Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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DeSales University / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

DeSales University Course 无忧短视频 Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
AB 217 Financial Accounting BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
AB 272 Legal Environment of Business BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
AB 301 Corp Financial Reporting I BUAD 3X1 Corp Financial Reporting I
BI 151 Introductory Biology 1 BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BI 152 Introductory Biology 2 Does Not Transfer
BI 154 Microbiology BIOL 1X4 Microbiology G2, L
BI 209 BIO: Thinking & Creativity BIOL 2X9 BIO: Tinking and Creativity G2
BI 230 Genetics BIOL 2X1 Genetics G2
BI 242 Environmental Science BIOL 208 Plants and People G2, L
BI 255 Molecular Cell Biology 1 BIOL 263 Cell Biology G2, W, L
BI 263 Anatomy and Physiology 1 BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BI 264 Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
CH 101 Chemical Principles CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CH 102 General Chemistry CHEM 1X2 General Chemistry G2, L
CH 103 Fund of General Chemistry CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CH 104 Intro to Organic & Bio Chem CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CH 1053 Laboratory Safety CHEM 1X3 Laboratory Safety
CH 107 Physiological Chemistry CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CH 209 World Awareness/Chemistry CHEM 101 Chem!Better Things/Better Lvng G2
CH 231 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CH 232 Organic Chemistry CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 G2, L
CJ 109 Crime and Society SOCY 1XX Crime and Society G3
CJ 160 Criminal Law SOCY 1XX Criminal Law
CJ 250 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
CJ 260 Law Enforcement SOCY 2XX Law Enforcement
CM 130 Intro to Mass Communications COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
CM 199 Communication Theory COMM 101 Introduction to Communicology G1
CM 205 Intro to Prof Communications COMM 25X Intro to Prof Communications G1
CM 309 Topics: Applied Communication COMM 3X1 Topics: Applied Communication
CM 313 Writing for Promotions & Pub R COMM 351 Public Relations 2 W
CS 105 Intro to Computer Systems CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
CS 270 Multimedia COMM 321 Television Production
DA 103 Intro to Dance WELL 1X1 Intro to Dance WELL
DA 106 Ballet & Modern Dance 1 WELL 1X6 Ballet & Modern Dance 1 WELL
DA 113 Begin Jazz & Musical Comedy THEA 1X3 Begin Jazz & Musical Comedy G1
DA 114 Intro to Ballet & Modern Dance WELL 1X4 Intro to Ballet & Modern Dance
DA 115 Intro to Ballroom Dance WELL 1X7 Intro to Ballroom Dance WELL
DA 214 Technique Forms WELL 1X2 Technique Forms WELL
DA 280 Topics in Dance: Improvisation ELEC 2X8 Topics in Dance: Improvisation
EC 112 Economics of Public Issues ECON 100 Introductory Economics G3
EC 209 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
EC 210 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
ED 101 Methods in Reading UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
ED 109 The Educative Process EDUC 1X9 The Educative Process
ED 113 Science Content / Methods: K-6 EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
ED 123 Math Content & Methods K-12 MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
ED 205 Technology for Educators EDFN 2X5 Technology for Educators
ED 209 Cognition and Learning EDFN 2X9 Cognition and Learning
ED 211 Family, School, and Community ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers D, W
ED 216 Intro to Special Education SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
ED 218 Introduction to Exceptionality SPED 2X8 Introduction to Exceptionality
ED 223 Teaching Creative Arts ERCH 316 Creative Experncs Young Child
ED 280 Clinical Experience 1 - STEP Does Not Transfer
ED 301 Basic Educational Foundations EDFN 3X1 Basic Educational Foundations
ED 3013 Basic Educat Foundations: Pt 3 Does Not Transfer
ED 305 Computer and Assistive Tech EDFN 330 Instr Tech, Design, Assessment
ED 310 Literacy EDUC 220 Reading Foundations
ED 311 Educational Psychology EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
ED 313 Lit for Children and Youth EDUC 333 Lit for Childrn and Young Adol
ED 315 Social Studies Methods EDUC 3XX Social Studies Methods
ED 316 Intro to Special Educational SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
ED 335 Elem Curriculum & Instr 1 ELED 100 Intro to Elementary Education
ED 336 Science Content / Methods: K-6 EDUC 3X6 Science Content / Methods: K-6
ED 363 Special Education Assessment EDUC 3X3 Special Education Assessment
ED 364 The Inclusive Classroom SPED 3X4 The Inclusive Classroom
