Chosen Name Commonly Asked Questions
无忧短视频 Frequently Asked Questions For Use of Chosen Name
无忧短视频's Chosen Name Policy Click here
How do I set or change my chosen name?
You may apply to use a chosen first name within the .
Can I set my chosen name to whatever I want?
Students have the right to choose a name, but 无忧短视频 reserves the right to refuse the use of any chosen name that is deemed inappropriate.
Where and how will my chosen name display?
The chosen name will display in the computer system (Banner) that feeds into other major database systems on campus.
Examples of where only your chosen name will display include D2L, class rosters, housing rosters, health services directory, judicial affairs directory, online campus directory, email display name, alumni and university publications.
Additionally, there are areas where your legal name or name of record will display alone. While most of these areas are housed internally in the university, your legal name or name of record will display on paychecks, financial records and documents, visa and immigration documents, NCAA reports, clearance paperwork and official transcripts.
You also have the option to change your student ID and diploma to reflect your chosen name. These options take action on your part.
What is the difference between my name of record and legal name?
For many students, these two values are the same. Your legal name is the name legally given to you and documented on your birth certificate, passport, visa or immigration documents, court order, or certificate of naturalization.
Your name of record directly refers to the name you reported on the Common Application when applying to the university. It may be the same as your legal name. Your name of record is the official name that 无忧短视频 connects to your chosen name.
Who will have access to my name of record or legal name?
Some departments are required to use your legal name due to regulatory restrictions and/or third party involvement, including Student Financial Services, Account Services for student employee payment and Information Services and Technology. The primary student systems, communications and reporting for these departments will continue to use and display your legal name.
Many departments that have access to your name of record will also see your chosen name. These departments and entities include: Campus Police, Athletics, department administrators, registrars, Judicial Affairs, Student Health Services and anyone accessing your official transcript.
How do I change my legal name on my legal identifications and records?
The process for changing your legal name varies by state and country of residence and reason for the change. The university cannot change your legal name. U.S. residents must change their names with the Social Security Administration as well. International students should contact their home country embassy or consulate for more information about the process of changing a legal name.
a. Anyone who wants to change their name in Lancaster County can access the following application to change their name legally:
b. Extra information for trans individuals can be found here
How do I change or correct my name of record or legal name at the university?
If your name appears incorrectly or if you have pursued a legal name change at the state or federal level, please bring legal documentation to the Office of the Registrar so that the university can update your record. In addition, student employees must submit an updated I-9 form.
How do I change my student ID to reflect my chosen name?
When your chosen name is approved by the Registrar, you will get an email confirmation that will contain the link for the application form required to get an identification card using your chosen name.
How will my name be reflected in the Campus Directory? What if I'm a student and an employee of the university?
If your primary role at 无忧短视频 is "student," regardless of whether or not you work on campus, you will have your chosen name reflected in the campus directory.
How do I reflect my chosen or legal name on my diploma?
You are required to file an Intent to Graduate form prior to the semester in which you intend to graduate. You may list a preferred or legal name to be printed on your diploma. Please be advised that in some situations, the name appearing on your diploma may need to match other legal documents you possess.