MU Gen ED Code Legend | ||
In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
Montgomery County Community College Course | 无忧短视频 Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
ACC 105 Survey of Accounting | BUAD 1X5 Survey of Accounting | G3 |
ACC 110 Business Mathematics | MATH 1X3 Business Mathematics | G2 |
ACC 111 Accounting Principles 1 | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACC 112 Accounting Principles 2 | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACC 115 Financial Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACC 116 Managerial Accounting | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACC 117 Payroll Accounting | ACCT 1XX Payroll Accounting | |
ACC 118 Professional Bookkeeping | BUAD 1X8 Professional Bookkeeping | |
ACC 150 Legal Environment of Business | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
ACC 151 Business Law 1 | BUAD 1XX Business Law 1 | G3 |
ACC 152 Business Law 2 | BUAD 1XX Business Law 2 | G3 |
ACC 198 Coop. Internship in Accounting | Does Not Transfer | |
ACC 211 Intermediate Accounting 1 | BUAD 2XX Intermed Acctg 1 | |
ACC 212 Intermediate Accounting 2 | BUAD 2XX Intermed Acctg 2 | |
ACC 221 Accounting Information Systems | BUAD 2XX Acctg Inform Systems | |
ACC 230 Cost Accounting | BUAD 364 Cost Accounting | |
ACC 231 Managerial Cost Accounting | BUAD 2XX Managerial Cost Acctg | |
ACC 232 Budgeting and Forecasting | Does Not Transfer | |
ACC 241 Tax Accounting | Does Not Transfer | |
ACC 242 Federal Corporate Taxation | Does Not Transfer | |
ACC 298 Coop. Internship in Accounting | Does Not Transfer | |
ACC 999 Accounting elective | Does Not Transfer | |
ANT 100 Introduction to Physical Anthr | ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology | G3 |
ANT 101 Intro to Archaology | ANTH 1XX Intro to Archaology | G1 |
ANT 104 Introduction to Cultural Anthr | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ANT 204 Magic, Religion & Witchcraft | ANTH 2X4 Magic, Religion & Witchcraft | G3 |
ANT 240 Psychological Anthropology | ANTH 2X4 Psychological Anthropology | G3 |
ANT 999 Anthropology Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
ARA 101 Elem Arabic I | FORL 1X1 Elem Arabic I | G1 |
ART 101 Art History: Cave to PreRen | ART 202 Srvy Art Hist 1:Pre to c 1400 | G1 |
ART 102 Art History: PreRen to Impress | ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C | G1 |
ART 103 Art History | ART 304 The 20th Century | G1, W |
ART 104 Art History-Hist of Graphic De | ART 1XX Art History-Hist of Graphic De | |
ART 105 Film History: The Silent Era | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 107 Non-Western Art | ART 1X7 Non-Western Art | G1 |
ART 108 History of Photography | ART 306 Intro Photography: Darkroom | G1 |
ART 109 History of Fashion Design | ART 1X9 History of Fashion Design | G1 |
ART 111 Drawing 1 | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
ART 112 Drawing II | ART 233 Drawing 2 | |
ART 121 Painting 1 | ART 352 Painting 1 | |
ART 122 Painting 2 | ART 354 Painting 2 | |
ART 130 Two-Dimensional Design | ART 142 Design 1 | G1 |
ART 131 2-D Design, Color Theory | ART 1X1 2-D Design, Color Theory | G1 |
ART 132 Digital Media | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 135 Typography | ART 244 Typography | |
ART 137 Digital Design :Digital Imagin | ART 442 Introduction to Computer Art | |
ART 138 Digital Art I | ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art | |
ART 139 Digital Art II | ART 346 Intro to Computers in Design | |
ART 140 Three-Dimensional Design | ART 242 Design 2 | |
ART 145 Intro to Woodworking | ITEC 1X5 Intro to Woodworking | |
ART 148 Introduction to Computer Graph | ART 443 Intro to Computers in Design | |
ART 149 Page Layout and Design | ART 1XX Page Layout and Design | |
ART 151 Basic Photography (Photography | ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 | G1 |
ART 152 Photography II | ART 2X6 Photography II | G1 |
ART 155 Digital Photography | ART 1X5 Digital Photography | |
ART 161 Ceramics | ART 296 Clay 1 | G1 |
ART 171 Printmaking I | ART 1X7 Printmaking I | G1 |
ART 180 Intro Visual Communication | ART 1X8 Intro Visual Communication | |
ART 182 Typography | DESN 240 Typography I | G1 |
ART 197 Independent Study in Art 1 Lev | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 198 Independent Study in Art 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 199 Independent Study in Art 3 | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 201 Illustration 1 | ART 375 Illustration | |
ART 202 Illustration 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 211 Drawing 3 | ART 333 Drawing 3 | |
ART 221 Painting 3 | ART 452 Painting 3 | |
ART 222 Watercolor Painting | ART 353 Watercolor 1 | |
ART 231 Graphic Design 1 | ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
ART 232 Graphic Design 2 | ART 444 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 2 | |
ART 233 Visual Design for the Internet | ART 443 Intro to Computers in Design | |
ART 236 Digital Design :Digital Imagin | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 237 Digital Design: Production Wor | ART 444 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 2 | |
ART 238 Digital Design for the Moving | ART 2XX Digital Design for the Moving | |
ART 239 Digital Design: Multimedia Pro | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 245 Sculpture: Clay Modeling | ART 282 Sculpture 1 | G1 |
ART 246 Sculptural Fabrication and Mol | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 247 Advanced Sculpture | ART 382 Sculpture 2 | |
ART 251 Digital Photography | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 255 Advertising Photography | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 256 Photographic Project Productio | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 261 Ceramics 2 | ART 297 Ceramics 2 | |
ART 262 Ceramics 3 | ART 396 Ceramics 3 | |
ART 265 Salt-Glazed Pottery | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 266 Raku Pottery | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 267 Kiln Building | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 271 Printmaking 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 272 Printmaking 3 | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 280 Graphic Design I | DESN 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1 | |
ART 281 Graphic Design II | DESN 444 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 2 | W |
ART 285 Illustration | DESN 375 Illustration | |
ART 289 Portfolio Workshop | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 299 Independent Study in Art | Does Not Transfer | |
ART 999 Art Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
ASL 101 American Sign Language I | FORL 1X1 American Sign Language I | |
AST 120 Intro to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2, L |
AST 121 Astrobiology | SCMA 1X2 Astrobiology | G2 |
AUT 100 Introduction to Automotive Tec | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 110 Steering and Suspension | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 120 Brake Systems | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 130 Engines | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 140 Automotive Welding | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 150 Automotive Electricity and Ele | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 160 Heating and Air Conditioning | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 188 Cooperative Work Experience 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 198 Cooperative Work Experience 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 200 Automotive Drive Trains | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 210 Fuel and Emissions | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 220 Automatic Transmissions and Tr | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 230 Engine Performance | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 288 Cooperative Work Experience 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
AUT 298 Cooperative Work Experience 4 | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 103 Introduction to Human Anatomy | BIOL 1XX Intro to Human Anatomy | |
BIO 104 Human Body in Health & Disease | BIOL 1X4 Human Body in Health & Disease | G2 |
BIO 115 Environmental Biology | BIOL 1XX Environmental Biology | G2 |
BIO 120 Concepts of Biology | BIOL 1XX Concepts of Biology | G2, L |
BIO 121 General Biology 1 (Non-Science | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 122 General Biology II | BIOL 1X2 General Biology II | G2, L |
BIO 129 Human Anatomy & Physiology HFP | BIOL 1X9 Human Anatomy & Physiology HFP | |
BIO 130 Introductory Anatomy and Physi | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 131 Human Anatomy and Physiology I | BIOL 1X1 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 | |
BIO 132 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 | BIOL 1X2 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 | |
BIO 140 Microbiology and Immunology | BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology | |
BIO 141 Clinical Microbiology 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 151 Principles of Biology 1 (Scien | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BIO 152 Principles of Biology 2 (Scie | BIOL 1XX Principles of Biology 2 | G2, L |
BIO 199 Independent Study in Biology 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 241 Clinical Microbiology 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 253 General Zoology | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 254 General Microbiology | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 255 General Botony | BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany | G2, L |
BIO 256 Ecology | BIOL 343 Prin of Ecology and Evolution | |
BIO 260 Genetics | Does Not Transfer | |
BIO 299 Independent Study in Biology 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
BIT 120 Introduction to Biotechnology | BIOL 1X2 Introduction to Biotechnology | |
BPA 198 Baking & Pastry Practicum I | Does Not Transfer | |
BPA 298A Baking & Pastry Practicum II | Does Not Transfer | |
BPA 298B Baking & Pastry Practicum III | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 100 Computer Keyboarding | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 111 Beginning Word Processing | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 112 Advanced Word Processing | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 125 Speedwriting | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 161 Office Procedures 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 162 Office Procedures 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 198 Coop Internship in CAO 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 224 Medical Terminology | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 243 Integrated Office Software App | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 245 Desktop Publishing | ITEC 356 Desktop Publishing | W |
CAO 251 Machine Transcription | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 298 Coop Internship in CAO 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 997 Computer Applications elective | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 998 Computer Applications elective | Does Not Transfer | |
CAO 999 Computer Applications Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
CHE 121 General Chemistry - Inorganic | CHEM 1XX General Chemistry- Inorganic | G2, L |
CHE 122 General Chemistry - Organic | CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHE 131 Chemistry for Technology 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
CHE 132 Chemistry for Technology 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
CHE 141 Survey of Organic Chemistry | Does Not Transfer | |
CHE 150 Essentials of Chemistry | CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry | |
CHE 151 Principles of Chemistry 1 (Sci | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHE 152 Principles of Chemistry 2 (Sc | CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHE 213 Quantitative Analysis | Does Not Transfer | |
CHE 214 Instrumental Analysis | Does Not Transfer | |
CHE 261 Organic Chemistry 1 | CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CHE 262 Organic Chemistry 2 | CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 | G2, L |
CHE 999 Chemistry elective | Does Not Transfer | |
CHI 101 Elementary Chinese | FORL 1X1 Elementary Chinese | G1 |
CIS 100 Introduction to PCs | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 101 Introduction to Spreadsheets | CSCI 1X1 Intro to Spreadsheets | |
CIS 102 Introduction to Data Base Mana | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 103 Introduction to Word Processin | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 104 Desktop Publishing | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 105 Introduction to Windows | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 106 Introduction to the Internet | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 107 Micro-Computer Hardware and Pe | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 108 Intro. to Web Page Design | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 109 Introduction to PCs for Allied | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 110 Information Systems for Manage | CSCI 1XX Info Systems for Mgmt | G2 |
CIS 1101 Intro-Problem Solving/Program | CSCI 111 Prob Solv with Visual Basic | G2 |
CIS 111 Comp Sci I: Programming/Cncpt | CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 | G2 |
CIS 111B Comp Sci 2 Object-Oriented | CSCI 1X1 Comp Sci 2 Object-Oriented | G2 |
CIS 112 Comp Sci 3 Data Struc & Algor | CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 | G2 |
CIS 113 PC Maintenance and Support | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 114 The Internet | CSCI 1X1 The Internet | |
CIS 115 Intro to Mini Computers | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 116 Javascript Programming For The | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 119 User Exper/Interface Design | CSCI 1X9 User Exper/Interface Design | |
CIS 120 Teaching with Technology | EDFN 330 Instr Tech, Design, Assessment | |
CIS 121 JAVA | CSCI 1X2 JAVA | |
CIS 122 Visual Basic | CSCI 1X2 Visual Basic | G2 |
CIS 125 COBOL | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 126 Assembler | CSCI 1X3 Assembler | |
CIS 130 Control Language for Minicompu | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 133 RPG/400 | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 135 Programming in C | CSCI 1X2 Programming in C | G2 |
CIS 136 C# | CSCI 1X6 C# | |
CIS 140 Introduction to Web Applicatio | CSCI 14X Introduction to Web Applicatio | G2 |
CIS 141 Introduction to UNIX Operating | CSCI 1X4 Introduction to UNIX Operating | G2 |
CIS 142 Advanced Topics in UNIX Operat | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 148 Computer Graphics 1 | CSCI 1X8 Computer Graphics 1 | |
CIS 151 Systems Analysis and Design | CSCI 15X Systems Analysis and Design | G2 |
CIS 155 Network Applications | CSCI 1X5 Network Applications | |
CIS 156 Netware Administration & Suppo | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 157 Emerging Local Area Network Te | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 158 NT Administration and Support | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 170 Introduction to Networks | CSCI 1X7 Introduction to Networks | |
CIS 171 Networking Routing Fund. (CIS | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 172 Internetworking Design | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 176 Electronic Game Design/Dev 1 | CSCI 1X6 Electronic Game Design/Dev 1 | |
CIS 177 Introduction to 3D Modeling | CSCI 1X7 Introduction to 3D Modeling | G2 |
CIS 180 Introduction to Presentation S | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 183 Web Page Development (Dreamwea | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 184 Web Animation (Flash 5.0) | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 198 Coop. Internship in CIS 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 212 Advanced HTML and CSS | CSCI 2X2 Advanced HTML and CSS | G2 |
CIS 213 Advanced JavaScript | CSCI 2X3 Advanced JavaScript | G2 |
CIS 214 Advanced 3D Modeling | CSCI 2X4 Advanced 3D Modeling | |
CIS 215 Decision Making Using Spreadsh | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 216 Interactive Media Capstone | CSCI 2X6 Interactive Media Capstone | |
CIS 221 Advanced Java | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 222 Advanced Visual Basic | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 227 XML for Java Programmers | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 228 Advanced COBOL/r00 | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 231 Project Management | BUAD 2X3 Project Management | |
CIS 233 Advanced RPG/400 | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 235 Object Oriented Programming in | CSCI 2X5 Object Oriented Programming in | |
CIS 236 Visual C++ | CSCI 23X Visual C++ | |
CIS 240 Mobile Application Development | CSCI 24X Mobile Application Development | |
CIS 241 Internet Application Developme | CSCI 24X Internet Application Developme | G2 |
CIS 243 Intregrated Office Software Ap | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 244 PC Database Management Systems | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 245 Database Management Systems/SQ | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 246 Data Integration for Web Appli | CSCI 2X6 Data Integration for Web Appli | G2 |
CIS 247 Advanced Database Management S | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 248 Minicomputer Work Management A | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 255 Advanced PC Applications | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 256 Network Installation, Service | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 258 Advanced Windows 2000 Manageme | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 261 Minicomputer Operations and Ma | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 263 Advanced Neware Administration | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 276 Game & Sim Prog Found | CSCI 2X6 Game & Sim Prog Found | |
CIS 298 Coop. Internship in CIS 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 299 Guided Study in Computer Scien | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 996 Computer Science Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 997 Computer Science Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
CIS 999 CIS Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
CJS 100 Intro to Criminal Justice | SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst | G3 |
CJS 105 Criminal Law | SOCY 1X1 Criminal Law | |
CJS 115 Law of Evidence | SOCY 1XX Law of Evidence | |
CJS 200 Criminal Investigation | SOCY 2XX Criminal Investigation | |
CJS 201 Intro to Criminal Forensics | BIOL 2X1 Intro to Criminal Forensics | |
CJS 205 Ethics & the American Criminal | SOCY 2XX Ethics & the American Criminal | |
CJS 220 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
CJS 230 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
CJS 235 The Juvenile Justice System | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | W, G3 |
CJS 240 The Correctional Process | SOCY 232 Modern Corrections | G3 |
CJS 250 Terrorism & Counter Terrorism | SOCY 2X5 Terrorism & Counter Terrorism | G3 |
CJS 260 Spec Studies in Crim Justice | SOCY 2XX Spec Studies in Crim Justice | |
CJS 299 Independent Studies in Crimina | Does Not Transfer | |
CJS 999 Criminal Justice Elective | SOCY 2XX Criminal Justice Elective | |
CMS 110 Intro to Speech Communication | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CMS 115 Interpersonal Communication | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
CMS 120 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
CMS 230 Communication in Organizations | COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1 | |
COM 100 Mass Media and Society | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
COM 101 Introduction to Media Communi | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
COM 103 Intro to Video Production Equi | COMM 1X3 Intro to Video Production Equi | |
COM 104 Introduction to Audio Producti | COMM 1X1 Intro to Audio Product | |
COM 105 Introduction to Acting | THEA 130 Acting 1 | W, G1 |
COM 106 Introduction to Acting 2 | THEA 230 Acting 2 | G1 |
COM 107 Intro to Video Production | COMM 1X7 Intro to Video Production | G1 |
COM 111 Mass Media & Society | COMM 1X1 Mass Media & Society | G1 |
COM 112 Media Industries United States | COMM 1X1 Media Industries United States | G1 |
COM 114 Survey of Performing Arts | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 120 Introduction to Scriptwriting | COMM 1X2 Intrroduction to Scriptwriting | |
COM 121 Intro Scriptwriting Workshop | COMM 1X1 Intro Scriptwriting Workshop | |
COM 123 Int Writing for Broadcast News | COMM 1X3 Int Writing for Broadcast News | |
COM 124 Broadcast News Writing Workshp | COMM 1X4 Broadcast News Writing Workshp | |
COM 126 Intro to Scriptwriting | COMM 1X6 Intro to Scriptwriting | G1 |
COM 153 Campus Radio Workshop | COMM 15X Campus Radio Workshop | |
COM 159 Recording Industry Workshop | MUSI 15X Recording Industry Workshop | |
COM 160 Media Literacy Workshop | COMM 1X6 Media Literacy Workshop | G1 |
COM 161 Media Industries Workshop | COMM 1X1 Media Industries Workshop | |
COM 163 Visual Storytelling Workshop | COMM 121 Intro to Audio and Video | |
COM 164 Aural Experience Workshop | MUSI 16X Aural Experience Workshop | |
COM 180 Applied Media 1 | COMM 1XX Applied Media 1 | |
COM 181 Applied Media 2 | COMM 1XX Applied Media 2 | |
COM 200 Theatre Production Workshop | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 201 Theater Production Workshop 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 202 Theater Production Workshop 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 203 Technical Theater 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 204 Technical Theater 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 205 Introduction to Production | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 206 Introduction to Audio Producti | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 208 Intro Media Operations | COMM 20X Intro Media Operations | |
COM 209 Media Operations Workshop | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 216 History of Television | COMM 2X6 History of Television | |
COM 230 The Movies:Meanings and Method | COMM 2X3 The Movies:Meanings and Method | G1 |
COM 235 Current Issues in Mass Media | COMM 23X Current Issues in Mass Media | |
COM 250 Introduction to Audio Producti | COMM 25X Intro to Audio Production | |
COM 251 Sound Design Workshop | COMM 2X1 Sound Design Workshop | |
COM 253 Campus Radio Workshop II | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 256 Audio Production | COMM 422 Advanced Audio Production | |
COM 257 Digital Sound Product Workshop | COMM 27X Digital Sound Product Workshop | |
COM 259 Recording Industry Workshop II | MUSI 25X Recording Industry Workshop 2 | |
COM 276 Video Production | COMM 2X6 Video Production | |
COM 277 Narrative Workshop | COMM 2X7 Narrative Workshop | |
COM 278 Video Production II | COMM 2X8 Video Production II | G1 |
COM 279 Digital Filmmaking | COMM 2X9 Digital Filmmaking | G1 |
COM 280 Media Production Workshop | COMM 2XX Media Production Workshop | |
COM 281 Digital Editing Workshop | COMM 2X1 Digital Editing Workshop | |
COM 285 Media Portfolio Worksho | Does Not Transfer | |
COM 290 Communication Capstone | COMM 29X Communication Capstone | |
COM 291 Communication Capstone | COMM 2X1 Communication Capstone | G1 |
COM 299 Independent Study in Communica | COMM 2XX Independent Study in Communica | |
COM 999 Communications Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
COMM 210 History of Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | G1 |
COMM 213 History of Rock & Roll, Radio | COMM 2X3 History of Rock & Roll, Radio | |
COU 121 Psychology of Career Developme | Does Not Transfer | |
CSJ 240 The Correctional Process | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 101 Culinary Foundation | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 102 Hospitality Fundamentals | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 105 Safety & Sanitation | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 110 Intro to Culinary Profession | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 111 Foodservice Sanitation | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 114 Food & Beverage Operations | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 120 Intro to Culinary Techniques | Does Not Transfer | |
DAN 102 Fundamentals of Modern Dance 1 | HMFA 1X2 Fundamentals of Modern Dance 1 | G1 |
DAN 104 Modern Dance I | WELL 1X4 Modern Dance I | WELL |
DAN 121 Fundamentals of Ballet I | WELL 1X1 Fundamentals of Ballet I | |
DAN 122 Fundamentals of Ballet II | WELL 1X2 Fundamentals of Ballet II | |
DAN 131 Fundamentals of Jazz Dance 1 | WELL 1X3 Fundamentals of Jazz Dance 1 | |
DAN 151 Dance Improvisation | WELL 1X5 Dance Improvisation | |
DAN 155 Dance Perf Ensemble I | WELL 1X5 Dance Perf Ensemble I | |
DHG 100 Preventive Oral Health Service | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 101 Introduction to Preventive Ora | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 111 Dental Anatomy | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 113 Dental Histology and Embryolog | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 151 Preventive Oral Health Service | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 152 Preventive Oral Health Service | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 155 Dental Radiology | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 157 Oral Pathology | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 161 Periodontics 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 221 Preventive Oral Health Service | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 222 Preventive Oral Health Service | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 224 Materials in Dentistry | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 225 Pharmacology | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 227 Medical Emergencies in the Den | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 251 Preventive Oral Health Service | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 252 Preventive Oral Health Service | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 253 Community Dentistry | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 261 Periodontics 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 262 Periodontics 3 | Does Not Transfer | |
