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MU Gen ED Code Legend

Harford Community College / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to: transfer@millersville.edu.

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Harford Community College Course 无忧短视频 Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
ACCT 101 Accounting Principles 1 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACCT 102 Accounting Principles II BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACCT 104 Payroll Accounting BUAD 1X4 Payroll Accounting
AHS 101 Medical Term & Ethics Does Not Transfer
ANTH 101 Intro Phys Anthro & Arch ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology G3
ANTH 102 Intro to Cultural Anth ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ART 101 Fundamentals of 2D Design ART 142 2D Design G1
ART 103 Intro to Graphic Communication ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
ART 107 Fundamentals of 3D Design ART 242 3D Design
ART 108 Intro to Digital Media ART 345 Introduction to Computer Art
ART 109 Sculpture 1 ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 111 Drawing 1 ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 113 Painting 1 ART 352 Painting 1
ART 115 Ceramics 1 ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 120 Intro to Computer Graphics ART 346 Intro to Computers in Design
ART 122 Color Theory ART 1X2 Color Theory
ART 193 Independent Study:Art ART 1X3 Independent Study: Art
ART 201 History of Art: Ancient to Med ART 202 Srvy Art Hist 1:Pre to c 1400 G1
ART 202 History of Art: Ren to Modern ART 203 Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C G1
ART 203 Amer Art & Architect (H) ART 2X3 Amer Art & Architect (H)
ART 204 Typography I DESN 240 Typography I G1
ART 207 Graphic Design ART 344 Vis Comm and Graphcs Design 1
ART 208 Intermediate Computer Graphics ART 346 Intro to Computers in Design
ART 213 Drawing 2 ART 233 Drawing 2
ART 214 Painting 2 ART 354 Painting 2
ART 218 Printmaking ART 361 Survey Printmaking 1
ART 219 Sculpture II ART 382 Sculpture 2
ART 220 Ceramics II ART 297 Ceramics 2
ART 221 Drawing 3 ART 333 Drawing 3
ART 222 Drawing IV ART 433 Drawing 4
ART 225 Ceramics 3 ART 297 Ceramics 2
ART 226 Ceramics 4 ART 396 Ceramics 3
ART 233 Portfolio Workshop ART 2X3 Portfolio Workshop G1
ASL 101 American Sign Language 1 SPED 1X1 American Sign Language 1
ASTR 151 Astronomy PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
ASTR 152 Sky & Telescope Lab PHYS 1XX Sky & Telescope Lab G2, L
BA 101 Introduction to Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BA 104 Advertising & Sales Promotion BUAD 1X4 Advertising & Sales Promotion
BA 107 Principles of Supervision BUAD 1X7 Principles of Supervision
BA 108 Human Resource Management BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
BA 109 Principles of Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
BA 110 Intro to Entrepreneruship ENTR 1X1 Intro to Entrepreneurship
BA 117 Strat Human Capital Mgmt BUAD 1X7 Strat Human Capital Mgmt
BA 140 Intro to Leadership BUAD 1XX Intro to Leadership
BA 203 Principles of Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
BA 205 Business Law BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BA 210 Business Computer Applications CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
BA 212 Internet Research BUAD 2X1 Internet Research
BA 242 Intro to International Busines BUAD 201 Intro to Internationl Business G3
BA 246 Legal Environ of Busns BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BIO 099 Biology of Allied Health Does Not Transfer
BIO 100 Fundamentals of Biology BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 103 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 104 Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 119 Biology for Health Profession BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 120 General Biology (L) BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 121 General Biology II BIOL 1X2 General Biology II
