MU Gen ED Code Legend | ||
In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
County College of Morris Course | 无忧短视频 Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
ACC 111 Prin Accounting 1 | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ART 101 Art Start | ART 141 Fundamentals of Studio Art | G1 |
ART 116 American Art | ART 1X6 American Art | G1 |
ART 122 Drawing 1 | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ART 123 Drawing 2 | ART 233 Drawing 2 | |
ART 124 Figure Drawing | ART 333 Drawing 3 | |
ART 130 Two Dimensional Design | ART 142 2D Design | G1 |
ART 131 Color Theory | ART 1X1 Color Theory | |
ART 132 Three Dimensional Design | ART 242 3D Design | |
ART 133 Art History 1 | ART 301 The Ancient World | G1 |
ART 134 Art History II | ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C | G1 |
ART 219 Painting 1 | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
BIO 101 Anatomy and Physiology I | BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1 | |
BIO 102 A & P II | BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2 | |
BIO 121 General Biology I | BIOL 101 Foundations of Biology | G2, L |
BIO 122 General Biology II | BIO 1X2 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 127 Bio-Environment Concerns | BIOL 1X7 Bio-Environment Concerns | G2, L |
BIO 132 Concepts in Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 180 General Biology I-Honors | BIOL 1X8H General Biology I-Honors | G2, L |
BIO 215 Microbiology | BIOL 2X5 Microbiology | G2, L |
BUS 112 Introduction to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUS 119 Bus Info Sys & Appl | BUAD 307 Management Information Systms | |
BUS 135 Intro to International Busines | BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business | G3 |
BUS 212 Prin Finance | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
BUS 215 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
CHM 105 Forensic Science | CHEM 1X5 Forensic Science | G2 |
CJS 116 Intro to Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
CMP 104 Internet Literacy | CSCI 1X4 Internet Literacy | |
CMP 108 Game Design Concepts | CSCI 1X8 Game Design Concepts | |
CMP 126 Computer Tech and Applications | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CMP 203 Comp, Software Appli (MS Off) | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
COM 101 Introduction to Communication | COMM 101 Introduction to Communication | G1 |
COM 102 Advertising and Society | COMM 2X2 Advertising Comm & Society | G1 |
COM 103 Intro to Public Relations | COMM 251 Public Relations I: Intro PR | G1 |
COM 109 Speech Fundamentals | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
COM 111 Introduction to Journalism | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
COM 115 Introduction to Mass Media | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
DRA 110 Acting 1 | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1, W |
DSN 110 History of Design | HIST 1X1 History of Design | G3 |
DSN 115 Basic Drafting | ITEC 241 Drafting Communications | |
DSN 120 Design Concepts I | ART 1X2 Design Concepts I | G1 |
DSN 125 Design Rendering | ITEC 344 Product Design | |
DSN 165 Drawing for Designers | ART 1X5 Drawing for Designers | G1 |
DSN 219 Advanced CAD 3D Model | ITEC 2X9 Advanced CAD 3D Model | |
DSN 220 Design Concepts II | ART 2X2 Design Concepts II | G1 |
ECO 113 Elements / Economics | ECON 1X3 Elements / Economics | |
EDU 111 Teaching in Amer: Found & Issu | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
ENG 007 Writing Skills 1A | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 022 Elements of Writing | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 025 Writing Skills | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 108 Oral Interpretation | ENGL 1X8 Oral Interpretation | G1 |
ENG 109 Speech Fundamentals | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
ENG 111 Composition 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 112 Composition 2 | ENGL 1X2 Composition 2 | G1 |
ENG 113 Creative Writing | ENGL 1X3 Creative Writing | G1 |
ENG 211 World Literature 1 | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
ENG 212 World Literature 2 | ENGL 232 World Literature 2 | G1 |
ENG 225 The Drama Workshop | ENGL 2X5 The Drama Workshop | G1 |
ENG 235 Dramatic Performance I | THEA 2X5 Dramatic Performance I | |