DHG 271 Professional Issues in Dental | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 110 Introduction to Drafting | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 115 Computer Aided Drafting I | ITEC 1X5 Computer Aided Drafting I | |
DRA 124 Drafting: Architectural 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 134 Drafting: Mechanical 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 215 Computer Aided Drafting II | ITEC 2X5 Computer Aided Drafting II | |
DRA 216 AutoLISP | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 217 Computer-Aided Drafting 3 | ITEC 2X7 Computer-Aided Drafting 3 | |
DRA 224 Drafting: Architectural 2 | ITEC 2X4 Drafting: Architectural 2 | |
DRA 225 Drafting: Architectural 3 | ITEC 3X5 Drafting: Architectural 3 | |
DRA 234 Drafting: Mechanical 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 235 Drafting: Mechanical 3 | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 240 CADD Management | Does Not Transfer | |
DRA 260 Drafting Design Concepts | Does Not Transfer | |
ECO 110 Elements of Economics | ECON 100 Introductory Economics | G3 |
ECO 111 Personal Finance | BUAD 143 Personal Finance | |
ECO 117 Environmental Economics | ECON 207 Environmental Economics | G3, W |
ECO 121 Macroeconomics | ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 | G3 |
ECO 122 Microeconomics | ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 | G3 |
ECO 211 Principles of Finance | ECON 2XX Princ of Finance | |
ECO 221 Money and Banking | ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking | G3 |
ECO 999 Economics Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
EDU 100 Introduction to Education | EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education | D |
EDU 110 Issues in Day Care | Does Not Transfer | |
EDU 114 Infant & Toddler Development | EDUC 1X4 Infant & Toddler Development | |
EDU 120 Teaching with Technology | EDFN 330 Microcomputers in Classroom | |
EDU 121 Teach w/Tech Early Years | EDFN 220 Instructnl Technol in ELED | |
EDU 125 Teaching with Games | Does Not Transfer | |
EDU 140 Day Care Practicum | Does Not Transfer | |
EDU 151 Observation and Participation | Does Not Transfer | |
EDU 210 Teaching Young Children: Intro | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
EDU 213 Orientation to Special Educati | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
EDU 224 Music for Young Children | Does Not Transfer | |
EDU 225 Guiding Childrens Reading | ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading | |
EDU 226 Art for Young Children | ART 128 Art Integration | G1 |
EDU 227 Teaching Mathematics to Childr | EDUC 2XX Teaching Mathematics to Childr | |
EDU 228 Literature in Early Childhood | ERCH 435 Literature for the Young Child | |
EDU 229 Teaching of Science in the Pre | EDUC 2X9 Teaching of Science in the Pre | |
EDU 233 Early Childhood Curriculum | ERCH 2X3 Early Childhood Curriculum | |
EDU 240 Teaching English Lang. Learner | EDFN 2X4 Teaching English Lang. Learner | |
EDU 245 Connecting,Fam,School & Comm | ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers | D, W |
EDU 250 Student Teaching | ERCH 2X5 Student Teaching | |
EDU 299 Independent Study in Education | Does Not Transfer | |
EDU 999 Education Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 101 Fundamentals of Technology | ITEC 1XX Fundamentals of Technology | |
EGR 102 Intro to Engineering | ITEC 1X2 Intro to Engineering | |
EGR 103 Applied Statics | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 104 Applied Dynamics | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 111 Engineering Computations | ITEC 1X2 Engineering Computations | |
EGR 113 Statics | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 114 Dynamics | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 115 Engineering Graphics | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 190 Principles of Critical Thinkin | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 203 Statistical Process Control | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 210 Digital Systems | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 211 circuits And Devices | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 212 Applied Fluid Mechanics | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 213 Strength of Materials | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 215 Engineering Thermodynamics and | Does Not Transfer | |
EGR 220 Manufacturing Processes | Does Not Transfer | |
EGT 190 Principles of Critical Thinkin | ITEC 1X9 Principles of Critical Thinkin | |
EGT 210 Digital Circuits | PHYS 365 Digital Electronics | |
EGT 235 Instrumentation and Controls | ITEC 2X5 Instrumentation and Controls | |
ELT 107 Micro-Computer Hardware and Pe | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 110 Basic Electronics | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 111 AC/DC Circuits 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 112 AC/DC Circuits 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 135 Solid State Devices | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 210 Digital Electronics | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 230 Linear Integrated Circuits | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 235 Instrumentation and Controls | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 240 Telecommunications | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 250 Microprocessors | Does Not Transfer | |
ELT 255 Computer Engineering | Does Not Transfer | |
EMP 100 Emergency Planning | EHEM 1X1 Emergency Planning | |
EMP 110 Incident Management | EHEM 11X Incident Management | |
EMP 120 Search & Rescue | EHEM 1X2 Search & Rescue | |
EMP 210 Leadership & Influence | EHEM 2X1 Leadership & Influence | |
EMP 265 Public Safety Technology | EHEM 2X6 Public Safety Technology | |
ENG 010 Basic Writing 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 011 Basic Writing 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 101 English Composition 1 | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 102 English Composition 2 | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENG 115 Writing for Technical Communic | ENGL 1XX Writing for Technical Communic | G1 |
ENG 117 Writing for Business and Indus | ENG 1XX Writing for Business & Ind | G1 |
ENG 165 Journalism 1 | ENGL 1XX Journalism 1 | W |
ENG 199 Independent Study in Compositi | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 201 Survey of English Literature 1 | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
ENG 202 Survey English Literature II | ENGL 234 Later English Literature | G1 |
ENG 211 Survey of American Literature | ENGL 235 Early American Literature | G1 |
ENG 212 Survey of American Literature | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENG 221 Literature of the Western Worl | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
ENG 222 Literature of the Western Worl | ENGL 232 World Literature 2 | G1 |
ENG 228 Lit in Early Child & Ele Educa | EDUC 333 Lit for Childrn and Young Adol | |
ENG 235 Poetry | ENGL 2XX Poetry | G1 |
ENG 236 Fiction | ENGL 2XX Fiction | G1 |
ENG 237 Drama | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 238 Literary Vision of Film | ENGL 240 Introduction to Film | W, G1 |
ENG 245 Science Fiction | ENGL 2X5 Science Fiction | |
ENG 246 African-American Literature | ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 | D, G1, W |
ENG 248 Native American Literature | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 255 Women in Literature | ENGL 2X5 Women in Literature | W, G1 |
ENG 256 Literature and Film | ENGL 2X6 Literature and Film | G1 |
ENG 257 Contemporary Literature | ENGL 2X7 Contemporary Literature | G1 |
ENG 265 Creative Writing | ENGL 2X5 Creative Writing | G1 |
ENG 266 Advanced Creative Writing | ENGL 2X6 Advanced Creative Writing | |
ENG 275 Shakespeare | ENGL 405 Shakespeare | |
ENG 285 Sophomore Literature Studies | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 299 Independent Study in Literatur | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 999 English Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
ESC 200 Nanofabrication Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
ESC 211 Material, Safety & Equipment O | Does Not Transfer | |
ESC 212 Basic Nanofabrication Processe | Does Not Transfer | |
ESC 213 Thin Films in Nanofabrication | Does Not Transfer | |
ESC 214 Lithography for Nanofabricatio | Does Not Transfer | |
ESC 215 Materials Modification in Nano | Does Not Transfer | |
