MU Gen ED Code Legend | ||
In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
Jamestown Community College Course | 无忧短视频 Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
ANT 1510 Human Evolution/Prehistory | ANTH 15X Human Evolution/Prehistory | G3 |
ANT 152 Man & His Culture | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ART 1500 Intro to Art | ART 100 Art in Culture | G1 |
ART 1590 Ceramics | ART 296 Ceramics:Wheel Throwing | G1 |
BIO 1500 Human Biology | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 1510 Health Science | BIOL 1X1 Health Science | G2 |
BIO 1570 Principles of Biology 1 | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 1580 Principles of Biology II | BIOL 1X2 Principles of Biology II | G2, L |
BIO 1710 Personal Health and Safety | BIOL 17X Personal Health and Safety | |
BIO 2510 Anatomy and Physiology I | BIOL 25X Anatomy and Physiology 1 | |
BIO 2520 Anatomy and Physiology II | BIOL 22X Anatomy and Physiology 2 | |
BIO 2760 Nutrition | BIOL 256 Nutrition | G2, W |
BUS 1410 Accounting Fundamentals | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
BUS 1500 Intro to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUS 1510 Princ/Financial Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
BUS 2540 Business Law 2 | BUAD 2X4 Business Law 2 | |
CHE 1550 College Chemistry 1 | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHE 1560 College Chemistry 2 | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CMM 1610 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CMM 2500 Interpersonal Communication | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
CRI 1320 Intro Law Enforcement | SOCY 1XX Intro Law Enforcement | |
CRI 1510 Intro to Criminal Justice | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CRI 1690 Interview and Interrogation | SOCY 2XX Interview and Interrogation | |
CRI 1720 CJ and the Mentally Ill | SOCY 2X1 CJ and the Mentally Ill | |
CRI 2370 Criminal Investigation | SOCY 3XX Criminal Investigation | |
CRI 2570 Organized Crime in the US | SOCY 3X1 Organized Crime in the US | |
CSC 1510 Intro to Computer Science | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
EDU 1510 Foundation Education Tchg Pro | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
ENG 1510 English Composition 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 1530 English Composition 2 | ENGL 1X3 English Composition 2 | G1 |
ENG 1540 Writing About Literature | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
FRE 1510 Introductory French 1 | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FRE 1520 Introductory French 2 | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FRE 2510 Intermediate French I | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
GLG 1550 Earth Science | ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth | G2 |
HIS 1510 World History Before 1500 | HIST 206 The World to 1500 | G3 |
HIS 1520 World History II | HIST 15X World History Since 1500 | G3 |
HIS 1530 US History 1 | HIST 106 Contours of US History | G3 |
HIS 1540 US History Since 1865 | HIST 357 Modern U.S. History | G3 |
HIS 2560 History of World War 2 | HIST 360 The Second World War | G3 |
HUS 1210 Intro to Human Services | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
HUS 1220 Poverty / Social Class / Ameri | SOCY 1X2 Poverty / Social Class / Ameri | |
HUS 1280 Intro to Family Systems | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
HUS 1310 Studies / Alcohol / Chem Depen | SOCY 1X3 Studies / Alcohol / Chem Depen | |
HUS 2210 Field Placement 1 - Social Wk | SOWK 2X1 Field Placement 1 - Social Wk | |
HUS 2230 Interview and Counseling | SOWK 2X3 Interview and Counseling | |
HUS 2250 Policy and Organization | SOWK 202 Social Welfare as Social Inst | |
HUS 2340 Working with Adolescents | SOWK 2X4 Working with Adolescents | |
HUS 2350 Mental Ill: Class/Intervention | SOWK 309 Social Work and Mental Health | |
HUS 2370 Intro to Gerontology | SOCY 2X7 Intro to Gerontology | |
INT 1520 Student Success Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
INT 7506 Journey/Spain-Spanish Empire | INTL 2X6 Journey/Spain-Spanish Empire | G3 |
MAT 1500 Problem Solving w/ Mathematics | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MAT 151 Col Alg & Trig 1 | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 1540 Elementary Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MAT 1590 College Algebra & Trigonometry | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 1710 Calculus/Analytic Geometry 1 | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MUS 1570 Music Theory I | MUSI 103 Language of Music | D, G1 |
MUS 1710 Audio Recording | MUSI 1X1 Audio Recording | |
MUS 1730 Music and Digital Studio | MUSI 1X3 Music and Digital Studio | |
MUS 1850 Music Ensemble: Rock I | MUSI 1X5 Music Ensemble: Rock I | |
NUR 1520 Health Restoration | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 2050 Nursing Internship | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 2350 Pharmacology for Nurses | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 2510 Health Restoration/Maint I | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 2520 Health Restoration/Maint II | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 2550 Pathophysiology I | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 2560 Pathophysiology II | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 2970 Health Assessment | Does Not Transfer | |
PHE 1560 Yoga 1: Yoga/Relax Techniques | WELL 1X6 Yoga 1: Yoga/Relax Techniques | WELL |
PHE 1620 Fitness Concepts/Applications | WELL 1X2 Fitness Concepts/Applications | |
PHE 1660 Intro to Life Fitness | WELL 1XX Intro to Life Fitness | |
PHE 1670 Intro to Physical Education | WSSD 1X6 Intro to Physical Education | |
PHE 1680 Beginning Weight Training | WELL 1X1 Beginning Weight Training | WELL |
PHE 1731 Lifeguarding/CPR/AED | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
PHE 1780 Walking for Health | WELL 1X8 Walking for Health | WELL |
PHE 1810 Baseball Fundamentals | WELL 1X1 Baseball Fundamentals | |
PHE 7536 Personal Trainer Certification | WSSD 1X2 Personal Trainer Certification | |
PHL 1510 Intro to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
POL 1520 World Politics | GOVT 1X5 World Politics | G3 |
PSY 1510 General Psychology 1 | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 152 Gen Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 1520 General Psychology 2 | PSYC 1X2 General Psychology 2 | G3 |
PSY 2500 Psychology of Personality | PSYC 335 Personality Theory | G3 |
PSY 2510 Life Span Development | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSY 2520 Child Development | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3, W |
PSY 2530 Social Psychology | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSY 2550 Psychology of Adolescence | PSYC 2X5 Psychology of Adolescence | G3 |
PSY 2560 Abnormal Behavior | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 8502 Forensic Psychology | PSYC 28X Forensic Psychology | |
SOC 1510 Intro to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SPA 1510 Introductory Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |