Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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Hagerstown Community College / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

Hagerstown Community College Course 无忧短视频 Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
ACC 101 Principles of Accounting 1 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACC 102 Principles of Accounting 2 BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
ADJ 101 Intro to Criminal Justice SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
ADJ 104 Introduction to Corrections SOCY 332 Modern Corrections G3
ADJ 204 Criminal Investigation SOCY 2XX Criminal Investigation
ADJ 205 Criminalistics SOCY 2XX Criminalistics G3
ADJ 208 Police Management SOCY 2XX Police Management
AET 101 Applied Math for T Does Not Transfer
AET 102 Intro to Alternati ITEC 1X2 Intro to Alternati
AET 106 Photovoltaic Insta ITEC 1X6 Photovoltaic Installation
AET 108 Wind Energy Installation ITEC 1X8 Wind Energy Installation
ANT 201 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ART 101 Introduction of Visual Arts ART 100 Art in Culture G1
ART 103 Drawing 1 ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 104 Painting 1 ART 352 Painting 1
ART 105 Ceramics I ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 115 Photography 1 ART 266 Fine Art Photo 1 G1
ART 120 Beginning Ceramics ART 295 Ceramics:Hand Building G1
ART 122 Sculpture 1 ART 282 Sculpture 1 G1
ART 123 Jewelry 1 ART 291 Fine Art Metals 1 G1
ART 203 Drawing 2 ART 233 Drawing 2
ART 204 Painting 2 ART 354 Painting 2
ART 210 Watercolor Painting ART 353 Watercolor 1
ART 222 Sculpture 2 ART 382 Sculpture 2
ASL 101 Basic Sign Language HUMN 1X1 Basic Sign Language G1
BIO 099 Biology for Allied BIOL 1X9 Biology for Allied
BIO 101 General Biology 1 w/Lab BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BIO 102 General Biology 2 BIOL 1X2 General Biology 2 G2, L
BIO 103 Human Anatomy & Ph BIOL 1X3 Human Anatomy & Ph
BIO 104 Human Anatomy & Ph BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 106 Unity / Diversity w/ Lab BIOL 1XX Unity / Diversity w/ Lab G2, L
BIO 110 Human Biology BIOL 204 Human Biology G2, W
BIO 112 Biology of Disease BIOL 1X2 Biology of Disease G2
BIO 113 Princ of Biology I BIOL 1X3 Princ of Biology I G2, L
BIO 114 Principles of Biology II BIOL 1X4 Principles of Biology II
BIO 116 Human Anatomy & Physio for AH BIOL 1X6 Human Anatomy & Physio for AH G2, L
BIO 119 Intro Biology For Health Prof BIOL 1X9 Intro Biology For Health Prof
BIO 202 Radiation Biology Does Not Transfer
BIO 203 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
BIO 204 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
BIO 205 Microbiology BIOL 22X Microbiology G2
BTC 101 Intro to Biotechnology BIOL 1X1 Intro to Biotechnology G2
BUS 101 Introduction to Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BUS 104 Legal Environment BUAD 202 Legal Environment of Business G3
BUS 145 Customer Service BUAD 1X5 Customer Service
CAD 152 Computer-Aided Des ITEC 241 Drafting Communications
CHM 101 Intro College Chemistry CHEM 101 Chem!Better Things/Better Lvng G2
CHM 103 General Chemistry CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 104 General Chemistry CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHM 203 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHM 204 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry 2 G2, L
CIS 102 Intro to Information Science CSCI 1X2 Intro to Information Science G2
CIS 119 Intro to C and C++ CSCI 1XX Intro to C and C++ G2
COM 103 Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