ESC 216 Characterization, Packaging, a | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 005 English as a Second Language 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 006 English as a Second Language 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 009 English as a Second Language: | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 010 ESL: Basic Writing 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 011 ESL: Basic Writing 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 014 Vocabulary Development 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ESL 017 Vocabulary Development 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ESW 100 Foundations of Phys Ed | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
ESW 102 Intro to Phys Ed & Exercise Sc | WSSD 1X2 Intro to Phys Ed & Exercise Sc | |
ESW 107 Zumba Fitness | WELL 1X7 Zumba Fitness | |
ESW 113 Racquetball & Badminton | WELL 1X3 Racquetball & Badminton | WELL |
ESW 117 Creative Dance 1 | WELL 1X7 Creative Dance 1 | WELL |
ESW 123 Golf | WELL 1X3 Golf | |
ESW 128 Walk, Jog, Run for Fitness | WELL 1X8 Walk, Jog, Run for Fitness | |
ESW 137 Introduction to Tennis | WELL 1X7 Introduction to Tennis | WELL |
ESW 141 Volleyball | WELL 1X4 Volleyball | WELL |
ESW 142 Intermediate Volleyball | WELL 1X2 Intermediate Volleyball | |
ESW 146 Conditioning, Weight Trn, Cont | WELL 1X6 Conditioning, Weight Trn, Cont | |
ESW 147 Mat Pilates | WELL 1X7 Mat Pilates | WELL |
ESW 148 Hatha Yoga | WELL 1X8 Hatha Yoga | WELL |
ESW 160 Martial Arts & Self-Defense | WELL 1X6 Martial Arts & Self-Defense | |
ESW 180 Health & Wellness- Whole Perso | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
ESW 206 Basic Nutrition | BIOL 256 Nutrition | G2, W |
ESW 207 Food & Culture | ANTH 322 Food and Culture | G3, W |
ESW 210 Holistic Health | WELL 2X1 Holistic Health | |
ESW 215 Prevention & Care Athletic Inj | WSSD 2X5 Prevention & Care Athletic Inj | |
ESW 222 Applied Kinesiology | WSSD 2X2 Applied Kinesiology | |
ESW 224 Intro to Exercise Physiology | WSSD 22X Intro to Exercise Physiology | |
ESW 226 Assessment of Human Fitness | WELL 2XX Assessment of Human Fitness | |
ESW 227 Exercise Programming Health | WELL 2X7 Exercise Programming Health | |
ESW 228 Trends Exercise Sci & Wellness | WSSD 2X8 Trends Exercise Sci & Wellness | |
ESW 235 Personal Health & Wellness Edu | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
ESW 236 Personal Health & Wellness Edu | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
ESW 240 Principles of Coaching | WSSD 2X4 Principles of Coaching | |
ESW 245 Safety & First Aid | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
ESW 255 Human Sexuality | WSSD 2X5 Human Sexuality | |
ETP 110 Entrepreneurial Essentials | ENTR 201 The Art of Entrepreneurship | G3 |
FRE 101 Elementary French 1 | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FRE 102 Elementary French 2 | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FRE 111 The World of France 1 | FREN 1XX The World of France 1 | G1 |
FRE 199 Independent Study in French | Does Not Transfer | |
FRE 201 Intermediate French 1 | FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 | G1 |
FRE 202 Intermediate French 2 | FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 | G1 |
FRE 251 Advanced French 1 | FREN 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 | G1, W |
FRE 252 Advanced French 2 | FREN 352 Comp and Oral Expression 2 | G1, W |
FSC 100 Intro to Fire Science | EHEM 1XX Intro to Fire Science | |
FSC 101 Management of Emerg Services | EHEM 1X1 Management of Emerg Services | |
FSC 102 Hazardous Materials | EHEM 1X2 Hazardous Materials | |
FSC 103 Fire Department Organization | EHEM 1X3 Fire Department Organization | |
FSC 104 Building Construction for Fire | EHEM 1X4 Building Construction for Fire | |
FSC 105 Fire Codes and Standards | EHEM 1X5 Fire Codes and Standards | |
FSC 106 Fire Investigation | EHEM 1X6 Fire Investigation | |
FSC 108 Fire Protection Systems | EHEM 1X8 Fire Protection Systems | |
FSC 110 Special Studies in Fire Scienc | EHEM 11X Special Studies in Fire Scienc | |
FSC 265 Public Safety Technology | EHEM 2X6 Public Safety Technology | |
FYE 101 First Year Experience | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
GEO 110 World Regional Geography | GEOG 141 World Regional Geography | G3 |
GEO 130 Cultural Geography | GEOG 120 Human Geography | D, G3 |
GEO 135 Physical Geography | GEOG 230 Physical Geography | G3 |
GEO 137 Urban Geography | GEOG 227 Urban Geography | G3 |
GEO 207 Food & Culture | ANTH 322 Food and Culture | G3, W |
GEO 210 Intro to Geo Info Systems | GEOG 295 Geographic Information Systems | |
GEO 220 Map Design in GIS | GEOG 281 Map Interpretation and Analys | G3 |
GEO 235 Sustainable Communities | GEOG 202 Resources and the Environment | G3 |
GEO 999 Geography Elective | GEOG 2XX Geography Elective | |
GER 101 Elementary German 1 | GERM 101 Elementary German 1 | G1 |
GER 102 Elementary German 2 | GERM 102 Elementary German 2 | G1 |
GER 111 The World of German 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 199 Independent Study in German | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 201 Intermediate German 1 | GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 | G1 |
GER 202 Intermediate German 2 | GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 | G1 |
GER 251 Advanced German 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 252 Advanced German 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
GER 299 Independent Study in German | Does Not Transfer | |
GLG 105 Geology of Pennsylvania | ESCI 1XX Geology of Pennsylvania | G2 |
GLG 115 Environmental Geology | ESCI 1XX Environmental Geology | G2, L |
GLG 120 Earth Science | ESCI 1XX Earth Sciences | G2, L |
GLG 121 Introduction to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2 |
GLG 125 The Science of Climate Change | ESCI 120 Environmental Geology | G2, L |
GLG 151 Physical Geology | ESCI 221 Physical Geology | G2, L |
GLG 152 Historical Geology | Does Not Transfer | |
HCP 100 Medical Office Tech and EHR | Does Not Transfer | |
HCP 105 Careers in Health Care | BIOL 257 Intro Allied Health | |
HCP 114 Med Law & Ethics for Health Pr | PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine | G1 |
HCP 120 Ethical Issues Affecting Consu | PHIL 12X Eth Iss Aff Cnsmrs/Hlth Cr | G1 |
HCP 140 Intro to Healthcare Admin | BIOL 1X4 Intro to Healthcare Admin | |
HCP 185 Issues in Women's Health | WSSD 1X5 Issues in Women's Health | |
HCP 220 General Pharmacology | Does Not Transfer | |
HCP 224 Medical Terminology | BIOL 1X4 Medical Terminology | |
HCP 225 Health Insurance Professional | Does Not Transfer | |
HIS 101 Hist W Civ I Anc, Med & Ear MD | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 | G3 |
HIS 102 Hist W Civ 2 Mod Eur His | HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present | G3 |
HIS 103 History of Western Civilizatio | HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 | G3 |
HIS 105 History of Western Civilizatio | HIST 1XX Hist Western Civ Medieval | G3 |
HIS 107 History of Western Civilizatio | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HIS 121 World Civilizations 1: to 150 | HIST 206 The World to 1500 | G3 |
HIS 122 World Civilizations 2: From | HIST 1XX World Civilizations 2 | G3 |
HIS 203 History of the U.S.: To 1877 | HIST 2X3 History of the U.S. to 1877 | G3 |
HIS 205 History of the United States: | HIST 2X5 History of the US 2 | G3 |
HIS 210 History of Pennsylvania | HIST 260 History of Pennsylvania | G3 |
HIS 213 The Civil War and Reconstructi | HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction | G3, W |
HIS 214 African-American History and C | HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 | W, G3 |
HIS 215 American Immigration | HIST 2X5 American Immigration | G3 |
HIS 217 American Civilization Contempo | HIST 357 Modern U.S. History | G3 |
HIS 218 History of Latin America | HIST 2X8 History of Latin America | |
HIS 219 The Vietnam War | HIST 2XX The Vietnam War | G3 |
HIS 224 Topics in Ancient and Medieval | ||
HIS 225 Topics in Modern European Hist | HIST 2X2 Topics in Modern European Hist | G3 |
HIS 234 Asian Civilization | HIST 2X3 Asian Civilization | G3 |
HIS 235 Modern China | HIST 2X5 Modern China | |
HIS 240 History and Cultures of Africa | HIST 2X4 History and Cultures of Africa | G3 |
HIS 241 The Holocaust: Antisemitism to | HIST 342 Hitler and Nazism | G3, W |
HIS 250 History of the Modern Middle E | HIST 291 Modern Middle East | G3, W |
HIS 260 History of Russia | HIST 241 Imperial Russia | |
HIS 299 Independent Study in History | HIST 2X9 Independent Study in History | |
HIS 999 History Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
HIST 105 Hist W Civ Medieval & Ear Md | HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 | G3 |
HON 101 Honors Colloquium 1 | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
HON 102 Honors Colloquium 2 | UNIV 1X2 Honors Colloquium 2 | |
HON 103 Honors Colloquium III | UNIV 1X3 Honors Colloquium III | |
HON 203H Honors Experience | UNIV 103H First Year Seminar Honors | |