ED 365 Literacy for Diverse Learners EDUC 3X5 Literacy for Diverse Learners
ED 373 Teaching English Learners Does Not Transfer
ED 435 Elem/Sped Ed Curr & Instr II SPED 4X5 Elem/Sped Ed Curr & Instr II
EE 111 Infant and Youth Development PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
EE 201 Foundations in Early Education ELED 2X1 Foundations in Early Education
EE 2901 Clinical Experience 1 - E.C.E. Does Not Transfer
EN 100 Intro to College Writing ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
EN 103 Communications & Thought 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
EN 104 Communications & Thought 2 ENGL 1XX Communications & Thought 2 G1
EN 110 An Introduction to Poetry ENGL 1X1 An Introduction to Poetry G1
EN 112 Introduction to Drama: Mot/Lit ENGL 2XX Introduction to Drama: Mot/Lit G1
EN 115 Intro to Fiction ENGL 2XX Intro to Fiction G1
EN 130 Intro to Mass Communication COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
EN 220 Journalism 1 ENGL 313 Fundamentals of Journalism AW
EN 234 Introduction to Linguistics ENGL 220 Introduction to Language Study G1
EN 250 American Romanticism ENGL 2X5 American Romanticism G1
EN 345 Chaucer: Studies Middle Ages ENGL 403 Chaucer
EN 375 Topics in American Literature ENGL 37X Topics in American Literature G1
EXP 101 First Year Experience UNIV 103 First Yr:
EXP 130 Acad Develop/Planning UNIV 103 First Year Experience
FA 1001 DeSales University Chorale MUSI 126B Applied Music:Chorale
FA 1002 DSU Chorale - pt. 2 MUSI 127B Applied Music:Chorale
FA 1003 DSU Chorale - pt. 3 MUSI 226B Applied Music:Chorale
FA 1004 DSU Chorale - pt. 4 MUSI 227B Applied Music:Chorale
FA 1005 DSU Chorale - pt. 5 MUSI 326B Applied Music:Chorale
FA 104 Introduction to Painting ART 352 Painting 1
FA 106 Intro to Drawing & Painting ART 1X6 Intro to Drawing & Painting G1
FA 112 Applied Voice MUSI 1X2 Applied Voice
FA 1121 Introduction to Vocal Music MUSI 1X1 Introduction to Vocal Music
FA 1122 Introduction to Vocal Music MUSI 1X2 Introduction to Vocal Music
FA 251 Making Pictures ART 201 Hist and Aesthtcs of Photgrphy G1
FA 333 Art of the 19th Century ART 303 The 19th Century G1
FA 362 Music of Ireland MUSI 3X2 Music of Ireland G1
FA 368 Music of Romantic Era MUSI 2X3 Music of Romatic Era G1
FC 162 Modern Cuban Culture ANTH 2XX Modern Cuban Culture G3
FN 100 Financial Literacy BUAD 1XX Financial Literacy
FN 290 Personal Finance BUAD 203 Personal Finance G3
FN 331 Financial Management BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 W
FN 336 Financial Mkts & Institutions BUAD 445 Financial Markets W
FR 101 Elementary French 1 FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
HCA 40 Ethics in Healthcare PHIL 1X4 Ethics in Healthcare G1
HI 201 Western Civilization to 1600 HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 G3
HI 202 Western Civ since 1600 A.D. HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 G3
HI 203 Major Issues in American Hist HIST 2XX Major Issues in American Hist G3
HI 210 Ancient Greece HIST 211 Greek Civilization G3, W
HI 213 American Civilization 1 HIST 1X3 American Civilization 1
HI 214 American Civilization II HIST 21X American Civilization II G3
HI 313 American Revolution 1760-1800 HIST 356 New Era, 1876-1919 G3, W
LG 355 Law in America GOVT 35X Law in America G3
LS 4001 Conversations on Personhood PHIL 4X1 Conversations on Personhood
MA 107 Mathematics for Teachers 1 MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MA 108 Mathematics for Teachers 2 MATH 1XX Mathematics for Teachers 2 G2
MA 109 Survey of Mathematics MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MA 110 Finite Mathematics MATH 1XX Finite Mathematics G2
MA 111 Probability and Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MA 112 Precalculus Mathematics MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MA 121 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MG 100 Introduction to Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
MG 201 Principles of Mangement BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MG 211 Quantitative Business Analysis BUAD 358 Management Science
MG 212 Data Analysis BUAD 2X2 Data Analysis
MK 201 Principles of Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
NU 205 Fundamentals of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NU 215 Health & Physical Assessment Does Not Transfer
NU 220 Pharmacology Does Not Transfer
NU 230 Therapeutic Nurs Intervention Does Not Transfer
NU 305 Therapeutic Nutrition Does Not Transfer
NU 335 The Chronically Ill Adult Does Not Transfer
NU 340 Mental Health Nursing Does Not Transfer
PA 100 PA as a Profession Does Not Transfer
PA 101 PA as a Profession BIOL 1X1 PA as a Profession
PE 100 Lifetime Fitness & Wellness WELL 175 Wellness WELL
PE 201 Weight Training WELL 1XX Weight Training WELL
PE 205 Weight Training WELL 2X5 Weight Training WELL