COM 108 Intro to Human Communication COMM 101 Introduction to Communication G1
CSC 102 Intro to Information Technolog CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
CSC 130 Scripting Fund using Python CSCI 1XX Scripting Fund using Python
CYB 101 Introduction to Cybersecurity CSCI 1X1 Intro to Cybersecurity
CYB 210 Ethics in the Information Age INTE 2XX Ethics in the Information Age
DHY 101 Dental Hygiene Theory I Does Not Transfer
DHY 102 Dental Hygiene Clinical I Does Not Transfer
DHY 104 Dental Radiology Does Not Transfer
DHY 108 Head, Neck & Oral Anatomy Does Not Transfer
DNC 101 Dance Appreciation HUMN 1X1 Dance Appreciation G1
DNC 215 HCC Dance Company I WELL 2X5 HCC Dance Company I
ECO 201 Macroeconomic Principles ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
ECO 202 Microeconomic Principles ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
EDU 101 Introduction to Education EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDU 103 Foundations of Early Childhood ERCH 110 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
EDU 114 The Developing Child PSYC 1X4 The Developing Child G3
EDU 208 Instruction of Reading ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading
EDU 211 Introduction to Special Educat SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EDU 212 Processes & Acquisition of Rea ERCH 225 Foundations of Reading
EGT 150 Intro to CNC Progr ITEC 1X5 Intro to CNC Progr
EGT 235 Hydraulics and Pne ITEC 2X5 Hydraulics and Pne
ENG 098 Writing Basics Does Not Transfer
ENG 099 Writing Essentials Does Not Transfer
ENG 100 Beginning Composition Does Not Transfer
ENG 101 English Composition ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENG 102 Composition and Literature ENGL 230 Introduction to Literature G1
ENG 104 Children's Literature ERCH 435 Literature for the Young Child
ENG 112 Technical Writing ENGL 312 Technical Writing AW
ENG 114 Mythology HUMN 202 Classical Mythology W, G1
ENG 201 World Literature 1 ENGL 231 World Literature 1 G1
ENG 202 World Literature 2 ENGL 232 World Literature 2 G1
ENG 204 English Literature ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENG 205 American Literature ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
ENG 208 Shakespeare ENGL 28X Shakespeare G1
ENV 201 Fund of Enviro Sci 1 ESCI 2X1 Fund of Enviro Sci 1 G2, L
ENV 201L Fund of Enviro Sci 1 Lab Does Not Transfer
EXS 143 Strength Training WELL 1X3 Strength Training
EXS 163 Fitness & Conditioning WELL 1X6 Fitness & Conditioning
EXS 230 Found of Exercise & Movement WSSD 491 Exercise Physiology
FRN 101 Elementary French FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
GDT 112 Computer Graphics ART 1XX Computer Graphics G1
GEO 101 Physical Geography GEOG 230 Physical Geography G3
GEO 102 Human Geography GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
GEO 105 World Regional Geography GEOG 101 The Global Environment G3
GEO 220 Intro to Geographic Info Syste GEOG 295 Geographic Information Systems
HEA 102 Nutrition BIOL 256 Nutrition G2, W
HEA 103 Personal Health WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HEA 105 First Aid WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
HIS 101 History of Civilization 1 HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 G3
HIS 102 History of Civilization 2 HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 G3
HIS 201 American History HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIS 203 History of Maryland HIST 2XX History of Maryland G3
HIS 207 The Civil War HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction G3, W
