduation must be filed in the College of Graduate Studies & Adult Learning

MAR 01*

Due to the network outages, this deadline will be extended. We will accept major/minor changes for the current term through the end of the semester. Please wait until the Academic Program Request Change form has been restored to submit your requests.

Deadline to submit major/minor changes for the Fall 2021 advisement period. If you submit the form after this date, the change can still be processed, but your TAP number will be issued to your advisor prior to the change and during your early registration appointment time you may not be able to register for courses restricted to your new major/minor.

Fall web schedule & other registration information available online

MAR 10

Spring 2021 Break #2 (No Classes)

MAR 30

Registration TAPS are available to academic advisers

MAR 31 Spring recess begins after last class

APR 02

Deadline for making up an incomplete grade for a Fall 2020 or Winter 2021 undergraduate course

APR 05 Spring recess ends at 7 a.m.
APR 05

Last day to withdraw from a course & receive a W grade ( must be submitted online by 11:59 pm) Due to the network issues and the withdraw form being unavailable for Spring 2021, withdrawal requests will be accepted via email.  Students must send the withdrawal request to registrar@millersville.edu and copy the instructor of the class they are withdrawing from by 11:59 pm on April 5. 

Please include: your name, Student ID number and name of the instructor as well as the CRN, subject, course, and section numbers of the class.  REQUESTS MUST BE SENT FROM THE STUDENT'S MILLERSVILLE EMAIL ACCOUNT

If course starts or ends outside of the regular Spring 2021 term (1/20-5/2), the withdrawal deadline will differ.  Please contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.

Last day to submit leave of absence or withdraw from the University for Spring 2021.

APR 20*

Graduate degree-seeking and certification students begin registration for fall term

*adjusted due to the extended network outage.

APR 21*

Graduate non-degree students begin registration for fall term

*adjusted due to the extended network outage.


Early undergraduate registration for Fall 2021. See Registration Guide and Appointment Schedule on the Registration Information page for details. 

*adjusted due to the extended network outage.

MAY 03

Last day of instruction for Spring 2021

Last day to change a pass/fail grade to a regular grade 

Last day for graduate students to make up an incomplete grade

MAY 03

Deadline for submitting graduate theses and grades for research reports to the College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning

MAY 04-07

Evaluation period -- Special class schedule


College of Graduate Studies and Adult Learning Commencement


Baccalaureate Commencement; end of spring term

MAY 12

Final grades for spring term are due from faculty by 11:59 PM

MAY 14

Final grades for spring term available to students via MAX after 5pm


Availability of web schedules may change if the class schedule production timeline changes. Any updates will be made here when they are confirmed.