BIO 203 Anatomy and Physiology 1 BIOL 23X Anatomy and Physiology 1
BIO 204 Anatomy and Physiology 2 BIOL 24X Anatomy and Physiology 2
BIO 205 Microbiology BIOL 461 General Microbiology
BIO 208 Genetics BIOL 364 Genetics and Molecular Biology
BIO 210 Nutrition BIOL 256 Nutrition G2, W
CADD 101 Intro to Comp Aided Des & Draf ITEC 1X1 Intro to Comp Aided Des & Draf
CADD 102 Intermed Comp Aided Des & Draf ITEC 1X2 Intermed Comp Aided Des & Draf
CHEM 010 Preparatory Chemistry Does Not Transfer
CHEM 103 Elements Org & Biochem CHEM 1X3 Elements Org & Biochem G2
CHEM 111 General Chemistry CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 L, G2
CHEM 112 General Chemistry IIA (L) CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 L, G2
CHEM 135 Chemistry for Engineers CHEM 1X5 Chemistry for Engineers L, G2
CHEM 207 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHEM 208 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 G2, L
CIS 102 Intro to Info Science CSCI 1X2 Intro to Info Science G2
CIS 104 Comp Operating Systems CSCI 1X4 Comp Operating Systems G2
CIS 110 Intro to UNIX/LINUX CSCI 1X5 Intro to UNIX/LINUX G2
CIS 115 Fundamentals of Programming CSCI 1X5 Fundamentals of Programming
CIS 119 Programming I: Java CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CIS 135 Intro to Networks CSCI 395 Computer Networks W
CIS 145 Intro to Excel CSCI 1X4 Intro to Excel
CIS 201 Assembly Programming Lang CSCI 1X2 Assembly Programming Lang
CIS 203 Computer Sys & Proc CSCI 2X6 Computer Sys & Proc G2
CIS 205 Intro to Visual Basic NET Prog CSCI 111 Prob Solv with Visual Basic G2
CIS 211 MS Windows Server Sys CSCI 2X1 MS Windows Server Sys G2
CIS 214 Programming II:Java CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justi SOCY 231 Intro to the Criminal Justice G3
CJ 103 Introduction to Corrections SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
CJ 104 Procedural Law & Evidence SOCY 1X4 Procedural Law & Evidence
CJ 109 Police Org & Admin SOCY 1X9 Police Org & Admin
CJ 111 Prin of Criminal Law GOVT 11X Prin of Criminal Law
CJ 112 Intro to Crime Scene Techn SOCY 1X2 Intro to Crime Scene Techn
CJ 213 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
CMST 101 Speech Fundamentals COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
CMST 105 Interpersonal Communication COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
CMST 106 Business Professional Speech COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
CMST 210 Group Comm & Leadership COMM 203 Small Group Communication G1, D, W
DRAM 203 Survey of World Drama (H,D) ENGL 2X3 Survey of World Drama (H,D) G1
DRAM 204 Survey of Modern Drama (H,D) ENGL 2X4 Survey of Modern Drama (H,D) G1
ECON 101 Macroeconomics ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
ECON 102 Microeconomics ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
ECON 105 United States Economic History HIST 254 American Economic History
EDUC 101 Intro to Education EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDUC 103 The Young Child EDUC 1X3 The Young Child
EDUC 104 Mtls & Crrc Early Childhood ELED 1X4 Mtls & Crrc Early Childhood
EDUC 107 Intro to Special Education SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EDUC 108 Classroom Management EDUC 376 Strategies of Classroom Mngmnt
EDUC 110 Infant & Toddler Development ELED 312 Seminar: Pre-Kindergarten
EDUC 113 Intro to Early Childhood Educ EDUC 1X1 Intro to Early Childhood Educ
EDUC 207 Processes & Acquisition of Rdg EDUC 220 Reading Foundations
EDUC 217 Intro to Special Education SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
ENG 002 Reading Power & Comprehension Does Not Transfer
ENG 003 Rdg & Understanding College Te Does Not Transfer
ENG 012 Basic Writing Does Not Transfer
ENG 018 Integrated Reading & Writing Does Not Transfer
ENG 101 English Composition ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 102 English Comp and Lit ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENG 107 Creative Writing 1 ENGL 1X7 Creative Writing 1 G1
