General Information
The chemistry department occupies the top two floors of the south wing of Caputo Hall. It houses all eleven chemistry faculty offices, eleven individual, fully equipped faculty/student research rooms and eight instructional laboratories. There are instrument rooms on each floor that house all the major pieces of equipment used by students in their instructional labs and research.
There is a balance room that contains eight analytical balances available for use by all students. To foster a more conducive learning environment for our chemistry majors, there is a student study room equipped with journals, reference books, texts, and computers.
Each instructional laboratory is equipped with instrumentation specific to the sub-discipline taught in that lab; for example, Schlenk lines in the inorganic lab. The basic equipment generic to all chemistry labs includes basic glassware (there is no lab fee nor is there any breakage fee), pH meters, pipetmen, spectrophotometers, centrifuges, and computers for data analysis.
The chemistry department has a ‘hands-on’ instrumentation policy that allows students access and training in all the pieces of equipment both in their courses and in their research through out their academic career. Because the department does not have a graduate program nor an instrument technician, students learn how to use the equipment from trained faculty and they have first-hand experience in operating the equipment on a routine basis.
To Take a Tour of the Chemistry Facilities:
Please contact the department secretary, Ms. Maddie Nitroy: (717) 871-4297 or madison.nitroy@millersville.edu