Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology (TSCT) Transfer Students

Department of Computer Science

If you are transferring from Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, or have earned an Associates Degree and want to pursue a B.S. in Computer Science or Information Technology, this page may be useful for course planning. Courses in which a grade of C- was earned are transferable from Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology.

Major FIELD COurse Equivalencies

Some Information Technology courses may be accepted as transfer credit for the department’s INTE courses following evaluation of Transferability of Postsecondary Credit by means of course material review and/or grades.

Other computer science and information technology courses may transfer for credit towards graduation but will not count for major required courses.

TSCT Course 无忧短视频 Course Major
CNSA 212 - Programming I CSCI 161 - Intro to Programming I CSCI, INTE
CNSA 222 - Database Management Systems CSCI 366 - Database Systems CSCI, INTE
CNSA 117 - Analysis TCP/IP and Local Area CSCI 395 - Computer Networks CSCI
INTE 230 - Network Concepts, Security, and Administration INTE
CNSA 172 - Web Technologies and Network CSCI 415 - Computer and Network Security CSCI
INTE 240 - Fundamentals of Web Technology INTE

Mathematics Course Equivalencies

TSCT Course 无忧短视频 Course Major
MATH 139 - Discrete Mathematics MATH 120 - Logic for Information Technology INTE
MATH 150 - Elements of Statistics MATH 130 - Elements of Statistics I INTE
MATH 131 - Intermediate Algebra MATH 101 - College Algebra
MATH 137 - Intermediate Algebra
MATH 225 - Intermediate Algebra
MATH 207 - Pre-Calculus MATH 160 - Precalculus *
MATH 213 - Calculus I MATH 161 - Calculus 1 CSCI
  • Although not part of any degree requirement, College Algebra and Precalculus are often taken in preparation for Calculus 1
  • Calculus 2 can be taken as a math elective

Natural Science Course Equivalencies

For INTE majors, one G2+L course must be taken. A second G2 course within in the BIOL, CHEM, ESCI, or PHYS subject areas is also required.

For CSCI majors, two G2+L courses must be taken. Credit will only be given for one of PHYS 131/231 and PHYS 132/232

Below are a notable subset of G2+L courses that transfer into 无忧短视频.

TSCT Course 无忧短视频 Course Major
BIO 210 - General Biology I BIOL 100 - Introduction to Biology CSCI, INTE
BIO 120 - Human Biology BIOL 204 - Human Biology CSCI
CHEM 110 - General Chemistry I CHEM 111 - Intro to Chemistry I CSCI, INTE
PHYS 116 Principals of Physics PHYS 131 - Physics 1 with Algebra CSCI, INTE
PHYS 211 Principles of Physics 1
PHYS 213 General Physics I

General Education Course Equivalencies

TSCT Course 无忧短视频 Course Major
ENG 106 - Composition 1 ENGL 110 - English Composition CSCI, INTE
ENG 201 - Composition 1
ENG 225 - Composition 1
ENG 205 - Public Speaking COMM 100 - Fundamentals of Speech CSCI, INTE
ENG 221 - Public Speaking
ENG 245 - Public Speaking
ENG 216 - Technical Report Writing ENGL 312 - Technical Writing CSCI, INTE
ENG 260 - Technical Writing
BUAD 276 - Business Communications ENGL 316 - Business Writing INTE
HEAL 106 - Fitness & Wellness* WELL 175 - Wellness CSCI, INTE
ECON 230 - Microeconomics ECON 102 - Microeconomics INTE

* Three (3) credits of WELL attribute courses are required. Each PE course is 1 credit. Students can choose to take additional HEAL/PE courses at Thaddeus Stevens or enroll in a WELL attribute course at 无忧短视频.

For a complete listing of courses which transfer from Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, please visit this webpage.