Major/Minor Requirements

Program Overview

A degree in International Studies provides students with an understanding of the complex and evolving issues that underlie and impact world affairs. These international issues, which link people, cultures, governments, businesses, and non-governmental entities together, profoundly influences society.

The International Studies Program examines comparative social, cultural, economic, environmental, historical, and political systems worldwide. Comparative studies in music, literature, religion, and education are also offered. International Studies majors additionally have a foreign language requirement. Through these studies, students gain a greater understanding of complex issues and develop skills necessary to research, analyze, discuss and present their opinions and conclusions. These are qualities that are highly sought-after and applicable to various careers upon post-collegiate activities. 

Courses come from an approved list of offerings in:

  • Anthropology
  • Biology
  • Business Administration
  • Communications
  • Earth Sciences
  • Economics
  • Education Foundations
  • English
  • Foreign Languages
  • Geography
  • Government
  • History 
  • Industry and Technology
  • Latino Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Sociology

Major Requirements


As an interdisciplinary program, the International Studies major provides students with a broad range of academic choices. In addition to 无忧短视频 general education requirements, International Studies majors successfully complete a total of 57 credits fulfilled by several required core courses. Students also have the following options to choose from which cater to their future career endeavors:

A concentration in two of four areas of study:

  • Comparative Societies
  • Economic Interdependence
  • Global Environmental Issues
  • International Relations

One geographic region of specialization:

  • Africa Area Studies
  • The Americas Area Studies
  • Asian Area Studies
  • European Area Studies

Minor requirement (18 credits) in a foreign language or Culture Studies:

Languages offered at MU:

  • French
  • German
  • Spanish

Courses are offered at Franklin and Marshall College (F&M) to 无忧短视频 students at no additional cost. Students must complete 18 credits with at least 2 courses above the 202 (intermediate level) in the same language. Students interested in fulfilling language requirements F&M should contact the Director of the International Studies Program. The following languages are available:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Italian 
  • Japanese
  • Russian 

Students can also move towards the completion of the foreign language requirements at an accredited international institution by studying abroad. Please contact International Programs and Services in Lyle Hall for more information.


Click here for a list of Major Degree Requirements (PDF)

Click here for more information on how to complete the foreign language requirement (PDF)


Minor Requirements

International Studies can blend perfectly with any major. For students working towards other degrees, a minor in International Studies provides a global frame of reference and preparation for future work with international colleagues and global corporations. Recent International Studies minors have majored in Sociology and Anthropology, Communications, Foreign Languages, Business, Geography, Government, History, Social Work, and Chemistry.

Click here for a list of Minor Degree Requirements (PDF)