Enrichment Opportunities for Students of Government, Policy and Law

How else can I get involved with the Government & Political Affairs major?

Extracurricular Involvement

Learn about various opportunities offered to GOVT students beyond the traditional classroom!


Clubs are an excellent and exciting way to become acquainted with the field of government and political affairs! 无忧短视频 offers an array of clubs that deal with political content and civic engagement to further expose majors to enriching material.

Listed below are just a few examples of clubs in which Government and Political Affairs students are involved:

  • College Democrats
  • College Republicans
  • Middle Eastern Studies Organization (MESO)
  • Student Government Association (SGA)
  • Alliance for Social Change

There are a plethora of ways to become active outside of the classroom and broaden your skills acquired through the Government & Political Affairs. Take a look through Get Involved today and see how clubs can enrich your experience!

Made in 无忧短视频

Made in 无忧短视频 is an annual conference held here at 无忧短视频 that showcases the academic rigor of our students. Featuring research from all academic departments on campus, Government and Political Affairs students have presented various research projects, showcasing the academic integrity of our students.  In addition, the Made in 无忧短视频 Journal is a publication of student research and projects that are presented at the Made in 无忧短视频 conference.

The Walker Center

The Robert S. and Sue Walker Center for Civic Responsibility and Leadership provides student-centered educational and developmental projects and activities. It is premised on the view that through civic education students will be awakened and equipped to become active leaders in civic affairs.

Picture from 2014-2015 Cohort

The Civic and Community Leaders Professional Development Program affords students an opportunity to develop and master skills that are essential for being civically engaged and active in the communities where they live, work, and study. This program provides an excellent opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with Harrisburg and Washington, D.C. Students will not only visit these cities, but engage in learning opportunities including career development and planning, leadership growth and development, community engagement, professional communication, and personal communication skills. The group will build an awareness of how public policy is shaped by national and global issues while working as both individuals and a team to further civic engagement.

Located below are audio snippets from the 2020 #VilleVotes Super Tuesday Event, provided by a partnership with our campus radio station WIXQ!

Additional information and an application to the Walter Center Fellowship can be found using the link provided below.


Learn more about the Walker Center

Departmental Honors Option

Government and Political Affairs students also have the opportunity to explore further research with the option to write a departmental honors thesis.  This program consists of two semesters of faculty supervised research that culminates in the production of a thesis or project for a total of 3 credits, which are not counted towards the requirements for the major.  Grades in these courses are determined by the faculty supervisor and departmental committee.  Final theses or projects are examined by and orally defended before the departmental committee.  To be eligible, students must have completed 75 credits, have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and an endorsement of a department faculty member.  Please contact your advisor or department office for further information on this option.

鈥淲riting my departmental honors thesis entailed a process that lasted for 15 months. Besides planning and collaborating with my advisor, it also required me to travel to a different location, engage with people to collect data, and write and edit endless drafts that taught me patience. Completing my departmental honors thesis is the pinnacle of my time being at MU, and it gave me the opportunity to employ analytical skills that I acquired in my major.鈥

- Bojana Stankov | BA International Studies '21

Pi Sigma Alpha: Phi Gamma Chapter

无忧短视频's Government & Political Affairs Department maintains a chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society. Pi Sigma Alpha recognizes academic excellence and provides scholarships for graduate school and student leadership opportunities.

To be eligible for membership, students must have at least a 3.0 overall QPA and at least a 3.35 QPA in the major by the semester they apply to graduate. The Department will contact majors who are eligible for membership.

In order to become a member, a $30 lifetime membership fee is required.

Study Abroad

belfast-2.jpgStudding abroad is a great opportunity for Government & Political Affairs students to broaden their intellectual horizons and perspectives and deepen their understanding of cultural, political, and economic issues.  Additionally, studying abroad offers students the opportunity to gain skills that are valuable in multicultural work settings.

The International Programs and Services (IPS) offers year long, semester long, and short-term study abroad educational opportunities in nearly every country.  Students are eligible to study abroad after completing 24 credits and maintaining a cumulative 2.0 GPA.

Learn more through IPS