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MU Gen ED Code Legend

Howard Community College / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to: transfer@millersville.edu.

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Howard Community College Course 无忧短视频 Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
ACCT 111 Prin of Accounting 1 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
AMSL 101 Elementary Sign Language 1 SPED 1X1 Elementary Sign Language 1
ANTH 105 Intro to Cult Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ARTS 101 Two Dimensional Art/Design ART 142 2D Design G1
ARTT 101 Two Dimensional Art ART 142 2D Design G1
ARTT 103 Art Appreciation ART 1X3 Art Appreciation G1
AVMP 110 Introduction to Video COMM 11X Introduction to Video
AVMP 120 Concept & Story Development COMM 1X2 Concept & Story Development W
AVMP 150 Intro to Electronic Media COMM 1X0 Intro to Electronic Media G1
AVMP 155 Principles of Film/Media Prod COMM 1X5 Principles of Film/Media Prod
AVMP 190 Media Career Development UNIV 1X9 Media Career Development
AVMP 220 Writing for Film/Broadcast COMM 2X0 Writing for Film/Broadcast
AVMP 235 Principles of Video Editing COMM 2X3 Principles of Video Editing
AVMP 240 Audio Production I COMM 2X4 Audio Production I
BIOL 100 Biology and Society BIOL 1XX Biology and Society L, G2
BIOL 101 General Biology 1 w Lab BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIOL 102 General Biology 2 BIOL 1X2 General Biology 2 G2
BIOL 107 Fundamentals of Microbiology BIOL 1X7 Fundamentals of Microbiology
BIOL 203 Anatomy & Physiology 1 Does Not Transfer
BIOL 204 Anatomy & Physiology II Honors BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BMGT 100 Intro to Business & Org BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BMGT 151 Business Law 1 BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BMGT 203 Business Ethics BUAD 2X3 Business Ethics G3
BU 100 Business Organization & Mgt BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
BU 151 Business Law 1 BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BU 152 Business Law 2 BUAD 1X2 Business Law 2
BY 101 General Biology 1 BIOL 100 General Biology L, G2
CH 101 Gen Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 1X1 Gen Inorganic Chemistry G2, L
CHEM 101 Gen Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHEM 102 Genl Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 L, G2
CHEM 103 Fund of General Chemistry CHEM 1X3 Fund of General Chemistry L, G2
CHEM 201 Organic Chem 1 CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CM 117 Career Communications COMM 1X7 Career Communications
CMGT 121 Food Service Safety/Sanitation Does Not Transfer
CMSY 110 Software Appl. for Micro CSCI 1X1 Software Appl. for Micro
CMSY 129 Principles of Internet CSCI 1X9 Principles of Internet
COMM 105 Fund of Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
COMM 110 Interpersonal Communication COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
CRIM 101 Intro to Criminal Justice SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CRIM 102 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
CS 110 Software Appli for Micro CSCI 1X1 Software Appli for Micro G2
CS 124 Basic Programming CSCI 1X4 Basic Programming G2
DANC 181 Ballet 1 WELL 1X1 Ballet 1 WELL
DP 120 Intro to Data Processing CSCI 1X2 Intro to Data Processing G2
EC 101 Principles of Economics-Macro ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
EC 102 Princ of Economics Micro ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
ECON 101 Prin of Economics Macro ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
ECON 102 Prin of Economics Micro ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
EDUC 110 Intro to Education EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDUC 111 Child Growth and Development EDUC 1X1 Child Growth and Development
EDUC 112 Methods & Materials in ECE EDUC 1X2 Methods & Materials in ECE
EDUC 113 Infants and Toddlers EDUC 1X3 Infants and Toddlers
EDUC 200 Intro to Special Ed SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EDUC 201 Reading Process and Acquisitio Does Not Transfer
EDUC 260 Educational Psychology EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
EG 096 Fundamentals of Reading Does Not Transfer
EG 097 Fundamentals of Writing Does Not Transfer
