Introduction to African American Studies
Introduction to African-American Studies (G3)
Provides an overview of African-American culture and history. African-American perspectives and contributions in the areas of literature, art, theater,
music, politics, economics, science and technology, medicine, male-female relationships, family, the church and the media will be presented.
Offered annually.
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog for full description /admissions/undergrad/index.php
Topics in African American Studies
Senior Seminar in African-American Studies
An examination and discussion of current research issues in African-American studies. May be taken in conjunction with a 2 to 3 credit independent
study. Prereq: AFAM 201.
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog for full description /admissions/undergrad/index.php
African American History I
African-American History I (G3, W)
History of African Americans from their first arrival in the Americas through the Civil War, with a particular emphasis on the process of enslavement,
the formation of African American communities and institutions and the evolution of Black abolitionism. Offered annually. Prereq: ENGL 110.
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog for full description /admissions/undergrad/index.php
African American History 2
African-American History II (G3, W)
History of African Americans from the Civil War through the present, with a particular emphasis on the processes of emancipation, urbanization
and enfranchisement. Offered annually. Prereq: ENGL 110.
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog for full description /admissions/undergrad/index.php