Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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Villanova University / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Villanova University Course 无忧短视频 Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
AAH 3009 Topics in Art History ART 3X9 Topics in Art History G1
ACC 1001 Financial Acct 1 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 1002 Financial Acct 2 BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ACS 1000 Traditions in Conversation ELEC 1X1 Traditions in Conversation
ACS 1001 Modernity & It's Discontents HUMN 2X1 Modernity & It's Discontents G1
AST 1072 Birth & Death of Stars PHYS 1X2 Birth & Death of Stars
BA 2001 Computers in Mangmt CSCI 1X1 Computers in Magmt
BIO 1181 Cell Bio and Genetics BIOL 1X1 Cell Bio and Genetics G2
BIO 1205 Human Ant and Physiology I BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 1206 Human Ant and Physiology II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BL 1090 Law & Society BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
CHE 2031 Intro Chemical Processes CHEM 23X Intro Chemical Processes
CHM 1103 General Chemistry Lab I Does Not Transfer
CHM 1104 General Chemistry Lab II Does Not Transfer
CHM 1108 General Chem Lab II Does Not Transfer
CHM 1131 General Chem I CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 1134 General Chem II CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 1151 General Chemistry I CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 1152 General Chemistry II CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CRM 1001 Introduction to Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
ECO 1001 Intro to Micro ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
ECO 1101 Princ of Macroecon ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
ECO 1102 Princ of Microecon ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
ECO 2110 Probe of Amer Economy ECON 2X1 Probe of Amer Economy G3
EGR 1200 Egr Interdisciplinary Proj I ELEC 12X Egr Interdisciplinary Proj I
ENG 1005 Literature & Comp 1 ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 1006 Literature & Comp 2 ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENG 1050 The Literary Experience ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENG 1975 Sophomore Sem: Topic Varies Does Not Transfer
ENG 2305 Intro to Folklore ENGL 2X5 Intro to Folklore G1
ETH 2050 The Good Life: Eth & Cont Prob PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
GER 1111 Introductory German 1 GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GER 1112 Introductory German 2 GERM 102 Elementary German 2 G1
GER 1121 Intermediate German 1 GERM 201 Intermediate German 1 G1
GER 1122 Intermediate German 2 GERM 202 Intermediate German 2 G1
HIS 1050 Themes in Modern Wrld History HIST 1X5 Themes in Modern Wrld History G3
HIS 1070 Topic: HIST 308 Topics in History G3
HIS 1155 Glob Migration in Hist 1500 HIST 1X5 Glob Migration in Hist 1500 G3
HIS 2252 US Foreign Rel 1914 - Present HIST 22X US Foreign Rel 1914 - Present G3
HIS 2281 Immigration in Amer Hist HIST 22X Immigration in Amer Hist G3
HIS 3006 Medieval Europe 500 - 1500 HIST 313 History of Middle Ages W, G3
HIS 3011 Greek Civilization HIST 30X Greek Civilization G3
HIS 3216 Ireland Since 1800 HIST 3X2 Ireland Since 1800 G3
HIS 4499 TOP:Empir/Violence/Revol HIST 44X TOP:Empir/Violence/Revol
HS 2000 Intro:Prin & Survey Prac SOWK 20X Intro:Prin and Srvy Prac W
HS 2100 Assessment and Referral SOWK 2X1 Assessment and Referral
HS 2200 Research in Human Services SOWK 330 Social Work Research W
HS 3000 Lab Communication Skills SOWK 30X Lab Communication Skills
HS 3100 Lab in Group Process SOWK 301 Social Work Practice 1 W
JPN 1111 Intro Japanese I JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1 G1
JPN 1111 Intro Japanese I JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese 2 G1
JPN 1112 Intro Japanese II JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese 1 G1
JPN 1112 Intro Japanese II JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese 2 G1
JPN 1121 Inter Japanese I JAPN 3X1 Inter Japanese I
JPN 1122 Inter Japanese II JAPN 3X2 Inter Japanese II
LAT 1111 Introductory Latin I LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 G1
LAT 1112 Introductory Latin II LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 G1
MAT 1220 Discrete Math Social Sci MATH 1X2 Descrete Math Social Sci G2
MAT 1230 Intro Statistics I MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 1235 Intro Statistics II MATH 13X Intro Statistics 2 G2
MAT 1250 Stats in Health Care Research MATH 1X0 Stats in Health Care Research G2
MAT 1300 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MAT 1305 Calculus 2 MATH 162 Calculus 2 G2
MAT 1320 Calculus 1 for Liberal Arts MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MAT 1500 Calculus I MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MAT 1505 Calculus II MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MAT 2500 Calculus III MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
NS 1000 Intro to Naval Science MILS 1X1 Intro to Naval Science
PHI 1000 Knowledge, Reality, Self PHIL 382 Philosophy of Religion G1
PHI 1050 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHI 1500 Logic PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHI 2450 Catholic Social Thought Does Not Transfer
PJ 2900 Ethical Issues in P & J Does Not Transfer
PSC 1100 American Government GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
PSC 1200 Intro International Relations GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics G3
PSY 1000 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 2700 Industrial / Organizationl Psy PSYC 329 Industrial Psychology G3, W
PSY 3200 Human Development PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
RST 1100 Rel Human Experience PHIL 2XX Rel Human Experience
SOC 1000 Intro to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 1500 Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SOC 2300 Sociology of the Family SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SOC 2400 Sociology of Social Work SOCY 24X Sociology of Social Work
SOC 2600 Sociology of Religion SOCY 26X Sociology of Religion G3
STA 2107 Intro Statistics 1 MATH 235 Survey of Statistics G2
STA 2108 Intro Statistics 2 MATH 2X6 Intro Statistics 2
THL 1000 Christian Faith and Life Does Not Transfer
THL 1500 Spirituality & Healing Arts Does Not Transfer
THL 4990 THM:Contemporary Spirituality Does Not Transfer

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