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Purpose of this linking function is to promote a view of Social Work Programs at ǶƵ as responsive and valuable to the needs of the community in which it exists. Article III. Membership. This organization shall be open to all undergraduate and graduate students of ǶƵ of Pennsylvania who are interested in social work. Article IV. Governing Body. The governing body of this organization consists of five undergraduate officers and four graduate advisory board members elected democratically by the membership. All nine positions have voting power. The titles of the undergraduate officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Liaison. Only undergraduate students may be elected to these positions. There will also be an Advisory Board made up of only graduate students. The title of these officers shall be Chair, Co-Chair, Financial Advisor, and Correspondence Advisor. Article V. Duties of the Governing Body. Section I. Duties of the Undergrad President A. The powers of the President shall be confined to executive duties. The President shall have the power to appoint all committees, and the chairperson of any committee; to appoint any and all replacements for any vacancies; act as official representative of the organization at any function or meeting pertaining to the organization; and to preside at all meetings of the organization. Section 2. Duties of the Undergrad Vice-President. A. The powers of the Vice-President shall be to act as chairperson if the President is absent from an official meeting, and to act as ex-officio member of all committees. Section 3. Duties of the Undergrad Secretary. A. The powers of the Secretary shall be confined to the recording of the minutes at all meetings, and to taking care of any correspondence which is necessary to the organization. B. Prepare a newsletter to be distributed after each general meeting or as needed. Section 4. Duties of the Undergrad Treasurer. A. The powers of the Treasurer shall be confined to the keeping of all financial records and transactions of the organization and undergraduate students. Section 5. Duties of Faculty Liaison The powers of the Faculty Liaison shall be confined to representing the organization at social work faculty meetings, conveying student suggestions and concerns about program improvements, and reporting back to the organization decisions affecting the social work major and graduate degree. SECTION 6. Duties of the Graduate Chair The powers of the Chair shall be confined to executive duties. The Chair shall have the power to appoint all committees, and the chairperson of any committee; to appoint any and all replacements for any vacancies; act as official representative of the organization at any function or meeting pertaining to the organization; and to preside at all meetings of the organization. SECTION 7. Duties of the Graduate Co-Chair The powers of the Co-Chair shall be to act as chairperson if the Chair is absent from an official meeting, and to act as ex-officio member of all committees. SECTION 8. Duties of the Graduate Financial Advisor The powers of the Financial Advisor shall be confined to the keeping of all financial records and transactions of the Advisory Board and the graduate students. SECTION 9. Duties of the Graduate Correspondence Advisor The powers of the Correspondence Advisor shall be confined to the recording of the minutes at all meetings, and to taking care of any correspondence which is necessary to the Advisory Board. Section 10. Term of Officers A. The term of officers shall be for two semesters. Article vi. Procedure. Section 1. Voting. A. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of votes. Motions shall also be carried by a simple majority of votes. B. Amendments to this Constitution shall be carried by a simple majority of votes. Amendments are subject to approval of the Student Senate. Section 2. Date of Elections. A. Elections Shall Be Held for the Officers in the fall the next Calendar Year. (See Article V, Section 6) B. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Presidency, the Vice-President shall become the President for the remainder of the original time specified for the President-elect. C. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Co-Chair shall become the Chair for the remainder of the original time specified for the Chair-elect. Student Social Work Organization By-laws I. Committees. A. The following committees shall be formed each semester to carry out the organization's activities. Graduate and undergraduate students can be on any committee. 1. Curriculum and Alumni Committee: Function: to review curriculum and to be active in any project or goal which the organization established which has to do with curriculum, course content, faculty personnel, agency needs concerning curriculum, and the reaccreditation. Contact with alumni will be established to gain feedback on curriculum, new trends in practice, employment possibilities, and current legislation affecting the profession and employment opportunities. The chairperson of this committee shall represent the organization at social work faculty meetings, conveying student suggestions and concerns about curriculum improvements and report back to the organization decisions affecting the social work major. 2. Membership and Publicity Committee: Function: to make social work majors aware of the organization; to recruit new membership; to publicize all organization activities; to make members aware of meetings; and to write a newsletter about the organization for members, alumni, prospective members, and agencies. 3. Social Action Committee: Function: to extend the organization's involvement, and promote its value, within the community by assessing needs and possible direction for work with agencies, political issues, specific client groups, etc., and to organize such involvement by planning and implementing one community service project each semester for total membership involvement. 4. Program Committee: Function: to explore possibilities for outside resources to enrich the education of social work majors and other millersville students through speakers, workshops, conferences, etc. This will include involvement in P.A.U.S.W.E. if the organization sets this goal. 5. Fund-raising Committee: Function: to plan events to raise money for various events planned by the organization. 6. Scholarship Committee: Function: To recognize and promote scholarship and achievement in the social work major. 7. Graduate Committee: Function: to meet the unique needs of graduate students while collaborating with undergraduate students in event planning, fundraising, etc. B. Every active member of the organization will be expected to work on a committee. Committee membership can change each semester, and the President shall submit a new list of committees each semester. However, membership of a particular committee may also remain constant, depending on projects and desires of the members. C. Forming committee membership. 1. At the end of each semester, each active member will complete a committee selection form, giving the committee or committees he or she would most like to serve on and whether he or she would serve as chairperson. 2. From these forms, the President will form committees and appoint chairpersons for the next semester. 3. The list of committees and appointed chairpersons will be submitted to the current semester executive committee for review, suggestions, and approval. 4. Rationale: The President needs to retain solidarity and unity within the organization. However, organization member's desires and motivations need to be considered as well as other member's opinions as to the effectiveness of committees and/or chairpersons. This format should accommodate all three concerns. D. Committees Shall Meet at Least Once a Month. II. Executive Committee. A. The executive committee will consist of the four elected officers; President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and the five committee chairpersons. The advisor is considered an ex-officiary member. B. The function will be to coordinate the committee's activities and disperse information about plans. This format will help the President and Vice-President oversee and direct the committees. C. The executive committee will meet once a month prior to the first meeting of the month of the entire organization. D. At each executive meeting, each committee chairperson will submit to the President a brief written or oral summary of their committee's activities and plans since the last meeting. E. At the beginning of each semester, the executive committee will formulate a flexible operating budget for each