PE 231 Tennis WELL 1X3 Tennis
PE 240 Exercise Walking WELL 1X4 Exercise Walking WELL
PE 245 Disc Golf WELL 2X5 Disc Golf
PE 251 Badminton WELL 1X1 Badminton WELL
PE 255 Pilates WELL 1X5 Pilates WELL
PE 260 Hatha Yoga WELL 1XX Hatha Yoga WELL
PE 301 Women's Varsity Softball Does Not Transfer
PE 307 Womens' Varsity Soccer Does Not Transfer
PL 109 Philosophical Thinking PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PL 345 Confessions of St. Augustine Does Not Transfer
PO 103 American Federal Government GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PO 107 Politics East-Central Europe GOVT 1X7 Politics East-Central Europe G3
PO 109 Government, Law & Society GOVT 1X9 Government, Law & Society G3
PO 201 Classical Political Thought GOVT 231 Intro to Political Theory G3
PO 202 Modern Political Thought GOVT 332 Recent Politcal Theory
PO 313 Political Geography GEOG 226 Political Geography G3, W
PS 109 Introduction to Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PS 120 Self Development PSYC 256 Psychology Human Adjustment G3, W
PS 220 Positive Psychology PSYC 2X2 Positive Psychology
PS 240 Human Development PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PS 245 Child Psychopathology PSYC 24X Child Psychopathology
PS 250 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PS 260 Personality:Theory and Researc PSYC 335 Personality Theory G3
PS 290 Psychopathology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PS 295 Forensic Psychology PSYC 2X5 Forensic Psychology
PS 300 Psych of Antisocial Behavior PSYC 3X1 Psych of Antisocial Behavior
PS 365 Psychological Sleuthing PSYC 3X5 Psychological Sleuthing
SO 109 Introduction to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SO 140 Career Development & Planning UNIV 103 First Yr:
SO 203 Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SP 101 Elementary Spanish 1 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SP 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SP 103 Intermediate Spanish 1 SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SP 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SP 211 Spanish Heritage Speakers I SPAN 2X1 Spanish Heritage Speakers I
SP 317 Culture and Civ of Spain SPAN 446 History of Spanish Civilizatn
SP 334 Intro to Hispanic Linguistics SPAN 3X5 Intro to Hispanic Linguistics
SS 100 History & Philosophy of Sport WSSD 1X1 History & Philosophy of Sport
SS 200 Sport Managemnt & Leadership WSSD 2X1 Sport Managemnt & Leadership
SS 440 Current Issues in Sport Mgmt WSSD 350 Sport in America W
SX 101 Terminology in Healthcare Does Not Transfer
TF 008 Free Elective Does Not Transfer
TH 109 Catholic Theology Does Not Transfer
TH 232 As Jesus Speaks Does Not Transfer
TH 260 Marriage and the Family Does Not Transfer
TH 262 Medicine and Morality Does Not Transfer
TH 300 Jesus and the World Religions Does Not Transfer
TH 310 Science and Religion Does Not Transfer
TH 473 Women in the World Does Not Transfer
TR 101 Intro to Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
TR 102 Training the Speaking Voice THEA 1X2 Training the Speaking Voice
TR 143 Intro to Theatre Technology THEA 120 Stagecraft G1
TR 210 Fund of Acting for Non-majors THEA 130 Acting 1 G1, W
TR 211 Fundamentals of Acting THEA 130 Acting 1 G1, W
TR 240 Elements of Design THEA 2X4 Elements of Design G1
TR 263 Pattern Draft & Costume Const THEA 2X3 Pattern Draft & Costume Const
TR 341 Basic Design Scenery THEA 3X4 Basic Design Scenery
TR 344 Tutorials in Design THEA 3X4 Tutorials in Design
TR 361 Theatre Practicum Does Not Transfer
TRI 111 Summer Theatre Studies I THEA 130 Acting 1 G1
TRI 112 Summer Theatre Studies II THEA 230 Acting 2 G1
TV 160 TV / Film: History & Appreciat COMM 1X6 TV / Film: History & Appreciat G1
TV 225 Basic Production & Operations COMM 121 Intro to Audio and Video
TV 252 Writing for TV & Film COMM 2X2 Writing for TV & Film
TV 290 Media Literacy COMM 29X Media Literacy
TV 340 Multimedia COMM 321 Television Production
TV 370 Editing, Sound & Lighting COMM 37X Editing, Sound & Lighting
TV 3831 TV / Film Practicum COMM 3X1 TV / Film Practicum
TV 3832 TV / Film Practicum Does Not Transfer
WC 107 Politics of Europe GOVT 1XX Politics of Europe G3
WC 130 Modern South Africa HIST 1X3 Modern South Africa
WC 140 Ireland and the Irish Diaspora HIST 1XX Ireland and the Irish Diaspora G3
WC 150 Hispanic Cultures I LATS 1XX Hispanic Cultures I
WC 151 Latinos in the US LATS 1X5 Latinos in the US G3
WC 154 Mexicans in America ANTH 1X1 Mexicans in America G3
WC 160 Philippine Culture HIST 1X6 Philippine Culture
WC 161 Caribean Popular Culture ANTH 226 Compar Societs: G3, W
WC 170 Modern German Culture HUMN 1X7 Modern German Culture G1
WC 190 Native American Cultures ANTH 222 American Indian G3, W

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