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Deliberate practice of consultation microskills: An exploratory study of training.

Faculty Author(s): Kaiser, Lauren T.
Student Author(s): -
Department: PSYCH
Publication: Training and Education in Professional Psychology
Year: 2021
Abstract: Consultation is a pivotal competency area for psychologists, yet little is known about how graduate training supports psychologists in consultation competency development. This study reports on the application of a deliberate practice approach to consultation training for 13 school psychology trainees, with a focus on communication skill development and application. Over 4 weeks, trainees viewed a series of four brief videos of a teacher consultee describing actual school-based problems and applied explicitly defined communication skill responses (i.e., paraphrasing, clarifying, and reflecting feelings). Responses were recorded and uploaded by trainees weekly on the Flipgrid online platform, shared with the instructor, and supervisory feedback provided regarding the accuracy and quality of final responses. Pre and posttraining data indicated trainees’ increased communication self-efficacy and overall satisfaction with the training. Areas for training improvement were also noted, including the supervision feedback process. The promise of a deliberate practice approach in supporting psychological consultation competency development is discussed, as are the future directions for training and research. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)

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