Music Minor Audition
Audition Requirements - Music Minor
All music minors must prepare the following for their audition...
Solo Performance on your Main Instrument
Presentation of selected works demonstrating your level of musical and technical mastery as an instrumentalist or vocalist. You should prepare and perform two contrasting pieces of repertoire that best demonstrates your level of musical and technical mastery. Major and/or Chromatic Scales may be asked of instrumentalists.
Specific questions about your major performance audition should be directed to the individual vocal/instrumental instructors. Please also email us at The Music Admit team can also answer questions about performance areas as well.
Aural Assessment
All applicants must demonstrate a minimum level of vocal-aural proficiency in the following manner:
- Echo/Sing single pitches, melodic sequences (2-7 pitches), and pitches from major, minor augmented, diminished, and dominant 7th triads as modeled on piano.
- Sing a well-known folk song of their choice (i.e. "Happy Birthday," "America," "Row, Row, Row Your Boat," etc.)
Music Theory Evaluation
The Music Theory Evaluation is a Diagnostic Tool that the department uses in order to place incoming students into a theory class that matches their knowledge of music. Applicants may attempt to test out of the first semester of the theory sequence by scoring above a certain threshold on their Music Theory Placement Evaluation.
Applicants will demonstrate knowledge of musical notation in both treble and bass clefs with regard to the following:
- Key signatures and scale construction for major and relative minor keys.
- Intervals (minor second through octave).
- Chord construction (minor, major, diminished, augmented, and dominant 7th).
- Rhythmic notation for simple and compound meters.
- *Suggested preparatory material may be found in Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm & Meter (3rd Edition), written by John Clough, Joyce Conley, & Claire Boge. (Parts 1-5 & 7) published by W.W. Norton Co. (1999) ISBN #0-393-97369-7