HOS 111 Introduction to the Hospitalit | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 115 Management of Food and Beverag | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 116 Principles of Tourism | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 120 Applied Food Service Sanitatio | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 131 Food and Beverage Cost Control | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 151 Quantity Food Purchasing | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 160 Mtg Convention & Confer Mgt | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 161 Introduction to Food Preparati | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 198 Coop. Internship in Hotel/Rest | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 211 Food Production Management 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 212 Food Production Management 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 231 Hospitality Marketing Manageme | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 241 Hospitality Management Techniq | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 251 Front of the House Management | Does Not Transfer | |
HOS 298 Coop. Internship in Hotel/Rest | Does Not Transfer | |
HSW 101 Human Services 1 | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
HSW 102 Theories of Group Counseling | SOWK 1X2 Theories of Group Counseling | |
HSW 104 Applications of Group Counseli | SOWK 1X4 Applications of Group Counseli | |
HSW 105 Social Policy & Ethics in HSW | SOWK 1X5 Social Policy & Ethics in HSW | |
HSW 130 Intro. to Youth and Family Sys | SOWK 13X Intro. to Youth and Family Sys | |
HSW 155 Intro to Aging | GERT 100 Introduction to Gerontology | G3 |
HSW 160 The Middle Years | SOWK 16X The Middle Years | |
HSW 202 Theories of Individual Counsel | SOWK 2X2 Theories of Individual Counsel | |
HSW 203 Assessment & Documentation HSW | SOWK 2X3 Assessment & Documentation HSW | |
HSW 204 Applications of Individual Cou | SOWK 2X4 Applications of Individual Cou | |
HSW 205 Volunteer Administration | SOWK 2X5 Volunteer Administration | |
HSW 206 Hospice: Concepts and Skills | SOWK 2X6 Hospice: Concepts and Skills | |
HSW 210 Professional Development HSW | SOWK 21X Professional Development Hsw | |
HSW 211 Practicum Human Services 1 | SOWK 2XX Practicum Human Services 1 | |
HSW 212 Practicum in Human Services 2 | SOWK 21X Practicum in Human Services 2 | |
HSW 216 Assessment and Techniques For | SOWK 26X Assessment and Techniques For | |
HSW 219 The Drug and Alcohol Treatment | SOWK 2X9 The Drug and Alcohol Treatment | |
HSW 220 Intro to Adjunctive Therapies | SOWK 22X Intro to Adjunctive Therapies | |
HSW 221 Adjunctive Therapy: Stress Man | SOWK 21X Adjunctive Therapy: Stress Man | |
HSW 222 Adjunctive Therapy: Psychodram | SOWK 2X2 Adjunctive Therapy: Psychodram | |
HSW 223 Adjunctive Therapy: Art Therap | SOWK 2X3 Adjunctive Therapy: Art Therap | |
HSW 250 Psychology of Aging | PSYC 2X5 Psychology of Aging | G3 |
HSW 254 Aging in the United States | SOWK 25X Aging in the United States | |
HSW 299 Independent Study in Human Ser | SOWK 2X9 Independent Study in Human Ser | |
HSW 999 Human Services Elective | SOWK 2XX Human Services Elective | |
HUM 999 Humanities Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
IDS 115 The Myth of Race | SSCI 1X5 The Myth of Race | G3 |
IDS 138 Creativity and Innovation | Does Not Transfer | |
ITA 101 Italian 1 | ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 | G1 |
ITA 102 Italian 2 | ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2 | G1 |
ITA 201 Intermediate Italian 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ITA 202 Intermediate Italian 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ITA 215 Italian Conversation & Comp 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ITA 216 Italian Conversation & Comp 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ITA 251 Advanced Italian 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
ITA 252 Advanced Italian 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
ITA 261 Advanced Italian Conversation | Does Not Transfer | |
ITA 262 Advanced Italian Conversation | Does Not Transfer | |
JPN 101 Japanese 1 | JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1 | G1 |
JPN 102 Japanese 2 | JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese 2 | G1 |
JPN 199 Independent Study in Japanese | Does Not Transfer | |
JPN 201 Intermediate Japanese 1 (Conve | JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese 1 | G1 |
JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese 2(Conve | JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese 2 | G1 |
MAS 110 Lab Procedures For Med Assist | Does Not Transfer | |
MAS 112 Med Assist-Clinical Assist Pro | Does Not Transfer | |
MAS 114 Med Law & Ethics for Hlth Prof | Does Not Transfer | |
MAS 116 Medical Business Practices | Does Not Transfer | |
MAS 120 Profess Issues/Med Assisting | Does Not Transfer | |
MAS 130 Medical Assisting Practicum | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 010 Fundamentals of Arithmetic | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 011 Beginning Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 080 Fundamentals of Mathematics | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 085 Fundamentals of Mathematics | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 100 Intermediate Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 103 Foundations of Math | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
MAT 103A Foundations of Math | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
MAT 104 Foundations of Math 2 | MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 | G2 |
MAT 106 Math Applications | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MAT 108 Mathematics Culture and Concep | MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas | G2 |
MAT 115 Applied Algebra/Trigonometry 1 | MATH 1X5 Applied Algebra/Trigonometry 1 | |
MAT 116 Applied Algrebra/Trigonometry | MATH 1X1 Applied Algrebra/Trigonometry | G2 |
MAT 117 Applied Calculus | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MAT 125 Discrete Mathematics | MATH 1X5 Discrete Mathematics | G2 |
MAT 130 Probability and Statistics | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MAT 131 Introduction to Statistics 1 | MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 | G2 |
MAT 132 Introduction to Statistics 2 | MATH 1X2 Intro to Statistics 2 | G2 |
MAT 140 Finite Mathematics for Busines | MATH 1XX Finite Mathematics for Busines | G2 |
MAT 141 Coll Algebra & Application | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 142 Calculus for Business and Soci | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MAT 161 Precalculus I | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MAT 162 Precalculus II | MATH 16X Precalculus 2 | G2 |
MAT 170 Algebra and Trigonometry | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MAT 188 Calculus w/ Review Functions 1 | MATH 160 Precalculus | G2 |
MAT 189 Calculus w/ Review Functions 2 | MATH 1X9 Calculus w/ Review Functions 2 | G2 |
MAT 190 Calculus and Analytic Geometry | MATH 161 Calculus 1 | G2 |
MAT 199 Independent Study in Mathemati | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 201 Calculus and Analytic Geometry | MATH 211 Calculus 2 | G2 |
MAT 202 Calculus and Analytic Geometry | MATH 311 Calculus 3 | G2 |
MAT 220 Linear Algebra with Applicatio | MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 | G2 |
MAT 223 Differential Equations | MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation | |
MAT 299 Independent Study in Mathemati | Does Not Transfer | |
MATM 99 Topics in Mathematics | Does Not Transfer | |
MGT 110 Introduction to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
MGT 111 Principles of Management | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
MGT 112 Princ of Leadership | BUAD 1X2 Princ of Leadership | G3 |
MGT 113 Conflict Resolution & Negotiat | MGMT 1X3 Conflict Resolution & Negotiat | |
MGT 121 Small Business Management | BUAD 356 Small Business Management | |
MGT 131 Human Resources Management | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
MGT 141 Principles of Insurance | Does Not Transfer | |
MGT 151 Managing Electronic Commerce | Does Not Transfer | |
MGT 160 Customer Relationship Mgmt | BUAD 1X6 Customer Relationship Mgmt | |
MGT 170 Sports & Society | MGMT 1X7 Sports & Society | |
MGT 198 Coop. Internship in Management | Does Not Transfer | |
MGT 210 Ethical Decision Making in Bus | BUAD 21X Ethical Decision Making in Bus | |
MGT 221 Office Administration | BUAD 2X1 Office Administration | |
MGT 295 Business Mgmt Capstone | MGMT 2X9 Business Mgmt Capstone | |
MGT 298 Coop. Internship in Management | Does Not Transfer | |
MGT 999 Management elective | Does Not Transfer | |
MGTCIS 231 Project Management | Does Not Transfer | |
MKT 111 Principles of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
MKT 121 Creative Selling | Does Not Transfer | |
MKT 131 Advertising | BUAD 1X1 Advertising | |
