Celebrate MLKJ
The Dr. Rita Smith Wade-El Intercultural Center is excited to celebrate the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Check out the events below.
January 2024
MLKJ’ Life Timeline Exhibit
Tuesday, January 16 | 12pm-2pm | Student Memorial Center Atrium
Come and learn about different moments in MLKJ’s life through passive displays. Come anytime between 12pm-2pm. Giveaways provided to the first 50 students.
People of Color Space: Building Across Communities
Wednesday, January 17 | 4pm-5pm | Student Memorial Center MPR
This is a People of Color discussion space (students, staff, faculty) about how communities of color have built solidarity in the past and how to build solidarity in the future. Join us over a meal.
In collaboration with the President's Commission on Cultural Diversity & Inclusion
RSVP requested but not required.
MLKJ Lunch & Learn: MLKJ’S Legacy Beyond “I Have a Dream”
Thursday, January 18 | 12pm-1pm | Student Memorial Center 24
Carlos Wiley, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer will be discussing MLKJ’s life and impact. Food provided until available.
Questions? Email icse@millersvill.edu