HIST 103 Intro to Human Serv & Socl Wrk SSCI 1X3 Intro to Human Serv & Socl Wrk G3
HST 103 Intro to Humn Srv & Sowk SOWK 1X3 Intro to Humn Srv & Sowk G3
HST 201 Undrstndng Dvrsty in Hlpng Prf SOWK 2X4 Undrstndng Dvrsty in Hlpng Prf G3
HST 207 Social Work w/ Individuals SOWK 2X7 Social Work w/ Individuals G3
HST 208 Social Work w/ Groups SOWK 2X8 Social Work w/ Groups G3
HST 269 Hum Serv Internship I SOWK 2X9 Hum Serv Internship I
HST 270 Hum Serv Internship II SOWK 2X7 Hum Serv Internship II
HST 290 Ethics in Counseling SOWK 2X9 Ethics in Counseling
HUM 101 Special Studies in Leadership HMFA 1X1 Special Studies in Leadership
HUM 201 The Arts: A Creati HMFA 2X1 The Arts: A Creati G1
HUM 204 Religion in America PHIL 2XX Religion in America G1
HUM 210 Media & Culture COMM 220 Survey of Media G1
HUM 214 World Religions PHIL 313 World Religions G1
INT 101 Intro to Industria ITEC 1X1 Intro to Industria
INT 102 Introduction to PL ITEC 1X2 Introduction to PL
INT 104 Facilities Safety/ OSHM 1X4 Facilities Safety/
INT 109 Fundamentals of El ITEC 261 Electronic Systems
IST 101 Basic Keyboarding Does Not Transfer
IST 102 Intro Information CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
IST 103 Presentation Software CSCI 1X3 Presentation Software
IST 150 PC Tech: Repair & CSCI 1X5 PC Tech: Repair &
IST 154 Networking Basics CSCI 1X4 Networking Basics
IST 160 Introduction to Se CSCI 1X6 Introduction to Se
MAP 102 Medical Terminology Does Not Transfer
MAP 110 Intro to Health Sci Profession Does Not Transfer
MAT 098 Pre-Algebra Does Not Transfer
MAT 099 Elementary Algebra Does Not Transfer
MAT 100 Intermediate Algeb MATH 1X1 Intermediate Algeb
MAT 101 College Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 102 Trigonometry MATH 110 Trigonometry
MAT 107 Fundamental Concepts of Math I MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MAT 108 Fundamental Concepts Math II MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 G2
MAT 109 Introduction to Statistics MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MAT 114 Intro to Applied Algebra MATH 101 College Algebra
MAT 160 Precalculus I MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 161 Elementary Functions MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MAT 164 Calculus with Appl MATH 151 Calculus for Management G2
MAT 203 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MAT 204 Calculus 2 MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MAT 205 Calculus 3 MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
MGT 103 Principles of Management BUAD 251 Principles of Management G3, W
MGT 104 Marketing BUAD 231 Principles of Marketing
MGT 210 Management of Human Resources BUAD 352 Human Resource Management
MGT 214 Small Business Management BUAD 356 Small Business Management
MGT 218 Advertising and Public Relatio BUAD 335 Advertising
MUA 121 Woodwind Instrument I MUSI 12X Woodwind Instrument I G1
MUA 128 Piano I MUSI 1X8 Piano I G1
MUS 101 Music Appreciation MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUS 102 History of Jazz MUSI 1X2 History of Jazz G1
MUS 107 Jazz Band I MUSI 1X7 Jazz Band I G1
MUS 171 Fundamentals of Music MUSI 1X7 Fundamentals of Music G1
MUS 175 Intro to Music Technology MUSI 193 Comp Apps in Mus Prod I
MUS 176 Intro to Audio Recording Tech MUSI 1X7 Intro to Audio Recording Tech
MUS 180 History of Rock & Roll MUSI 1X8 History of Rock & Roll G1
MUS 201 Theory of Music MUSI 2XX Theory of Music
NUR 101 Found of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 102 Maternal Child Health Does Not Transfer
NUR 105 Foundations of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 112 Care of Human Needs Does Not Transfer