MKT 141 Retail Merchandising | BUAD 336 Retail Marketing | |
MKT 198 Coop. Internship in Marketing | Does Not Transfer | |
MKT 211 Digital Marketing | BUAD 23X Digital Marketing | |
MKT 298 Coop. Internship in Marketing | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 106 Phlebotomy | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 110 Introduction for the Medical L | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 123 Immunohematology Lecture | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 124 Immunohematology Laboratory | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 125 Hematology Lecture | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 126 Hematology Laboratory | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 233 Clinical Chemistry Lecture | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 234 Clinical Chemistry Laboratory | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 235 Clinical Practicum in MLT 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 244 Professional Issues in Medical | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 245 Clinical Practicum in MLT 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
MLT 246 MLT Seminar | Does Not Transfer | |
MSP 107 Intro Video Prod & Literacy | COMM 1X7 Intro Video Prod & Literacy | |
MSP 111 Mass Media and Society | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
MSP 112 Survey of Mass Media in US | COMM 220 Survey of Media | G1 |
MSP 125 Intro Writing Broadcast News | COMM 326 Media Writing: News | W |
MSP 126 Introduction to Script Writing | ENGL 1X6 Introduction to Script Writing | G1 |
MSP 200 Ethics, Resp, Mass Media & Law | COMM 206 Communication and Media Law | |
MSP 230 The Movies: Meanings & Methods | ENGL 2X3 The Movies: Meanings & Methods | G1 |
MSP 278 Video Production II | COMM 2X7 Video Production II | |
MSP 291 Mass Media Capstone | COMM 2X1 Mass Media Capstone | |
MUS 110 Music Appreciation | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUS 111 History of Rock and Roll | MUSI 1X1 History of Rock and Roll | G1 |
MUS 112 African-American Traditions in | Does Not Transfer | |
MUS 113 Music in American Culture | MUSI 267 Survey Americn Music | G1 |
MUS 114 Intro to World Music Cultures | MUSI 100 Music and Culture | G1 |
MUS 120 Music Fundamentals | MUSI 103 Language of Music | G1 |
MUS 133 College Choir I | MUSI 126A Applied Music:Choir | |
MUS 134 College Choir II | MUSI 127A Applied Music:Choir | |
MUS 135 College Choir III | MUSI 226A Applied Music:Choir | |
MUS 140 Intro Digital Music Technology | MUSI 293 Comp Apps in Mus Prod II | |
MUS 141 Intermediate Digital Music | MUSI 495 Audio & Music for Video | |
MUS 146 Prin Private Music Instruction | MUSI 1X6 Prin Private Music Instruction | |
MUS 150 Guitar Class I | MUSI 15X Guitar Class 1 | |
MUS 151 Guitar Class 2 | MUSI 1X5 Guitar Class 2 | |
MUS 160 Jazz Lab Band I | MUSI 124B Applied Music:Jazz Lab | |
MUS 161 Jazz Lab Band II | MUSI 1X2 Jazz Lab Band II | |
MUS 162 Jazz Band Lab III | MUSI 224 Jazz Lab Band | |
MUS 170 Piano Class I | MUSI 17X Piano Class I | |
MUS 171 Piano Class 2 | MUSI 1X1 Piano Class 2 | |
MUS 172 Piano Class 3 | MUSI 1X3 Piano Class 3 | |
MUS 1X1 Music Major Transfer Crs | MUSI 1X1 Music Major Transfer Crs | |
MUS 210 Jazz History | MUSI 2X1 Jazz History | |
MUS 211 Western Music History I | MUSI 2X1 Western Music History I | |
MUS 221 Music Theory 1 | MUSI 22X Music Theory 1 | |
MUS 222 Music Theory 2 | MUSI 20X Music Theory 2 | |
MUS 231 Aural Theory I | MUSI 23X Aural Theory 1 | |
MUS 232 Aural Theory 2 | MUSI 2X2 Aural Theory 2 | |
MUS 233 Chamber Choir I | MUSI 2X3 Chamber Choir I | |
MUS 240 Art & Business of Songwriting | MUSI 2X4 Art & Business of Songwriting | |
MUS 241 The Business of Music | MUSI 2X4 The Business of Music | |
MUS 299 Independent Study in Music | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 050 Nursing Role Transition | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 101 Nursing 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 102 Nursing 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 106 Concepts of Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 108 Intro Concepts Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 109 Concepts of Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 110 Intro to Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 111 Introduction to Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 112 Nursing Care of Clients With U | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 114 Promot Wellness Indiv/Commu | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 115 Caring Adult Client w/ Acute | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 116 Caring Children/Childbearing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 120 Ethical Decisions in Health Ca | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 210 Holistic Health: Complementary | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 211 Nursing Care of Clients w/comp | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 212 Nursing Management of Client C | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 213 Professional Issues in Nursing | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 215 Caring Adult Client w/ Compli | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 216 Clinical Decision Making | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 217 Caring Client Across Lifespan | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 218 Transit Prof Nurs Pract | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 220 General Pharmacology | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 221 Nursing 3 | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 223 Nursing 4 | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 225 Nursing 5 | Does Not Transfer | |
NUR 227 Nursing 6 | Does Not Transfer | |
OFM 101 Business Sofeware Essentials | BUAD 1X7 Business Software Essentials | G3 |
OFM 110 Microsoft Word Applications | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
OFM 161 Modern Office Management | Does Not Transfer | |
ORI 100 College Seminar | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
PBH 101 Intro to Public Health | SOCY 1X1 Intro to Public Health | G3 |
PEH 100 Foundations of Physical Educat | WSSD 1XX Fnd Physical Educ | |
PEH 102 Intro PE and ES | WSSD 1XX Intro to PE and Exer Sci | |
PEH 104 Foundations of Physical Educat | WSSD 1XX Fnd Physical Educ | |
PEH 106 Aerobics | WELL 1XX Aerobics | WELL |
PEH 110 Intro to Dance as Art in Amer. | HMFA 1X1 Intro to Dance as Art in Amer. | G1 |
PEH 113 Racquetball & Badminton | WELL 1X3 Racquetball & Badminton | WELL |
PEH 117 Creative Dance 1 | WELL 1XX Creative Dance 1 | WELL |
PEH 118 Creative Dance 2 | WELL 1XX Creative Dance 2 | WELL |
PEH 123 Golf | WELL 1XX Golf | WELL |
PEH 124 Intermediate Golf | WELL 1XX Intermed Golf | WELL |
PEH 128 Jogging | WELL 1XX Jogging | WELL |
PEH 130 Karate | WELL 1XX Karate | WELL |
PEH 133 Racquetball | WELL 1XX Racquetball | WELL |
PEH 137 Introduction to Tennis | WELL 1XX Intro to Tennis | WELL |
PEH 138 Advanced Development in Tennis | WELL 1XX Adv Devl Tennis | WELL |
PEH 141 Volleyball | WELL 1XX Volleyball | WELL |
PEH 142 Intermediate Volleyball | WELL 1XX Intermed Volleyball | WELL |
PEH 146 Conditioning, Weight Training, | WELL 1XX Conditioning Weight Trng | WELL |
PEH 148 Hatha Yoga | WELL 1X1 Hatha Yoga | WELL |
PEH 149 Intermediate Yoga | WELL 1XX Intermed Yoga | WELL |
PEH 150 Fundamentals of Movement and R | WELL 1XX Fund Movement Rhythm | WELL |
PEH 155 Gymnastic Progressions | WELL 1XX Gymnastics | WELL |
PEH 160 Martial Arts and Self-Defense | WELL 1X2 Martial Arts and Self-Defense | WELL |
PEH 165 Movement Experiences and Games | WELL 1XX Movmt Exper and Games | WELL |
PEH 170 Water Exercise | WELL 1XX Water Exercise | WELL |
PEH 175 History and Philosophy of Phys | Does Not Transfer | |
PEH 180 Health and Wellness for the Wh | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
PEH 185 Issues in Women's Health | NURS 316 Women, Health, and Health Care | P |
PEH 199 Independent Study in Physical | Does Not Transfer | |
PEH 206 Basic Nutrition | WSSD 2XX Basic Nutrition | |
PEH 207 Food & Culture | ANTH 322 Food and Culture | W, G3 |
PEH 210 Holistic Health | WELL 1X2 Holistic Health | WELL |
PEH 215 Prevention and Care of Athleti | WSSD 1XX Prevent Care Athletic Injry | |
PEH 220 Directing Fitness and Recreati | WSSD 2XX Dir Fitness & Recreation | |
PEH 222 Introduction to Kinesiology | WELL 22X Introduction to Kinesiology | |
PEH 224 Introduction To Exercise Physi | WSSD 22X Introduction to Exercise Physi | |
PEH 235 Personal Health and Wellness E | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
PEH 240 Principles of Coaching | Does Not Transfer | |
PEH 245 Safety and First Aid | WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR | |
PEH 255 Human Sexuality | WSSD 2XX Human Sexuality | |
