Clubs & Organizations

Delta Mu Delta (International Honor Society in Business)

is a business honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students at qualifying colleges and universities to create a DMD community that fosters the well-being of its individual members and the business community through life-time membership.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jianfeng Wang
Office: McComsey 361
Phone: (717) 871-4188


SAM (Society for Advancement of Management)

The was founded in 1912 and is a national business organization founded to benefit members who share a common interest in improving their managerial skills. Its goal is to provide an opportunity for students to develop the necessary skills for a successful career. SAM builds bridges among academicians, practitioners, and students not only to better share management expertise, but also to develop and promote new management ideas. SAM also participates in an annual convention that allows students from across the nation to compete against one another in a comprehensive case study presentation.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Minoo Ghoreishi
Office: McComsey 338
Phone: (717) 871-7179


The Accounting & Finance Club is an organization for Accounting, Finance and other students who are interested in learning more about accounting, finance and related careers.  Through on and off campus events, we strive to help students refine their career pursuits and enlarge their professional network.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brian Trout
McComsey 335
(717) 871-4454 - best way to reach is email


The mission of the Marauder Fund Student Investment Association (aka: The Marauder Fund, MFSIA, or MF) is to expand the economics and financial market educational experiences available to its student members by promoting and sponsoring workshops, seminars, and career development events based on financial markets and investing. 

Participation in the MFSIA offers its student members a learning experience which shall include exposure to various types of investments, investment strategies, and portfolio construction and management. This hands-on experience, coupled with current events and guest speaker presentations, will serve to contribute to the educational experience of its student members and enhance their learning experience at 无忧短视频. 

A component of the MFSIA is a student managed investment portfolio (Marauder Fund) that provides students with hands-on investment experience.  Approved and funded by the 无忧短视频 Foundation in the fall of 2017, the MF will provide students with an opportunity to invest and manage real money.