Ford Atrium (Reservation Guidelines And Policies)

About the Ford Atrium

The Ford Atrium, a multi-purpose space used for lectures, receptions, and recitals, is named for Dr. Robert N. and Darlene I. Ford.

Reserving the Ford Atrium

The Ford Atrium is designated for University functions, lectures, and receptions. Student organizations should request the Ford Atrium through Campus Life in the Student Memorial Center (SMC). External entities that wish to reserve the Ford Atrium must contact the Office of Scheduling & Event Management.

Catering must be arranged by event planner through University Dining and Catering Services. A  must be completed by event planner if extra tables are needed.

Ford Atrium Reservation Policies

A 14 day lead time is required for all reservations.

Building Access

  • If your event is on Saturday or Sunday, or outside the building’s scheduled operating hours, please make arrangements with Campus Police for the lobby doors and Ford Atrium doors to be opened.

Room Setup

  • After receiving your requested setup, the Dean's Office will review the request and work with Housekeeping to have the room set up. If you are requesting a custom setup, your schematic (can be hand drawn) must be received in the Dean’s Office no later than 1 week prior to your event.
  • If your room setup (including catering) requires more than 5 tables, it is your responsibility to submit the for additional tables.
  • If you change the requested setup after occupying the room, it is your responsibility to return the room to the requested setup before leaving your event.
  • The piano in the Ford Atrium may only be moved by authorized University personnel. Do not attempt to move the piano without permission from the Dean's Office.

Catering & Food

  • All food and beverage provisions for events in Ford Atrium must be organized through 无忧短视频 Catering at (717) 871-5143 or
  • It is your responsibility to contact and make any arrangements with Catering and ensure that they will be able to set up and break down within the time frame in which you reserved the room.


  • The Dean’s Office can provide a media cart. It is your responsibility to confirm or make arrangements for media cart support or other technology related equipment, such as microphones, via Technical Operations at (717) 871-7689 at least one week prior to your event.
  • The Dean’s Office will not provide technical support.


  • All trash (including disposable utensils, plates, cups, food residue, and excess handouts/publications) must be properly disposed of in the receptacle provided before leaving the Ford Atrium.

Cancellation Policy

  • Due to the demand for the use of the room, we appreciate your kind attention to informing the Dean’s Office as soon as you are aware or no later than 1 week prior to the cancellation of your event. We do understand that circumstances occasionally lead to a last minute cancellation and such a case would prevent timely notice.

Failure to provide the required information/follow policy may result in loss of privileges.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Dean’s Office at 717-871-7160.