Repeat Courses And Financial Aid Eligibility

If a Student Receives A "W" or An "F" in a Course

  • A student is allowed to repeat the same course and receive federal financial aid (in addition to assuming Satisfactory Academic Progress is met) until a “D-“grade or better is earned for the class.
  • Once the student has achieved a “D-“ grade or better, a student can repeat the same course a second time and still receive federal financial aid

a Repeated Class can't Be Counted towards enrollment for Federal Aid Purposes

  • It is irrelevant for financial aid purposes if a student is required to retake a class to meet major/program GPA requirements
  • It is irrelevant if a student has a personal desire to receive an improved grade
  • This rule may seem unfriendly to the academic career of the student; however, the rule is federal law. There is no appeal process and the rule cannot be overridden by 无忧短视频


Course Examples 1st Class Attempt 2nd Class Attempt 3rd Class Attempt Would 3rd Attempted Class Be Eligible For Federal Fin Aid Enrollment Consideration?
Math 100 F D Enrolled Yes
Psychology 200 D C Enrolled No
Finance 100 D F Enrolled No
English 200 C Enrolled * No
Accounting 100 W F Enrolled Yes
Nutrition 200 F F Enrolled Yes
Economics 100 D W * No
Graduate Thesis/Dissertation X X Enrolled Yes