ENG 243 World Lit: Beginning to 1650 | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
ENG 246 English Classics | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
ENG 249 Amer. Lit: Colonial-Civil War | ENGL 2X9 Amer. Lit: Colonial-Civil War | |
ENG 250 Amer Lit from Civ War to 20th | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENR 103 Basic Engineering Graphics | ITEC 1X3 Basic Engineering Graphics | |
ENR 117 Computer-Aided Drafting I | ITEC 1X7 Computer-Aided Drafting I | |
ENR 118 Computer-Aided Drafting II | ITEC 1X8 Computer-Aided Drafting II | |
ENR 119 Technical Computer Application | ITEC 1X9 Technical Computer Application | |
ENR 120 Technical Computer Progrmmg | CSCI 1X2 Technical Computer Progrmmg | G2 |
ENR 124 Intrumentation & Measurements | ITEC 1X4 Intrumentation & Measurements | |
ENR 177 Computer-Aided Drafting | ITEC 1X7 Copmuter-Aided Drafting | |
FRE 111 Elementary French 1 | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
GER 112 Elementary German II | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
GRD 110 History of Graphic Design | ART 1X1 History of Graphic Design | G1 |
HBR 111 Elementary Modern Hebrew 1 | FORL 1X1 Elementary Modern Hebrew 1 | G1 |
HBR 112 Elementary Modern Hebrew 2 | FORL 1X2 Elementary Modern Hebrew 2 | G1 |
HED 115 Pers & Family Nutrition | WELL 1X5 Pers & Family Nutrition | WELL |
HED 128 Lifetime Wellness | WELL 1X8 Lifetime Wellness | WELL |
HED 130 Mind-Body Health | WELL 1X3 Mind-Body Health | WELL |
HED 286 Personal Health & Wellness | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
HED 295 First Aid + EM Care | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
HIS 113 Early Modern Europe | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 | G3 |
HIS 114 Modern Europe | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
HIS 117 Ancient World | HIST 1X7 Ancient World | G3 |
HIS 118 The Middle Ages | HIST 313 History of Middle Ages | G3, W |
HIS 148 Modern Middle East | HIST 291 Modern Middle East | G3, W |
HIS 149 History of New Jersey | HIST 1XX History of New Jersey | G3 |
HIS 160 Colonial & Revolutionary Ameri | HIST 352 Provincl and Revolutry America | G3, W |
HIS 164 Civil War and Reconstruction | HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction | G3, W |
HIS 166 Emer of Amer U.S. 2 | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIS 167 20th Cen Amer U.S. 2 | HIST 357 Modern U.S. History | G3 |
HIS 181 The Middle Ages (Honors) | HIST 313 History of Middle Ages | G3, W |
HIS 204 History African American Exper | HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 | G3, W |
HIS 209 History of American Women | HIST 250 Women in American History | G3, W |
HIS 238 English Composition 2 | HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction | G3, W |
HIS 244 Hist of the American Frontier | HIST 354 The New Nation | G3, W |
HIS 245 20thc American History | HIST 357 Modern U.S. History | G3 |
HIS 246 Amer Rise World Power | HIST 2X6 Amer Rise World Power | G3 |
HMS 215 Intro Social Welfare & Hum Ser | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
HOS 101 Introduction to Food | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 103 Food Production | Does Not Transfer | |
ISA 110 Intercultural Communication | COMM 317 Intercultural Communicology | P, D |
LAT 111 Elementary Latin I | LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 | G1 |
MAT 007 Foundations of Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 011 Basic Mathematics 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 014 Basic Algebra 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 016 Intermediate Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 108 Basic Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MAT 110 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 113 Applied Calculus | MATH 1X3 Applied Calculus | G2 |
MAT 120 Math for Liberal Arts | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MAT 123 Precalculus | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MAT 124 Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MAT 131 Analytical Geometry & Calc 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MAT 132 An / Geom Calculus 2 | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MEC 104 Statics | ITEC 1X4 Statics | |