EG 106 Successful Learning Strategies UNIV 1X6 Successful Learning Strategies
EG 111 Intro to Composition I ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
EG 120 Introduction to Literature ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENGL 093 Dir. Studies in Reading Does Not Transfer
ENGL 096 Fundamentals of Acad. Reading Does Not Transfer
ENGL 097 Fundamentals of Writing Does Not Transfer
ENGL 099 Reading/Writing Does Not Transfer
ENGL 101 Intro to Composition I ENGL 1X1 Intro to Composition I
ENGL 102 Intro Composition 2 ENGL 1X2 Intro Composition 2
ENGL 106 Successful Listening Stra Does Not Transfer
ENGL 121 College Composition 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENGL 122 College Composition 2 ENGL 1X2 College Composition 2 G1
ENGL 126 Introduction to Journalism ENGL 250 The Press and Society G1, W
ENGL 206 African Amer Lit ENGL 333 Afro-American Literature 1 G1, W
ENGL 207 Ethics in Literature ENGL 2X7 Ethics in Literature G1
ENGL 210 Intro to Fiction Poetry Drama ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENGL 214 Middle Eastern Literature ENGL 2X4 Middle Eastern Literature G1
ENGL 227 World Literature II ENGL 232 World Literature 2 G1
ENST 105 Environmental Science BIOL 140 Introductory Ecology G2, L
ENST 115 Environmental Science Lab Does Not Transfer
EXSC 100 Intro to Physical Education WELL 1X1 Intro to Physical Education WELL
EXSC 101 Introduction to Exercise Scien WSSD 1X1 Introduction to Exercise Scien
FILM 139 Principles of Film & Media Pro COMM 121 Intro to Audio and Video
FILM 171 Intro to American Cinema ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
FILM 172 Intro to World Cinema ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
FINE 101 Humanities Thru Arts ART 100 Art in Culture G1
FINE 102 Arts, Cultures and Ideas HUMN 1X1 Arts, Cultures and Ideas G1
FINE 103 Intro to the Creative Arts HMFA 1X3 Intro to the Creative Arts G1
FNPL 101 Pers Financial Planning Princ FIN 203 Personal Finance G3
FYEX 100 First Year Experience UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
GEOG 101 Intro to World Geography GEOG 141 World Regional Geography G3
GEOL 107 Intro. to Phys Geology ESCI 102 Origin and Evoltn of the Earth G2
HE 101 Intro to Health Ed WELL 1X1 Intro to Health Ed WELL
HEED 101 Health and the World of Risk WELL 1X1 Health and the World of Risk WELL
HEED 109 Basic CPR and First Aid WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
HEED 115 Personal and Comm Health WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HEED 124 Family Counseling WELL 1X4 Family Counseling
HEED 125 Ethics - Professional Practice WELL 1X5 Ethics - Professional Practice
HEED 200 Health / Fitness Leader WSSD 2X1 Health / Fitness Leader
HEED 211 Nutrition WSSD 2X1 Nutrition
HEED 213 Stress Management WELL 2X3 Stress Management
HEED 216 Healthcare in US Does Not Transfer
HIST 111 American History to 1877 HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIST 112 American History Since 1877 HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIST 122 Wes Civ & Premod World HIST 101 Europe and the World 1350-1789 G3
HIST 123 Western Civ and the Modern Wor HIST 1X3 Western Civ and the Modern Wor G3
HIST 132 Modern World History HIST 1X2 Modern World History G3
HIST 142 History of the African Amer Ex HIST 273 Afro-American History 2 W, G3
HMDV 150 Rouse Scholars Seminar I HMFA 1X1 Rouse Scholars Seminar I
HMDV 151 Rouse Scholars Seminar II HMFA 1X5 Rouse Scholars Seminar II
HMDV 200 Life Span Development PSYC 2X1 Life Span Development G3
HMDV 205 Silas Craft Collegians Does Not Transfer
HMDV 207 Silas Craft Collegians Sem 2 Does Not Transfer
HMDV 250 Rouse Scholars Seminar III HMFA 2X1 Rouse Scholars Seminar III
HMDV 251 Rouse Scholars Seminar IV HMFA 2X5 Rouse Scholars Seminar IV
HUMN 102 Happiness: Humanities Approach PSYC 325 Happiness and Well-Being D, P
HUMS 110 Intro Human Services SOWK 1XX Intro Human Services
HUMS 122 Ind Counseling Techniques SOWK 1X2 Ind Counseling Techniques
HUMS 150 Community Resources SOWK 1X5 Community Resources
HUMS 250 Community Services Practicum SOWK 2X5 Community Services Practicum
HY 112 American History HIST 1X2 American History G3
HY 123 Western Civ & Modern World HIST 102 Europe and World 1789-Present G3
LFIT 133 Beginning Tennis WELL 1X1 Beginning Tennis WELL