ENG 109 Eng Comp: Research Writing ENGL 1X9 Eng Comp: Research Writing G1
ENG 202 World Lit: 1600 AD to Present ENGL 231 World Literature 1 G1
ENG 204 English Lit 2 ENGL 234 Later English Literature G1
ENG 205 Am Lit: Colonial Civil War ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
ENG 206 Am Lit: Late 19 / 20th Cent ENGL 236 Later American Literature G1
ENG 209 Technical Writing ENGL 312 Technical Writing AW
ENG 210 Lit for Children & Adolescents ENGL 23X Lit for Children & Adolescents G1
ENG 214 Great Writers: Lives / Works ENGL 2X4 Great Writers: Lives / Works G1
ENG 215 Mulitcult Lit: 20th Cent ENGL 2X5 Multicult Lit: 20th Cent
ENG 216 Business Communications ENGL 316 Business Writing AW
ENG 219 American Women Writers ENGL 2X9 American Women Writers G1
ENG 233 African American Lit ENGL 334 Afro-American Literature 2 W, G1
ENG 237 Literature to Film ENGL 2X7 Literature to Film G1
ENG 239 English History and Grammar ENGL 2X9 English History and Grammar G1
ENGR 103 Intro to Engineering Design AENG 1X3 Intro to Engineering Design
ENGR 201 Engineering Dynamics ITEC 2X1 Engineering Dynamics
ENGR 202 Mechanics of Materials ITEC 345 Statics/Strength of Materials
ENGR 204 Basic Circuit Analysis ITEC 262 Semiconductor Electronics
ENGT 101 Intro Engineering Tech ITEC 1X1 Intro Engineering Tech
ENGT 102 Blueprint Reading Does Not Transfer
ENGT 107 Prncpl Hydraulics & Pneumatics ITEC 1X3 Prncpl Hydraulics & Pneumatics
ENGT 109 LabVIEW Fundamentals ITEC 1X9 LabVIEW Fundamentals
ENV 111 Intro to Environmental Science GEOG 130 Intro to Environmental Science G2
ENV 111 Intro to Environmental Science GEOG 1X1 Intro to Env Science w/lab L, G2
ENV 112 Environmental Science Lab Does Not Transfer
ENV 122 Introduction to Soil Sciences ENVI 12X Introduction to Soil Sciences
ENV 202 Environmental Law ENVI 2X2 Environmental Law
ENV 220 Principles Envir Analysis I ENVI 330 Environ Stats/Risk Assessment
ES 105 Earth Science (S*) ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds G2
ES 107 Earth and Space Science ESCI 1X7 Earth and Space Science G2, L
ES 108 General Meteorology ESCI 241 Meteorology G2, L
FR 101 Elementary French 1 FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FR 102 Elementary French 2 FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FR 201 Intermediate French 1 FREN 201 Intermediate French 1 G1
FR 202 Intermediate French 2 FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 G1
FS 100 Basic Forensic Science ELEC 1XX Basic Forensic Science
GEOG 101 Physical Geography GEOG 230 Physical Geography G3
GEOG 102 Human Geography GEOG 120 Human Geography G3, D
GEOG 103 World Regional Geography GEOG 101 The Global Environment G3
GER 101 Elementary German 1 GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GER 102 Elementary German 2 GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
GER 201 Intermediate German 1 GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 G1
GER 202 Intermediate German 2 GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 G1
HD 103 Career and Life Planning PSYC 1X3 Career and Life Planning
HD 110 Success in College & Beyond UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
HD 111 Pers Career Exploration Does Not Transfer
HIST 101 Hist of Western Civ 1 HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 G3
HIST 102 Hist of Western Civ 2 HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
HIST 103 Hist of United States 1 HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIST 104 Hist of United States 2 HIST 1XX Hist of United States 2 G3
HIST 109 World History I HIST 206 Wrld Culture&Religion to 1500 G3, D, W
HIST 110 World History II HIST 1X1 World History II G3
HIST 201 Maryland State and Local Histo HIST 2X1 Maryland State and Local Histo G3
HIST 202 Twentieth Century World HIST 2X2 Twentieth Century World G3
HIST 204 History of Russia HIST 242 Soviet Union G3
HIST 207 African American History HIST 272 Afro-American History 1 G3, W
HIST 208 American Ethnic History HIST 2XX American Ethnic HIstory G3
HIST 214 History of the Middle East HIST 2X4 History of the Middle East G3
HIST 218 History of the British Isles HIST 2X8 History of the British Isles G3
HLTH 101 Contemp Health Issues WELL 1X1 Contemp Health Issues WELL
HLTH 102 EMC, First Aid, and Safety WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
HLTH 103 Wellness Theory & Applica WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HLTH 104 Environmental Health ANTH 1X4 Environmental Health
HLTH 105 Intro to Holistic Health WELL 1X5 Intro to Holistic Health
HLTH 106 Nutrition Persnl Wellness (I) WELL 1X6 Nutrition Persnl Wellness (I)
HLTH 107 Stress Management WSSD 1X7 Stress Management
HLTH 201 Human Sexuality WELL 20X Human Sexuality WELL
HLTH 203 US Healthcare System ELEC 2X3 US Healthcare System
HUM 103 Comics Art and Lit Survey ENGL 1X3 Comics Art and Lit Survey G1
ID 101 Intro to Interior Design ART 1X1 Intro to Interior Design
ISS 105 Intro to Cybersecurity INTE 1X5 Intro to Cybersecurity
ISS 111 Cisco CSCI 1X1 Cisco G2
ISS 112 Cisco II CSCI 1X2 Cisco II G2
ISS 220 Strat Infrastructure Sec CSCI 415 Computer and Network Security
ISS 221 Network Defense & Counter CSCI 2X7 Network Defense & Counter G2
ISS 222 Computer Forensics CSCI 2X8 Computer Forensics G2
MAS 120 Medical Assisting Fundamentals Does Not Transfer
MAS 122 Clinical Medical Assist I Does Not Transfer
MAS 124 Clinical Medical Assist II Does Not Transfer
MAS 126 Medical Billing Does Not Transfer
MAS 127 Medical Coding Does Not Transfer
MAS 200 Laboratory Proced for Med Asst Does Not Transfer
MAS 202 Pharmacology for Medcl Assist Does Not Transfer
MAS 210 Medical Assisting Does Not Transfer
MATH 001 Fundamentals of Mathematics Does Not Transfer
MATH 002 Introductory Algebra Does Not Transfer
MATH 010 Pre-Algebra Does Not Transfer
MATH 017 Intermediate Algebra Does Not Transfer
MATH 018 Combined Algebra Does Not Transfer
MATH 019 Intensive Review of Inter Alg Does Not Transfer
MATH 021 Pre-Algebra II Does Not Transfer
MATH 022 Liberal Arts Track I Does Not Transfer
MATH 023 Liberal Arts Track II Does Not Transfer
MATH 024 Stem Track I Does Not Transfer
MATH 025 STEM Track II Does Not Transfer
MATH 026 STEM Track III Does Not Transfer
MATH 027 STAT Track Mathematics Does Not Transfer
MATH 101 College Algebra (M) MATH 101 College Algebra
MATH 102 Contemporary Mathematics MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MATH 103 Trigonometry MATH 110 Trigonometry
MATH 109 Precalculus Mathematics MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MATH 111 Intro to Finite Math MATH 1XX Intro to Finite Math G2
MATH 131 Concepts in Mathematics 1 MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MATH 132 Concepts in Mathematics 2 MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 G2
MATH 203 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MATH 204 Calculus 2 MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MATH 206 Calculus 3 MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
MATH 208 Elem Differential Equations MATH 365 Ordinary Differential Equation
MATH 211 Elements of Geometry MATH 2XX Elements of Geometry G2
MATH 212 Calculus with Applications MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MATH 216 Intro to Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MATH 217 Linear Algebra MATH 322 Linear Algebra 1 G2
MC 101 Intro to Electronic Media COMM 1X1 Intro to Electronic Media
MC 102 Audio Production COMM 1X2 Audio Production
MC 103 Television Studio Prod COMM 321 TV Production 1
MC 105 Intro to Journalism ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
MC 201 Writing Electronic Media ENGL 2X1 Writing Electronic Media
MC 206 History of Film (H) ENGL 240 Introduction to Film W, G1
MUS 101 Music Fundamentals MUSI 103 Language of Music G1
MUS 109 Band 1 MUSI 120B Applied Music:Concert Band
MUS 110 Band 2 MUSI 121B Applied Music:Concert Band
MUS 115 Class Piano 1 MUSI 131 Class Piano 1
MUS 118 Vocal Jazz Ensemble I MUSI 1X8 Vocal Jazz Ensemble I
MUS 201 Music: Art of Listening 1 MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUS 202 Music: Art of Listening 2 MUSI 2XX Music: Art of Listening 2 G1
MUS 209 Band 3 MUSI 220B Applied Music:Concert Band
MUS 210 Band 4 MUSI 221B Applied Music:Concert Band
MUS 215 Intro to Electronic Music MUSI 204 Electronic Music G1
MUS 216 World Music MUSI 368 International Music and Arts P
MUS 222 Popular Music of the US MUSI 263 Popular Music G1
MUS 223 Evolution of Jazz MUSI 2X3 Evolution of Jazz G1
MUS 2X1 Music: Non-majors MUSI 2X1 Music: Non-majors
MUS 2XX Music: Non-majors MUSI 2X1 Music: Non-majors
NURS 101 Fund of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 105 Medical -Surgical Nursing I Does Not Transfer
NURS 106 Medical/Surgical Nursing IB Does Not Transfer
NURS 107 Mental Health Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 108 Mental Health Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 110 Mental Health Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 112 Contemporary Issues Does Not Transfer
NURS 207 Psychiatric Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 208 Maternal Child Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 209 Medical/Surgical Nursing II Does Not Transfer
NURS 210 Medical -Surgical Nursing II Does Not Transfer
NURS 211 Medical -Surgical Nursing III Does Not Transfer
NURS 212 Leadership in Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 220 Maternal-Newborn Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 221 Pediatric Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 230 Pediatric Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 403 Elements of Prof Nursing Does Not Transfer
OS 100 Keyboarding Basics Does Not Transfer
OS 135 Medical Office Systems Does Not Transfer
PE 101 Beg Tennis WELL 1XX Beg Tennis WELL
PE 102 Intermediate Tennis WELL 12X Intermediate Tennis WELL
PE 104 Beginning Bowling WELL 1X4 Beginning Bowling WELL
PE 107 Beginning Golf WELL 1XX Beginning Golf WELL
PE 130 Intro to Hiking WELL 13X Intro to Hiking
PE 131 Beginning Badminton WELL 1X3 Beginning Badminton WELL
PE 133 Aqua Yoga WELL 1X3 Aqua Yoga
PE 134 Cross Training for Fitness WELL 13X Cross Training for Fitness WELL
PE 135 Indoor Cycling WELL 13X Indoor Cycling WELL
PE 136 Fitness Maintenance 1 WELL 1XX Fitness Maintenance 1 WELL
PE 137 Circuit Training WELL 1X7 Circuit Training
PE 138 Jogging WELL 1X8 Jogging WELL
PE 147 Mountain Biking WELL 1X4 Mountain Biking
PE 153 Karate WELL 1X1 Karate
PE 154 Beginning Hatha Yoga WELL 1X4 Beginning Hatha Yoga
PE 155 Matwork Pilates WELL 1X5 Matwork Pilates WELL
PE 167 Scuba Div & Undwtr Safety I WELL 1X1 Scuba Div & Undwtr Safety I
PE 171 Aqua Run 1 WELL 1X1 Aqua Run 1 WELL
PE 177 Beginning Jazz Dance WELL 1X7 Beginning Jazz Dance
PE 178 Dance Movement WELL 1X8 Dance Movement
PE 204 Volleyball WELL 2X4 Volleyball WELL
PE 228 Weight Training WELL 2X8 Weight Training WELL
PE 230 Fitness Walking WELL 1XX Fitness Walking WELL
PHIL 101 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHIL 200 Principles pf Logic PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHIL 205 Ethics PHIL 20X Ethics G1
PHIL 220 Bioethics PHIL 285 Moral Problems in Medicine G1
PHIL 221 Business Ethics BUAD 2X1 Business Ethics
PHIL 250 Philosophy of Religion PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion G1
PHOT 101 Photography 1 ART 306 Fine Art Photo 1 G1
PHOT 102 Photography 2 ART 406 Fine Art Photo 2
PHOT 103 Darkroom Workshop ART 1X3 Darkroom Workshop
PHOT 104 Color Photography ART 366 Color Photography
PHOT 105 Photojournalism ART 1X5 Photojournalism
PHOT 131 Digital Imaging I ART 1X3 Digital Imaging I
PHOT 193 Independent Study: Photography ART 1X3 Independent Study:Photography
PHOT 201 Creative Photography ART 167 Non-Traditional Photography
PHOT 203 Commercial Photography ART 2X3 Commercial Photography