PEH 297 Health & Fitness Professional | Does Not Transfer | |
PEH 299 Independent Study in Physical | Does Not Transfer | |
PEH 998 Physical Education Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
PEH 999 Physical Education Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
PHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHI 101 Introduction to Ethics | PHIL 10X Introduction to Ethics | G1 |
PHI 110 Introduction to Logic | PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic | G1 |
PHI 115 Problems in Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHI 120 Ethical Decisions in Health Ca | PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine | G1 |
PHI 199 Independent Study | Does Not Transfer | |
PHI 215 Comparative Religions | PHIL 313 World Religions | W, G1 |
PHI 216 Major Figures in Philosophy: C | Does Not Transfer | |
PHI 221 Fundamentals of Ethics | PHIL 381 Ethical Theories | G1, W |
PHI 299 Independent Study | Does Not Transfer | |
PHI 999 Philosophy Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
PHY 120 Introduction to Astronomy | PHYS 117 General Astronomy | G2, L |
PHY 121 General Physics 1 (Non-Science | PHYS 131 Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHY 122 General Physics 2 (Non-Scienc | PHYS 132 Physics 2 | G2, L |
PHY 151 Principles of Physics 1 (Scien | PHYS 231 General Physics 1 | G2, L |
PHY 152 Principles of Physics 2 (Scie | PHYS 232 General Physics 2 | G2, L |
PHY 153 Modern Physics (Science Major) | PHYS 1XX Modern Physics | G2 |
PHY 199 Independent Study in Physics | Does Not Transfer | |
POL 101 An Introduction to Political S | GOVT 101 Intro to Political Studies | G3 |
POL 124 American National Government | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
POL 125 American State and Local Gover | GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt | G3 |
POL 201 Constitutional Law 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
POL 202 Civil Liberties | GOVT 2XX Civil Liberties | |
POL 240 Comparative Government | GOVT 221 Intro to Cmprtv Politcl Systms | G3 |
POL 245 International Politics | GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics | G3 |
POL 250 Terrorism & Counterterrorism | GOVT 2X5 Terrorism & Counterterrorism | G3 |
POL 251 Government Intern 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
POL 252 Government Intern 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
POL 999 Political Science Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
PSA 100 Intro to Public Safety Admin | EHEM 1XX Intro to Public Safety Admin | |
PSA 101 Public Safety Technology | EHEM 1X1 Public Safety Technology | |
PSA 102 Fire Dept Org & Admin | EHEM 1X2 Fire Dept Org & Admin | |
PSA 200 Public Safety Incident Mgmt | EHEM 2XX Public Safety Incident Mgmt | |
PSA 201 Leader Influence Public Safety | EHEM 2X1 Leader Influence Public Safety | |
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 136 Personality and Adjustment | PSYC 256 Psychology Human Adjustment | G3, W |
PSY 137 Business Psychology | PSYC 1XX Business Psychology | |
PSY 138 Creativity and Innovation | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 200 Child Psychology | PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent | G3 |
PSY 203 Assessment & Documentation HSW | PSYC 2X3 Assessment & Documentation HSW | |
PSY 204 Adolescent Psychology | PSYC 20X Adolescent Psychology | G3 |
PSY 206 Human Development - A Life-Spa | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSY 208 Psychology of the Exceptional | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 210 Educational Psychology | EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching | |
PSY 214 Social Psychology | PSYC 317 Social Psychology | |
PSY 215 Abnormal Psychology | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
PSY 216 Assessment & Techniques for Ch | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 217 Drugs - Their Use and Abuse | PSYC 2X7 Drugs - Use & Abuse | G3 |
PSY 218 Physiological Psychology | Does Not Transfer | |
PSY 219 The Drug and Alcohol Treatment | PSYC 2X9 The Drug and Alcohol Treatment | G3 |
PSY 231 Research Methods in Psychology | PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 | W |
PSY 245 The Psychology of Women | PSYC 1X1 The Psychology of Women | G3 |
PSY 250 Psychology of Aging | PSYC 2X5 Psychology of Aging | G3 |
PSY 255 Human Sexuality | PSYC 2XX Human Sexuality | G3 |
PSY 299 Independent Study in Psycholog | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 009 Elements of Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 010 Elements of Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 011 Fundamentals of College Read | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 014 Vocabulary Development 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 017 Vocabulary Development 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 018 Fundamentals of College Readin | Does Not Transfer | |
REA 101 College Reading I: Study Skill | Does Not Transfer | |
RES 101 Real Estate Fundamentals | Does Not Transfer | |
RES 102 Real Estate Practice | Does Not Transfer | |
RES 221 Real Estate Law | Does Not Transfer | |
SCS 101 Strategies for College Success | UNIV 103 First Yr: | |
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 103 Social Problems | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOC 130 Introduction to Youth and Fami | Does Not Transfer | |
SOC 203 Sociology of Deviance | SOCY 338 Sociology of Deviance | |
SOC 220 Criminology | SOCY 230 Criminology | G3, W |
SOC 224 Minorities in the United State | SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations | G3 |
SOC 230 Sociology of Families | SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family | G3 |
SOC 234 Gender & Sexuality in American | SOCY 2XX Gender & Sexuality in American | |
SOC 244 Sociology of Death and Dying | Does Not Transfer | |
SOC 254 Aging inAmerican Society | Does Not Transfer | |
SOC 255 Organized Crime | SOCY 2X5 Organized Crime | |
SOC 999 Sociology Elective | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPA 111 The World of Spain | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 112 The World of Latin America | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 127 Spanish for Health Care and Re | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 199 Independent Study in Spanish | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 | G1 |
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 | G1 |
SPA 215 Spanish Conversation 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 216 Spanish Conversation 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 251 Advanced Spanish 1 | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 252 Advanced Spanish 2 | Does Not Transfer | |
SPA 299 Independent Study in Spanish | Does Not Transfer | |
SPC 110 Introduction to Speech Communi | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPC 113 Voice and Articulation | COMM 1X3 Voice and Articulation | |
SPC 115 Interpersonal Communication | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
SPC 120 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
SPC 125 Intro to Public Relations | COMM 251 Public Relations 1 | G1 |
SPC 140 Voice and Articulation | COMM 1X2 Voice and Articulation | |
SPC 203 Human Communication Theory | COMM 201 Theory of Communication | G1 |
SPC 225 Writing for PR Campaigns | COMM 351 Public Relations 2 | W |
SPC 230 Communication in Organizations | Does Not Transfer | |
SPC 299 Independent Study in Speech | Does Not Transfer | |
SRT 100 Fund of Dig Audio Work Tools | MUSI 1XX Fund of Dig Audio Work Tools | |
SRT 104 Intro Sound Recording Tech | MUSI 193 Comp Apps in Mus Prod I | |
SRT 130 Software Workshop I | MUSI 1X3 Software Workshop I | |
SRT 131 Live Sound Rcrdng & Rnfrcmt | MUSI 1X3 Live Sound Rcrdng & Rnfrcmt | |
SRT 137 Language of Digital Media | MUSI 1X7 Language of Digital Media | |
SRT 159 Intro to Music Production | MUSI 1X9 Intro to Music Production | |
SRT 214 Evolution of Sound Recording | MUSI 380 History of the Rec Ind | P |
SRT 230 Software Workshop II | MUSI 2X3 Software Workshop II | |
SRT 231 Live Sound Recordng Wrkshp II | MUSI 2X1 Live Sound Recordng Wrkshp II | |
SRT 250 Sound Recording Technology I | MUSI 295 Studio Recording I | |
SRT 256 Sound Recording Techonology II | MUSI 395 Studio Recording II | |
SRT 259 Music Production | MUSI 2X9 Music Production | G1 |
SRT 290 Sound Rec & Music Tech Capstne | MUSI 2X9 Sound Rec & Music Tech Capstne | |
SRT 297 Internship I | MUSI 300 Co-Op Ed Experience in Music | |
THA 105 Intro to Acting 1: Improvisati | THEA 130 Acting 1 | G1 |
THA 106 Intro to Acting II: Scene Stud | THEA 230 Acting 2 | G1 |
THA 114 Introduction to Theatre | THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation | G1 |
THA 150 Theatre Production Workshop 1 | THEA 120 Stagecraft | |
THA 250 Acting Shakespeare | THEA 2X5 Acting Shakespeare |