MEC 110 Materials for Engineering Tech | ITEC 1X1 Materials for Engineering Tech | |
MEC 117 Mechanical Prototyping | ITEC 1X7 Mechanical Prototyping | |
MEC 118 Computer Intergrated Manufact | ITEC 1X8 Computer Integrated Manufact | |
MEC 141 Strength of Matrls for Eng Tec | ITEC 1X4 Strength of Matrls for Eng Tec | |
MEC 204 Dynamics for Technology | PHYS 2X4 Dynamics for Technology | G2 |
MED 111 Intro to Journalism | ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism | AW |
MKT 113 Principles of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MUS 139 Wind Ensemble 1 | MUSI 120A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble | |
MUS 140 Wind Ensemble 2 | MUSI 121A Applied Music:Wind Ensemble | |
MUS 141 Wind Ensemble 3 | MUSI 200A Applied Music Symphonic Band | |
MUS 145 Chamber Choir I | MUSI 1X5 Chamber Choir I | |
PED 185 Lifesaving 2 | WSSD 1X5 Lifesaving 2 | |
PHL 111 Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHL 114 Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHL 212 Philosophy of Religion | PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion | W, G1 |
PHL 280 Ancient Philosophy | PHIL 321 Ancient Philosophy | G1, W |
PHO 111 Intro to Photography | ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 | G1 |
PHO 112 Equip Mat. & Process | ART 1XX Equip Mat. & Process | |
PHO 113 Hist of Photography | ART 201 Hist and Aesthtcs of Photgrphy | G1 |
PHO 115 Photography I (Digital/Film) | ART 410 Fine Art Digital Photography | |
PHO 116 Photography II | ART 306 Fine Art Photo 1 | G1 |
PHO 119 Contemp. Photography | ART 366 Color Photography | |
PHO 204 Digital Imaging I | ITEC 456 Digital Imaging | |
PHO 213 Documentary Photography | ART 312 Survey of Art History | G1 |
PHO 215 Large Format Photog | ART 2X5 Large Format Photog | |
PHO 216 Studio Lighting I | ART 167 Non-Traditional Photography | |
PHO 224 Digital Imaging II | ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art | |
PHO 226 Portfolio Prep | ART 2XX Portfolio Prep | |
PHO 227 Professional Studio Photo | ART 409 Advanced Fine Art Photo | |
PHY 111 Technical Physics I | PHYS 1X1 Technical Physics I | G2, L |
PHY 130 Engr Physics 1 | PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus | G2, L |
POL 111 American Government | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
POL 231 State and Local Govt | GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt | G3 |
PSY 112 Career Development: Theory & P | PSYC 1X2 Career Development: Theory & P | |
PSY 113 General Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 117 Health Psychology | PSYC 356 Health Psychology | |
PSY 211 Psychology of Adjustment | PSYC 256 Psychology Human Adjustment | G3, W |
PSY 213 Child Psychology | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 214 Adolescent Psychology | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3 |
PSY 217 Educational Psychology | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
PSY 229 Community Mental Health | PSYC 2X9 Community Mental Health | G3 |
PSY 291 Spec Topics - Psych | PSYC 2X1 Spec Topics - Psych | G3 |
PUB 111 Public Administration | GOVT 241 Publc Admin and Publc Service | G3, W |
REC 112 Group Leadership | WSSD 1X2 Group Leadership | |
REC 118 Arts & Crafts | WSSD 1X8 Arts & Crafts | |
SCI 106 Intro to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
SOC 111 Sociology 1 | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 112 Sociology 2 | SOCY 1X2 Sociology 2 | G3 |
SOC 120 Princples of Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 180 Principles of Soc | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 202 Contemp Social Issue | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOC 209 The Family | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOC 211 Sociology 1 | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 212 Sociology 2 | SOCY 1X2 Sociology 2 | G3 |
SOC 215 Physical Anthropology | ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology | G3 |
SOC 216 Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
SOC 217 Archaeology | ANTH 123 Introduction To Archeology | G3 |
SPN 111 Elementary Spanish I | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPN 112 Elementary Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPN 211 Intermediate Spanish 1 | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |