Student Scholars & Faculty Mentors
Projects funded by our internal grants program. Search the table to find students or faculty mentors that share in your interests, and could help you achieve your goals in research, creative activity, or service.
Active participation in conferences, symposia, and other meetings
Name: Hardy,
Advisor: Hardy, Christopher
Department: BIOL
Award: Noonan Endowment
Abstract: The value of knowing exactly what one is eating cannot be overstated.However, somevegetables in area markets are soldundertaxonomically ambiguous commonnameswhichcannotbe matchedpreciselytotheirspeciesidentity.Vegetables oftheColocasia-Xanthosomacomplex, for example, areedibletubers produced by as many as three different tropical plantspecies (C. esculenta,C. antiquorum, andX. sagittifolium)and can be found inLancaster Countymarkets under a variety of names includingtaro,American taro,dasheen,malanga,yaut铆a,andeddoe