committee and a fund-raising goal for that committee, considering goals, plans and past expenses of the organization. F. During the last six weeks of the Fall semester, the executive committee will, using the previous year's request form, draw up an Allocation Request Form to be submitted to the Student Senate Allocation's committee in February. G. The officers of this organization will be required to attend the meeting with the Allocations Committee to defend and explain the organization's request for funds. H. Each semester the executive committee will review the organization's Constitution and By-laws. Evaluations and suggested changes will then be brought before the organization for discussion and votes. III. Format of Meetings. A. General meetings should include: 1. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting by the Secretary. 2. Treasurer's report. 3. Old business. 4. New business. 5. Committee report from each committee chairperson of activities and plans. B. All decisions will be made by a majority vote of the membership present. IV. Dues. A. Dues will be expected from each active member. B. In forming a budget, the executive committee will set a figure for dues when considering needs for that semester. C. This figure must then be approved by the organization membership. D. Dues should never exceed ($5.00) five dollars. X. Amendments. Section 1. Proposed Amendments. Proposed Amendments shall be distributed to the membership one meeting prior to voting. Section 2. Valid Amendments. A. All amendments to this Constitution shall not be valid until approved by a two- thirds vote of the membership, the Constitution Committee, and the Student Senate. XI. Dissolution. Section 1. If this organization is dissolved, any money remaining in its account shall be forfeited to the Student Senate, after any outstanding bills are paid.     : ` | I Z h 05s}<wyѷѷѷѷķĪќяќяќяќѷѷќѷѪh@hlKCJOJQJh@h ^:CJOJQJh@ho+dCJOJQJh@hsCJOJQJh@h;CJOJQJh@h ^CJOJQJh@h ^5:CJOJQJ!h@h ^5:>*CJOJQJ8!"  _ ` } ~  $ # 08b1$]a$gd ^ # 08b1$]gd ^  qrsWoo& & 08b1$]^`gd ^& & 08b1$]^`gd ^ & 08b1$]gd ^" & 08b1$]`gd ^ WXxyp" & F & 08b1$]gdo+d& & 08b1$]^`gd ^& & 08b1$]^`gd ^ & 08b1$]gd ^ ij67nJz" & F & 08b1$]gdo+d" & F & 08b1$]gds" & F & 08b1$]gds & 08b1$]gdo+d i6QZ*3  ,^st$bg@> B d }!!""""˽ٽٽٽٜsٽssٽh@h ^>*CJOJQJh@h ^5CJOJQJh@hNJCJOJQJh@h ^5:CJOJQJ!h@h ^5:CJOJQJ\h@h ^:CJOJQJh@ho+d:CJOJQJh@h ^CJOJQJh@hsCJOJQJh@ho+dCJOJQJ-J  ()]^uvppp& & 08b1$]^`gd ^& & 08b1$]^`gd ^ & 08b1$]gd ^" & F & 08b1$]gdo+d !"+oo" & 08b1$]^gds & 08b1$]gd ^& & 08b1$]^`gd ^& & 08b1$]^`gd ^ cdd!$ & 08b1$]a$gd ^& & 08b>1$]^`>gd ^& & 08b>1$]^`>gd ^ & 08b1$]gd ^ 01$7$8$H$^0d> ? f y!z!!"" #$$l & 08b1$]gd ^& & 08b1$]^`gd ^" & 08b1$]^gd ^)$ & 08b1$]^`a$gd ^ " #S##$1$$$$%%%%<*i*233363B3C3b333344444A5B5C5D5ɻɻ䮣wwj`Vh ^CJOJQJh[CJOJQJhwi%h[OJQJaJh@h[0JOJQJaJh@h[OJQJaJh@h[0J5OJQJaJh@h[OJQJh@h[CJOJQJh@h;>*CJOJQJh@h;CJOJQJh@h ^:CJOJQJh@h ^CJOJQJh@h ^>*CJOJQJ $3$$$$%kE%$ & 08b1$]^a$gd;'$ & F # 0b1$]^a$gd ^!$ & 08b1$]a$gd ^" & 08b1$]^gd ^& & 08b1$]^`gd ^%%i%%%%&&ggE!$ & 08b1$]a$gd ^)$ & 08b>1$]^`>a$gd ^%$ & 08b1$]^a$gd ^%$ & 08b1$]^a$gd;!$ & 08b1$]a$gd;&''''_(`(((8*9*j*k***Z+)$ & 08b1$]^`a$gd ^!$ & 08b1$]a$gd ^)$ & 08b>1$]^`>a$gd ^Z+[+,,,,Q-R-;.<.#/$///00($ # 08b1$]^`a$gd ^)$ & 08b1$]^`a$gd ^!$ & 08b1$]a$gd ^00000 1:1N1b11XXXXX1$ 5|08FbP !$F>1$]^F`>a$gd ^)$ & 08b>1$]^`>a$gd ^!$ & 08b1$]a$gd ^)$ & 08b>1$]^`>a$gd ^ 1122 22A2B2||O|-$ 5|08FbP !$1$]^a$gd ^)$ 5|08FbP !$1$]a$gd ^1$ 5|08FbP !$>1$]^`>a$gd ^)$ 5|08FbP !$1$]a$gd ^B222222333C3d3333yttlct^gd[ & Fgd[gd[)$ 5|08FbP !$1$]a$gd ^-$ 5|08FbP !$1$]^a$gd ^/$ 2|08FbP !$F>1$]^F`>a$gd ^ 3-4x4444B5C5D5E5gd ^)$ 5|08FbP !$1$]a$gd ^)$ 5|08FbP !$1$]a$gd[gd[`gd[ D5E5hdU<P1h:pdU/ =!"#$% Dpj 666666666vvvvvvvvv66666>666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666H666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJQJ^J_HmH nH sH tH T`T  ^Normal1$7$8$H$ OJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List LOL ^Level 3# & F h8L@&^8`LF'`F  ^0Comment Reference CJ^JaJ8@8  ^0 Comment TextaJNo!N  ^0Comment Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJH@2H  ^0 Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJNoAN  ^0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJD@RD ; List Paragraph ^m$z`@bz [0 HTML Address/$d&d1$7$8$H$Pa$<CJOJQJ^JaJNoqN [0HTML Address CharCJOJQJ^JaJ.W`. 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