Transfer Equivalency
Transfer Equivalency Listing
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Pennsylvania Highlands Community College / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies
In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.
Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:
Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College Course | 无忧短视频 Equivalent | MU Gen ED Code (s) |
ACC 100 Introduction to Accounting | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACC 110 Principles of Accounting | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACC 150 Accounting Principles I | BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting | |
ACC 175 Accounting Principles II | BUAD 1X7 Accounting Principles II | |
ACC 230 Managerial Accounting | BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting | |
ACP 100 Academic & Career Planning | UNIV 1XX Academic & Career Planning | |
ADD 115 Intro Chem Depend Addict | SOWK 1X5 Intro Chem Depend Addict | |
ADD 225 Intro Chem Depend Couns | SOWK 307 Social Work and Health Care | G3 |
ANT 100 Intro Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology | G3 |
ART 101 Intro to Art History | ART 1X1 Intro to Art History | G1 |
ART 105 Drawing Fundamentals | ART 133 Drawing 1 | G1 |
BIO 102 Life Science | BIOL 1X2 Life Science | G2 |
BIO 104 Principles of Biology I | BIOL 101 Foundations of Biology | G2, L |
BIO 110 Principles of Biology I | BIOL 100 General Biology | G2, L |
BUS 110 Introduction to Business | BUAD 101 Introduction to Business | G3 |
BUS 125 Management Principles | BUAD 251 Principles of Management | G3, W |
BUS 130 Personal Consumer Finance | BUAD 143 Personal Financial Planning | |
BUS 165 Human Resource Management | BUAD 352 Human Resource Management | |
BUS 206 Operations Mgt and Process | BUAD 2X6 Operations Mgt and Process | |
BUS 210 Business Law | BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business | G3 |
BUS 220 Small Business Management | BUAD 356 Small Business Management | |
BUS 225 Business Ethics | BUAD 2X2 Business Ethics | |
BUS 230 Principles of Marketing | BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing | |
BUS 235 Intro to Sports Management | WSSD 2X5 Intro Sport Management | |
BUS 240 Labor Management Relations | BUAD 353 Labor-Management Relations | |
BUS 298 Business Management Internship | BUAD 2X9 Business Management Internship | |
CAM 125 Basic Blueprint Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
CED 335 Computer Skills for Workplace | Does Not Transfer | |
CHM 106 Introductory Chemistry | CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 | G2, L |
CIT 100 Microcomputer Applications | CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers | G2 |
CIV 100 Western Civ I | HIST 1X1 Western Civ I | G3 |
COM 101 Public Speaking | COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech | SPCH |
COM 110 Interpersonal Communication | COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication | G1 |
COM 115 Intro to Communication | COMM 101 Introduction to Communication | G1 |
COM 120 Organizational Communication | COMM 224 Organizational Communication 1 | |
COM 200 Media & Society | COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media | G1 |
CRJ 100 Introduction to Corrections | SOCY 332 Modern Corrections | G3 |
CRJ 105 Institutional & Comm Correctio | SOCY 1X5 Institutional & Comm Correctio | G3 |
CRJ 110 Intro to Criminal Justice | SOCY 11X Intro to Criminal Justice | G3 |
CRJ 150 Juvenile Justice | SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency | G3 |
CUL 110 Introduction to Hospitality | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 155 Foods I | Does Not Transfer | |
CUL 161 Foods II | Does Not Transfer | |
DSG 110 Graphic Design | DESN 1X1 Graphic Design | |
ECE 101 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
ECE 105 Education Essentials | ERCH 1XX Education Essentials | |
ECE 110 Child Development | ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed | |
ECE 140 Early Childhood Environments | ERCH 1X4 Early Childhood Environments | |
ECE 198 Early Childhood Practicum I | ERCH 1X9 Early Childhood Practicum I | |
ECE 205 Emerging Literacy/Inclusion | ERCH 421 Lang Devel and Emergent Litrcy | W |
ECE 215 Int Curr through Creati Expres | ERCH 316 Creative Experncs Young Child | |
ECE 225 Health/Safety/Nutr Young Child | ERCH 2X5 Health/Safety/Nutr Young Child | |
ECE 250 Children, Families, and Commun | ERCH 315 Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers | D, W |
ECO 100 Macroeconomics | ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics | G3 |
ECO 110 Microeconomics | ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics | G3 |
EDU 120 Technology for Teaching | EDFN 320 Instructnl Technol in ELED | |
EDU 225 Teaching Eng Language Learners | ERCH 485 Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners | |
EDU 230 Children with Special Needs | SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ | |
ENG 020 Introduction to Composition | Does Not Transfer | |
ENG 105 Effective Writing for Workplac | ENGL 1X5 Effective Writing for Workplac | G1 |
ENG 110 English Composition I | ENGL 110 English Composition | COMP |
ENG 200 English Comp II: Studies Lit | ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature | G1 |
ENG 205 Research Writing | ENGL 2X5 Research Writing | G1 |
ENG 215 Creative Writing | ENGL 2X5 Creative Writing | G1 |
ENG 220 Business Letter & Report Writ | ENGL 2X2 Business Letter & Report Writ | G1 |
ENG 225 Technical Writing | WRIT 312 Technical Writing | AW |
ENG 230 Survey American Lit I | ENGL 235 Early American Literature | G1 |
ENG 235 Survey American Lit II | ENGL 236 Later American Literature | G1 |
