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With guidance from the student's Honors Thesis Advisor, and subsequently, an Honors Thesis Committee, the student engages in research that culminates in the production of an honors thesis research paper, poster, and presentation. Students who complete the Honors Thesis option earn special recognition upon graduation and in their university record. The Honors Thesis supports student development of the skills, knowledge, and self-confidence needed to prosper in graduate school and future social work careers. Departmental Honors Eligibility: To be eligible for Departmental Honors, the student must fulfill the following criteria. Social Work major Successful completion (B or higher) of Writing for Social Work Practice (SOWK 322) Overall GPA of 3.25 or higher Overall major GPA of 3.5 or higher Minimum of two semesters (or summer and a semester) remaining before graduation. Majority support from social work faculty Social work faculty agreeing to serve as honors thesis advisor Departmental Honors Requirements: The program consists of two consecutive semesters of supervised academic work. The student will complete the Departmental Honors Application that identifies the students general research area of interest. If the student identifies a faculty thesis advisor who agrees to supervise the students honors project, then the name of that faculty mentor should be included on the Departmental Honors Application. The student submits the completed application and copy of his or her Degree Audit to the Departmental Honors Committee Coordinator. Semester 1: Students will register for 3.0 credits of SOWK 489 Honors Research Proposal the first semester. In consultation with the students Honors Thesis advisor/committee, the following actions occur for credit: Purchase and Read the following books: American Psychological Association Manual (6th ed.) Grinnell, R. M., & Unrau, Y. A. (2011). Social work research and evaluation: Foundations of evidence-based practice (9th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. b. Attend regular meetings (day/time to be determined) with his or her Honors Thesis advisor to assist with guiding the research project and finalizing the research proposal c. Select two additional faculty members to serve on the students Honors Thesis committee. Depending on the students area of interest, one of the two faculty committee members may be from outside of the School of Social Work. d. Complete a literature review on thesis topic e. Compile reference list f. Identify research question g. Identify research design (methodology) h. Write research proposal that includes background on topic (introduction), literature review, and methodology. This proposal will be the Honors Thesis research implemented in the second semester. The Research Proposal will include the following sections: Title page Introduction (identifies phenomenon to be studied and purpose of study) Literature Review (thorough critique of what is already known about phenomenon and how your study addresses gaps End literature review with research question Method (research design, participants, data collection, data analysis) Keep in mind that many drafts of the research proposal are likely before your Departmental Honors Committee accepts it. To proceed with taking SOWK 499, students must receive a minimum grade of B. The Honors Thesis advisor determines the grade for the course. Semester 2: During the second semester, students will register for 3.0 credits of SOWK 499 Honors Thesis. In consultation with the student's honors thesis advisor and committee, the student implements the research proposed from the previous semester. To complete SOWK 499 and receive honors designation on his or her academic record the student must complete the following requirements: Attend regular meetings (day/time to be determined) with Honors Thesis advisor Complete and submit the Institutional Review Board (IRB) application (if not already submitted during SOWK 489) Collect and analyze data Write and provide draft of final thesis to each member of Honors Thesis committee The Honors Thesis will include the following sections: Title page Introduction Literature Review Method Results (this includes Tables and Figures as appropriate) Discussion (include discussion on strengths; limitations; implications as related to social work practice, theory, research, policy, and/or education) Conclusion Keep in mind that many drafts of the final Honors Thesis are likely before your Departmental Honors Committee accepts it. Additionally, you and your honors thesis advisor will decide when to send the final draft to your committee for review. The Committee must receive the thesis at least two weeks prior to the scheduled defense. Defense must occur at least two week prior to the end of the semester. Orally defend the Honors Thesis to the your Honors Thesis committee Incorporate revisions into the final copy of the Honors Thesis signed by the three faculty honors thesis committee members prior to the conclusion of the semester. Present poster and/or paper of thesis through one of the following venues: Made in ǶƵ Conference Pennsylvania Association of Undergraduate Social Work Education (PAUSWE) Annual Meeting/Conference Baccalaureate Program Director (BPD) Annual Conference National Association of Social Workers-PA Annual Conference Any other approved social work conference The honors thesis advisor in consultation with the other committee members assigns the final grade for this course. NOTE: the student must provide a final copy of the thesis to his or her honors thesis committee Chair to store in the School of Social Work. The Chair will ensure four bound copies are produced (library, school, committee, student). The School of Social Work reserves the right to display and share completed theses at appropriate venues, such as Open Houses or other student recruitment events. Publication: Interested students can submit completed honors thesis for publication consideration to the Keystone Journal of Undergraduate Research or another suited journal.     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