President鈥檚 Commission on Cultural Diversity & Inclusion
The President’s Commission on Cultural Diversity & Inclusion (PCCDI) is committed to supporting and
facilitating programs that help create, sustain, or promote a climate that fosters cultural diversity on
campus and within the broader community. The President’s Commission on Cultural Diversity &
Inclusion also welcomes proposals that contribute to policy developments that impact and enrich the
educational experience of students. Funding does not cover food and lodging expenses.
Funding is subject to the availability of funds and not to exceed $500 for single day events and not to
exceed $1,000 for multi-day events.
Types of programs qualifying for consideration:
- Programs that bring speakers, artistic ensembles, and other performances to the campus.
- Faculty and staff participation in research, performances, or competitions as a presenter or
competitor at conferences, symposia, and other meetings. - Staff and student attendance or participation in research, performances, competitions or at
conferences, symposia, and other meetings. - Field trips to museums, galleries, theatres, and other cultural settings
Preference for funding will be given to programs that support the PCCDI’s mission and strategic plan
initiatives (not in priority order):
- Activities that involve active student participation such as individual performances or other
presentations at national or state societies and conferences. - Opportunities that may be limited in terms of dates available and/or proximity of locations;
- Programs that benefit the general university community;
- Programs that benefit the largest number of students;
- Activities that appear to be cross-disciplinary in nature; scope of activities, including but not
limited to the venue (International, State, Regional, and Local); - Groups who demonstrate that they are conducting activities to help underwrite the total
expenses incurred. Cost per student will be a major factor in committee consideration