无忧短视频 Chapter of the SPS

The Department has an active Chapter of the Society of Physics Student (SPS) which is open to all students, even non-majors. The students meet on a weekly basis to talk physics and plan events throughout the semester. Some events include the Annual Welcome Barbecue in September were we welcome new students to the program, the Demo Team which brings physics demonstrations to area schools, the Telescope Team that use the department's two 10.5" Celestron telescopes for ourselves and for viewing nights in the community, and travel to local and nation physics conferences.

Dr. Zenaida Uy is the faculty advisor, and Justin Koh-Swineford is the current club president. For more information on the club, you can check out our page.

The Department also has a chapter of the physics honor society, Sigma Pi Sigma. We hold a banquet in the spring semester to honor our top students with membership in the honor society. Our goal is to have all physics majors involved and active in the SPS, we encourage students to come to the meetings and other activities throughout the year. Follow the Get Involved link above and become a member today.