

The multi-disciplinary EHEM curriculum (18 s.h.) consists of four required courses (12 s.h.) and two electives to be selected from a list of five options (6 s.h.). The four required courses and the third elective (an internship or independent project in emergency management) may be contracted with a faculty member in any of the four participating departments. A list of suggested related courses is also provided, as students are encouraged to complete their general education requirements by using as many of the suggested courses as possible. The curriculum for the proposed minor includes the following:

Required Courses - 12 Credits
EHEM 201 Introduction to Emergency Management (3 credits)
EHEM 305 Disaster Management and Community Risk Reduction (3 credits)
ESCI 101 Earth Systems and Natural Hazards (3 credits)
OSEH 120 Introduction to Occupational Safety (3 credits)

Elective Courses - Choose 6 credits
CHEM 101 Chemistry 101 Better Things for Better Living (3 credits)
CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry I (3 credits)
EHEM 316 Introduction to Terrorism, WMD, and Homeland Security (3 credits)
GEOG 295 Geographic Information Systems (3 credits)
GEOG 372 Urban and Regional Planning (3 credits)
OSEH 221 Industrial Fire Prevention, Protection and Control (3 credits)
SOCY 313 Sociology of Disaster (3 credits)
EHEM 498 Internship or Special Independent Project in Emergency Management (3 credits)

Academic Minor Form

The academic minor form is an online form, visit the link and click on Academic Program Change Request.

Learning Goals
The following learning goals have been established for the program. Upon completing the Minor in Environmental Hazards and Emergency Management (EHEM), the student will be able to do the following:

  1. Identify and explain the various types of hazards and disaster agents, both natural and human-made, that are encountered in the modern world.
  2. Explain the behavioral and organizational challenges faced when one attempts to mitigate, prepare for, or respond to hazardous situations and disastrous events.
  3. Outline the process through which a community may enhance its hazards mitigation and response.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to access and use relevant technologies, e.g., Geographic Information Systems and relevant web sites.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to identify and interact with academic specialists and practitioners, and to identify their professional organizations and publications.

Current EHEM Student Disciplines

Bachelor of Science

  • Business Management 
  • Meteorology
  • Occupational Safety and Environmental Health
  • Speech Communications with Broadcasting Option

Bachelor of Arts

  • Anthropology with Archaeology Option
  • Earth Sciences
  • Economics 
  • Geography with Environmental Studies Option
  • Geography with Global Studies Option
  • Geography with Geospatial Applications Option
  • Government and Political Affairs
  • International Studies
  • Sociology
  • Sociology with Criminology Option

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