LFIT 137 Circuit Weight Training WELL 1X2 Circuit Weight Training WELL
LFIT 197 Pilates WELL 1X7 Pilates WELL
MA 064 Integ Algebra & Geom I Does Not Transfer
MA 065 Inter Algebra & Geom II Does Not Transfer
MA 092 Fundamental Algebra Does Not Transfer
MA 120 College Algebra & Trig MATH 101 College Algebra
MA 130 Precalculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MA 131 College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MA 200 Statistics MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
MATH 060 Basic Mathematics Does Not Transfer
MATH 061 Basic Algebra and Geometry Does Not Transfer
MATH 064 Intg. Alge & Geometry I Does Not Transfer
MATH 067 Rev Alg With Geom Applic Does Not Transfer
MATH 070 Intermediate Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MATH 128 Concepts of Math 2 MATH 1X2 Concepts of Math 2 G2
MATH 131 College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MATH 138 Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MATH 140 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MATH 141 College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MATH 143 Precalculus I MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MATH 150 Calculus 2 MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MUSC 100 Fundamentals of Music MUSI 1X8 Fundamentals of Music G1
MUSC 101 Music Appreciation MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
NURS 130 Fund of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 132 Nursing-Common Hlth Prob Does Not Transfer
NURS 133 Nursing Complex Patients I Does Not Transfer
NURS 134 Family Centered Nurs I Does Not Transfer
NURS 230 Trends in Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 233 Nursing Complex Patients II Does Not Transfer
NURS 234 Family Centered Nurs II Does Not Transfer
NURS 235 Community/Mental Hlth Nurs Does Not Transfer
NURS 236 Advanced Concepts in Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUTR 211 Nutrition BIOL 256 Nutrition G2, W
PE 120 Aerobic Dance WELL 1X2 Aerobic Dance WELL
PE 137 Circuit Weight Training WELL 1X3 Circuit Weight Training
PHIL 101 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHIL 203 Civility and Virtue Tradition PHIL 2X3 Civility and Virtue Tradition L, G1
PHYS 106 Earth and Space Science ESCI 1X6 Earth and Space Science L, G2
PHYS 120 Oceanography ESCI 261 Introduction to Oceanography L, G2
PL 101 Intro to Philosphy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
POLI 101 American Federal Government GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
POLI 103 Political Ideology GOVT 1X3 Political Ideology G3
PSYC 101 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSYC 200 Lifespan Development PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSYC 202 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PY 101 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
SC 111 Meteorology ESCI 107 The Atmosphere G2
SH 105 Fund of Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SO 101 Intro to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOCI 101 Intro to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOCI 102 Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SOCI 201 Minorities Amer Soc SOCY 2X1 Minorites Amer Soc G3
SPAN 101 Fdnl Spanish I SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPCH 101 Intro to Human Communication COMM 101 Introduction to Communication G1
SPCH 105 Fund of Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPCH 110 Interpersonal Communication COMM 101 Introduction to Communication G1
TH 131 Theatre Appreciation THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
TH 135 Stagecraft THEA 120 Stagecraft G1
TH 141 Basic Acting I THEA 130 Acting 1 G1
TH 142 Basic Acting II THEA 230 Acting 2 G1
TH 160 Theater Practicum I Does Not Transfer
TH 161 Theatre Practicum II Does Not Transfer
TH 162 Theatre Practicum III Does Not Transfer
TH 163 Theatre Practicum IV Does Not Transfer
TH 241 Acting for Television THEA 2X4 Acting for Television
TH 901 Basic Play Directing THEA 1X9 Basic Play Directing
THET 102 Acting for Non-Theatre Majors THEA 130 Acting 1 G1
THET 141 Basic Acting I THEA 130 Acting 1 G1
WMST 111 Intro to Women's Studies WSTU 220 Intro to Women's & Gender Stdy G3

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