ENG 240 Survey British Lit I | ENGL 233 Early English Literature | G1 |
ENG 245 Survey British Lit II | ENGL 234 Later English Literature | G1 |
ENG 250 Women & Literature | ENGL 2X5 Women & Literature | G1 |
ENG 255 Lit for Children & Adolescents | ENGL 25X Lit for Children & Adolescents | G1 |
ENG 271 World Literature | ENGL 231 World Literature 1 | G1 |
FLM 110 Intro to American Cinema | ENGL 11X Intro to American Cinema | G1 |
FRE 101 French I | FREN 101 Elementary French 1 | G1 |
FRE 102 French II | FREN 102 Elementary French 2 | G1 |
FYE 100 First Year Experience | UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar | |
GEO 100 Intro to Geography | GEOG 1X1 Intro to Geography | G3 |
GOV 100 Intro to American Nat Govt | GOVT 111 Intro to American Government | G3 |
HIS 100 US History I:Disc thru Reconst | HIST 10X US History I:Disc thru Reconst | G3 |
HIS 110 US History II | HIST 11X US History II | G3 |
HSC 100 Medical Terminology | BIOL 1XX Medical Terminology | |
HSC 105 Intro to Hlth Professiosn | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 120 Health Information Mgmt | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 123 Operational Hlth Informatics | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 130 Basic Anatomy & Physiology | BIOL 1X3 Basic Anatomy & Physiology | |
HSC 135 Revenue Cycle-Med Billing | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 155 Intro to Electronic Hlth Recor | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 160 Law & Ethics for Health Occup | GOVT 1X6 Law & Ethics for Health Occup | |
HSC 205 Medical Coding IDC-10 | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 210 Medical Coding CPT | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 212 Med Coding Certification | ||
HSC 215 Human Disease & Treatment I | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 280 Financial Mgmt in Hlthcare | Does Not Transfer | |
HSC 289 Med Coding & Billing | ||
ICR 031 Critical College Reading | Does Not Transfer | |
LIF 111 Health and Wellness | WELL 175 Wellness | WELL |
MAT 020 Basic Math | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 041 Prealgebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 085 Algebra Fundamentals | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 110 Business Mathematics | MATH 1X1 Business Mathematics | |
MAT 116 Math Concepts & Applications | MATH 1X6 Math Concepts & Applications | G2 |
MAT 126 Elements of Math I | MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 | G2 |
MAT 127 Elements of Math II | MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 | G2 |
MAT 131 Intermediate Algebra | Does Not Transfer | |
MAT 135 Math for Hlthcare Professional | MATH 1X3 Math for Hlthcare Professional | |
MAT 145 College Algebra | MATH 101 College Algebra | |
MAT 200 Probability & Statistics | MATH 235 Survey of Statistics | G2 |
MAT 205 Applied Calculus For Business | MATH 151 Calculus for Management | G2 |
MKT 100 Consumer Behavior | MKTG 332 Consumer Behavior | |
MKT 120 Market Research | MKTG 1X2 Market Research | |
MKT 140 Advertising | MKTG 1X4 Advertising | |
MKT 200 Sales & Customer Service | MKTG 333 Personal Selling | |
MKT 220 Digital Marketing Analytics | MKTG 2X2 Digital Marketing Analytics | |
MPR 100 Intro to Production | COMM 121 Intro to Audio and Video | |
MPR 200 Scripting Radio, TV, E-Media | COMM 351 Public Relations II: PR Writng | W |
MPR 230 Basic News Writing | COMM 326 Media Writing: News | W |
MPR 270 New Media Production | COMM 2X7 New Media Production | |
MUS 100 Intro to Music | MUSI 101 Fundamentals of Music | |
PHI 100 Intro to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHI 110 Intro to Philosophy | PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy | G1 |
PHI 200 Intro to Ethics | PHIL 120 Introduction to Ethics | G1 |
PSY 100 General Psychology | PSYC 100 General Psychology | G3 |
PSY 120 Intro to Educational Psycholog | PSYC 12X Intro to Educational Psycholog | G3 |
PSY 130 Human Dev Across Lifespan | PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment | G3 |
PSY 140 Princ of Behav Management | PSYC 1X4 Princ of Behav Management | G3 |
PSY 200 Abnormal Psychology | PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology | G3, W |
REL 100 World Religions/Religious Stud | PHIL 313 World Religions | G1 |
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology | SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology | G3 |
SOC 200 Contemporary Social Issues | SOCY 211 Social Problems | G3, W |
SOC 205 Race, Class, Gender in Society | SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations | G3 |
SWK 100 Intro to Social Work | SOWK 102 Modern Social Welfare Dilemmas | G3 |
SWK 117 Beg Interview Skills & Documen | SOWK 1X7 Beg Interview Skills & Documen | |
SWK 135 Families in Society | SOWK 1X3 Families in Society | |
SWK 210 Social Welfare | SOWK 2X1 Social Welfare | |
SWK 225 Ethics in Soc Sciences | SOWK 2X5 Ethics in Soc Sciences | |
TRN 115 Intro to Transfer | UNIV 1X1 Intro to Transfer | |
WEL 101 Welding I | Does Not Transfer | |
WEL 102 Welding II | Does Not Transfer | |
WEL 201 Advanced Welding I | Does Not Transfer | |
WEL 202 Advanced Welding II | Does Not Transfer |
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Contact Information
Registrar's Office
P.O. Box 1002
无忧短视频, PA 17551Lyle Hall, 1st Floor
Summer/Winter Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am to 4pm
Registrar Office Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am to 4:30pmWe welcome you to connect with us via email at any time:
Degree Audit:
Transcripts: Registrar-Transcripts@millersville.eduPhone: 717-871-5005
Fax: 717-871-7894