Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How do I request a copy of my 无忧短视频 Transcript?

Please see Procedures for Ordering a Transcript for detailed instructions.

What are your office hours?

The Registrar's Office is open according to the following schedule:

Regular Semester Hours Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Summer/Winter Hours
(End of Term May- Start of Term August and End of Term December-Start of Term January)

Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

How do I update my address and telephone information?

Report to the Registrar's Office and complete a "Name and Address Update" form or use to update the information from the convenience of your computer. It's important that you keep your home and local address information current on our files. Graduation information, class schedule confirmation and other pertinent mailings go the addresses you provide to us.

Transfer Credit Questions

Did you receive my transcript? When will the credits be added to my record?

Recently admitted transfer students' evaluations are done on an on-going basis and information will be mailed to them before early registration for the term. Currently-enrolled students with transfer credits pending should check their or the to verify new transfer credits. We attempt to maintain a one-week turn-around schedule for transfer credit evaluations for currently-enrolled students.

I’m interested in taking a course at another college or university to transfer back to MU. What do I do?

If the college is in the United States, complete an authorization for "Transfer of Credit" form (available to print out on the student forms center) Obtain adviser and department chair signatures and return to the Registrar's Office.  This policy does not apply to any courses taken at another university or institution outside of the United States.

I am planning to study abroad.  What do I do in advance to ensure that my credits will transfer back to MU?

The transfer process is different for academic credit-bearing experiences abroad.  The Office of International Programs & Services must approve your study experience well in advance of your departure to ensure that your credits will transfer back to MU.  Contact IPS for more information at or stop by Lyle Hall, first floor.

What if my advisor doesn’t know the MU equivalent for a proposed course?

Check the MU transfer equivalency lists. It is may be necessary to provide a catalog description along with the authorization form for courses/institutions not on the equivalency lists. A final approval of the Authorization for Transfer of Credit is made in the Registrar’s Office.

Can I improve my GPA by taking courses to transfer them back to MU?

No. Transfer credit grades do not compute in the MU GPA.

Can I take a course elsewhere that I've taken at MU?

No. Academic policy prohibits taking a course elsewhere that you attempted at MU, whether or not you passed the course.

A course that you have officially withdrawn from with a "W" grade does not count as an attempted course and you may receive approval via the authorization for Transfer of Credit form to transfer a course which you have received a "W."

Who do I talk to if I disagree with the transfer credit evaluation?


To request a review for a Gen Ed course label on a transfer course (i.e. W, D, P), you must submit to the Registrar's Office (Attn: Assistant Registrar for Transfer Services) one of the following:

  • course syllabus with writing requirements identified; or
  • copies of graded writing assignments for the course; or
  • a letter from course instructor outlining writing requirements.

How do I get credit for my AP (Advanced Placement) or CLEP (College Level Examination Program) scores?

You must have an official score report sent to MU from The College Board. For AP score reports, send email to or call 888-225-5427. For CLEP score reports, visit for information.

PDE/Act 48 Questions

What is Act 48 and who is affected?

Act 48 requires all Pennsylvania educators holding Pennsylvania public school certification including Intern, Instructional I and II, Educational Specialist I and II, Administrative, Supervisory, Letters of Eligibility and all vocational certificates to participate in ongoing professional education.

NOTE: For more detailed information about Act 48, please visit the official Pennsylvania Department of Education

What is 无忧短视频’s role in reporting educators’ course work to PDE?

At MU the Registrar’s Office is responsible for reporting information to PDE for educators who successfully completed credit-bearing courses at 无忧短视频. Our campus has developed a web-based reporting system for students who are taking 无忧短视频 courses to satisfy their Act 48 requirements. This system uses MAX to report, as official MU transcripts cannot be used for this purpose.

What courses can be reported to PDE?

When you are in , we will present you with a list of the courses you have completed successfully (i.e., with a passing grade) to make it easier for you to select those you would like us to report to PDE. Not included on the list are:

  • Courses with failing, unsatisfactory (U), or incomplete (I) grades
  • Courses that have been repeated
  • Audited courses
  • Non-credit courses
  • Courses taken prior to January 1, 2000

How do I select courses to report to PDE?

It’s simple -- for each course you want us to report, just click the box to the left of the course on the list. If you change your mind, click the box again to remove the checkmark, or press the Clear button to uncheck them all. When you are finished, press the Submit courses button at the bottom to continue, and all courses with a checkmark will be listed on the next screen for you to review before your request is finalized.

How many courses may I report to PDE for Act 48?

MU does not impose any limits; you may select as many courses as you want to report to PDE for Act 48. If you are unsure of the requirements, check with your school district, or visit the for more information.

What information does MU report to PDE?

无忧短视频 transmits only the data listed below to PDE for Act 48 compliance. Grades are not reported to PDE.

  • Your Professional Personnel ID number (PPID - Assigned to you by PDE)
  • Your first and last name
  • The activity name (course ID and title)
  • The activity type (college course)
  • Total activity hours (credits multiplied by 30; ex. 3 credits =90 hours)
  • Course dates (start/end dates of the MU term in which the course is scheduled)
  • Hours Attended (the number of credits earned)

Direct any questions to the Registrar’s Office.