Fourth Year

Succeed in the Workplace or Graduate School

During your fourth year, connect with The Career Center and make decisions about your post-graduate plans for employment or graduate school.  Here are some specific things you can do to become a fulfilled, educated professional in the field of your choice:

Early in the year meet with your academic advisor or one of our career coaches to finalize your post-graduation goals and create an action plan.
Update your profile in and access hundreds of employer partner profiles and full-time job opportunities. Attend all off-campus and on-campus fall and spring job fairs, even if you are not graduating that semester, to connect with prospective employers and practice your networking skills.

Research employers in your field with online tools and resources and consider conducting informational interviews for networking.

Polish all your social media profiles and create a LinkedIn profile, if you haven't already, to promote your personal brand.  Follow targeted employers and professional associations on social media.

Meet with a career coach to polish your resume and cover letter, discuss job search or graduate school admission strategies, schedule a mock interview and prepare your "elevator pitch" to use at networking events. 
Complete an internship and use the opportunity to build relevant experience and network with professionals in your field.  Be able to articulate how your skills, experiences, and knowledge you've acquired will be an asset to an employer or graduate program.

Contact us to schedule a practice interview with a career coach to prepare for job fairs and interviews.

Attend graduate school fairs and information sessions to speak with graduate program coordinators and admission counselors.  

Research graduate school programs, take graduate school admission tests early, and have your personal statement critiqued.

Join a professional association and network, network, network! Get in touch with contacts you already have and share your post-graduation goals with as many people as possible. The more people that know what you're looking for, the better your chances for more opportunities to present themselves.