Student Activities

Student Activities

The Psychology Department hosts three organizations, The Psychology ClubPsi Chi International Honor Society, and Active Minds.

The Psychology Club

psych-club_edit.jpgPsychology club meets every Monday at 4 PM on Zoom. Contact Gabby Cobos ( to get an invitation.

Get involved and stay up-to-date with our events by joining the  or following us on !

The Psychology Club provides a variety of events and opportunities for Psychology majors. Throughout the year, the club sponsors videos and speakers on relevant topics. The club also hosts events that involve students and faculty in an informal setting. Such events include an introductory picnic early in the Fall semester, a "Meet Your Professors Night," and presentations on issues such as graduate school and careers. Psychology Club (in conjunction with the Psi Chi Honor Society) adopted Clare House, a local shelter for abused women and their children. In an effort to raise money, the Psychology Club has held an annual flower sale. Membership in the Psychology Club is based solely on participation. So, sign up and support your department, university and community!

Psi Chi The International Honor Society in Psychology

Psi Chi is the International Honors Society in Psychology. Membership in the society is based upon accumulated GPA for all post-high-school work. Admittance into Psi Chi can be gained with an overall GPA of 3.50 in your junior year or an overall GPA of 3.35 in your senior year. Psi Chi is also a service organization. Each year our chapter participates in a National Service Project. Past efforts have included eyeglasses for the needy and adopt-a-shelter (Clare House). The chapter functions in direct collaboration with the Psychology Club. 

Find Psi Chi on Facebook at  

Active Minds

Active MindsActive Minds' mission is to utilize the student voice to raise awareness about mental health on campus. Members of Active Minds are passionate about mental health advocacy and education, as well as the destigmatization of mental health disorders. Active Minds participates in mental health awareness weeks, the recruitment of guest speakers, and the distribution of resources regarding mental health. Active Minds also participates in fundraisers, community outreach, and volunteer work.