PHOT 205 Lighting 1 ART 2X5 Lighting 1
PHOT 207 Lighting 2 ART 2X7 Lighting 2
PHOT 209 History of Photography ART 3X9 History of Photography G1
PHYS 101 Introductory Physics I PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra G2, L
PHYS 102 Introductory Physics II PHYS 132 Physics 2 with Algebra G2, L
PHYS 200 Gen Phys I Lab Does Not Transfer
PHYS 203 Gen Phys:Mechanics/Prtcl Dynmc PHYS 2X3 Gen Phys:Mechanics/Prtcl Dynmc
PHYS 204 Gen Phys:Vibrtns/Wvs/Heat/Magn PHYS 231 Physics 1 with Calculus L, G2
PHYS 205 Gen Phys:Electrodyn/Light/Mod PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus G2, L
PL 101 Introduction to Law Does Not Transfer
PL 105 Legal Research Does Not Transfer
PL 110 Tech in Legal Jobs Does Not Transfer
PL 122 Torts and Insurance Does Not Transfer
PL 124 Civil Litigatn & Procedure Does Not Transfer
PL 233 Probate Pract/Proced Does Not Transfer
PL 242 Real Estate Transactions Does Not Transfer
PS 101 American Natl Government GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PS 102 State & Local Government GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt G3
PS 201 Intro Interntnl Relations GOVT 1X6 Intro Intrntnl Relations
PSY 101 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 102 Human Dev Across Lifespan PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 202 Child Psychology PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
PSY 204 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology W, G3
PSY 205 Psychology of Women PSYC 20X Psychology of Women G3
PSY 207 Educational Psychology EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
PSY 208 Alcohol/Drugs Impact on Behavi PSYC 311 Psychology of Drug Addiction G3, W
PSY 209 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSY 212 The Helping Relationship PSYC 447 Counseling Strategies
PSY 214 Human Dev Across Life Span PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 216 Adolescent Psychology PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3
RELG 207 Literature & Religious Thought ENGL 242 Reading Our World:Bible as Lit G1, W
RELG 208 Lit & Relg Thgt New Tstmnt ENGL 332 Literature of the Bible
RELG 210 Comparative Religion PHIL 313 World Religions G1
SCI 105 Phys Science 1 PHYS 1XX Phys Science 1 G2
SCI 106 Phys Science Lab: Matter PHYS 1XX Phys Science Lab: Matter G2, L
SCI 108 Phys Science Lab: Energy PHYS 1X8 Phys Sci Lab: Energy G2, L
SDEV 101 Success in College and Beyond UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
SDEV 110 Success in College & Beyond UNIV 103 First Yr:
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 102 Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems W, G3
SOC 200 Intro to Social Work SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas G3
SOC 201 Marriage and the Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOC 212 Race, Class & Gender SOCY 2X2 Race, Class & Gender G3, D
SOC 213 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology W, G3
SOC 214 Juvenile Delinquency SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency G3
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPCH 101 Speech Fundamentals COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
THEA 101 Introduction to Theatre (H) THEA 1X1 Introduction to Theatre (H)
THEA 102 Acting I THEA 130 Acting 1 G1
THEA 103 Acting II THEA 230 Acting 2 G1
THEA 104 Stagecraft I THEA 120 Stagecraft
THEA 201 Fund of Play Directing THEA 2X4 Fund of Play Directing G1
THEA 221 Vocal Perform for the Stage THEA 2X1 Vocal Perform for the Stage
THEA 222 Movement for the Actor THEA 2X2 Movement for the Actor
THEA 223 Makeup for the Performer THEA 2X3 Makeup for the Performer
THEA 279 Theatre Workshop I THEA 2X9 Theatre Workshop I
THEA 280 Theatre Workshop II THEA 2X8 Theatre Workshop II
THEA 281 Theatre Workshop III THEA 2X5 Theatre Workshop III
VPA 201 Visual and Perf Arts Survy HMFA 2X1 Visual and Perf Arts Survy G1

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