Student Scholars & Faculty Mentors

Projects funded by our internal grants program. Search the table to find students or faculty mentors that share in your interests, and could help you achieve your goals in research, creative activity, or service.

Field trips to museums, galleries, theatres, and other cultural settings

Name: Corkery, Caleb
Advisor: McCollumClark, Kim
Department: ENGL
Award: Noonan Endowment
Abstract: I am requesting $432.00 from the Noonan Endowment for the purposes of taking eleven ENGL 642 Drama graduate students and myself (their professor) to see the Fulton Theatre鈥檚 production of Sweat in Lancaster City this spring. This high-impact learning opportunity is part of an ongoing collaboration effort between the English Graduate MA and MED Program and StephJo Wise, Director of Education and Outreach at the Fulton Theatre. The aim of this partnership is to supplement classroom curriculum with real-world experiences, and to provide students access to community resources.

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