NUR 116 Foundations of Nursing I Does Not Transfer
NUR 117 Foundations of Nursing II Does Not Transfer
NUR 123 Certified Geriatric Assistant Does Not Transfer
NUR 126 Nursing Care of Women/Infants Does Not Transfer
NUR 127 Nursing Care of Children Does Not Transfer
NUR 200 Gerontology & Health Does Not Transfer
NUR 201 Adult Health Care I Does Not Transfer
NUR 202 Adult Health Care II Does Not Transfer
NUR 224 Pharmacology for Nursing Pract Does Not Transfer
NUR 225 Nursing Care - Adult I Does Not Transfer
NUR 226 Behavioral Health Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 227 Nursing Care - Adult II Does Not Transfer
NUR 228 Contemp Trends Nursing Does Not Transfer
NUR 229 Nursing Care Adult I Does Not Transfer
NUR 230 Nursing Care-Adult II Does Not Transfer
NUR 231 Nursing Care-Adult III Does Not Transfer
PED 107 Basic Self Defense WELL 1XX Basic Self Defense WELL
PED 108 Badminton WELL 1XX Badminton WELL
PED 110 Golf WELL 1XX Golf WELL
PED 116 Tennis WELL 1XX Tennis WELL
PED 117 Table Tennis WELL 1XX Table Tennis WELL
PED 118 Volleyball WELL 1XX Volleyball WELL
PED 119 Advanced Volleyball WELL 1X1 Advanced Volleyball WELL
PED 128 Karate: Beginning WELL 1XX Karate: Beginning WELL
PED 129 Karate: Intermediate WELL 1X1 Karate: Intermediate WELL
PED 130 Karate: Advanced WELL 1X2 Karate: Advanced WELL
PED 132 Yoga: Beginning WELL 1X2 Yoga: Beginning
PED 139 Fitness Walking WELL 1XX Fitness Walking WELL
PED 141 Weight Lifting: Beginning WELL 1XX Weight Lifting: Beginning WELL
PED 142 Weight Lifting: Intermediate WELL 1X1 Weight Lifting: Intermediate WELL
PED 143 Weight Lifting: Advanced WELL 1X2 Weight Lifting: Advanced WELL
PED 144 Jogging WELL 1XX Jogging WELL
PED 145 Advanced Jogging WELL 1X1 Advanced Jogging WELL
PED 148 Cycling WELL 1XX Cycling WELL
PED 161 Aerobic Workout I WELL 1X6 Aerobic Workout I WELL
PED 162 Aerobic Workout II-Step WELL 16X Aerobic Workout II-Step WELL
PED 170 Individual Assessment: Beginni WELL 1X1 Individual Assessment: Beginni WELL
PED 171 Individual Assessment WELL 1X7 Individual Assessment
PED 172 Individual Assess WELL 1X7 Individual Assess WELL
PED 176 Women: Basketball WELL 1X6 Women: Basketball WELL
PED 177 Men: Basketball WELL 1X7 Men: Basketball WELL
PED 179 Baseball WELL 1X1 Baseball WELL
PED 189 Intermediate Baseball WELL 1X2 Intermediate Baseball WELL
PED 198 Fund Fitness & Motor Skills WELL 1X8 Fund Fitness & Motor Skills
PED 201 Intro to Analysis of Physical WSSD 2X1 Intro to Analysis of Physical
PED 216 Care & Prevention of Athletic WSSD 311 First Aid and CPR
PED 226 Sport Psychology PSYC 2X6 Sport Psychology
PED 240 Diversity Cultural Issues- Ath WSSD 350 Sport in America W
PHL 101 Introduction to Ph PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHL 103 Ethics PHIL 120 Introduction to Ethics G1
PHS 104 General Physical S ESCI 1X4 General Physical S
PHS 105 Descriptive Astronomy PHYS 117 General Astronomy G2
PHS 107 Introductory Physi PHYS 103 Introduction to Physics G2
PHS 108 Intro Physical Geology ESCI 221 Physical Geology L, G2
PHS 109 Meteorology ESCI 109 Atmosphere with Lab G2, L
PHS 111 Earth Science ESCI 1X1 Earth Science L, G2
PHY 106 Radiological Positioning Ii Does Not Transfer
PHY 201 General Physics I PHYS 131 Physics 1 with Algebra G2, L
PLB 105 Phlebotomy Does Not Transfer
PLB 106 Phleb Clinical Externship Does Not Transfer
POL 101 American Govt GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
POL 102 State and Local Government GOVT 112 Intro to State and Local Govt G3
PSY 101 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 201 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSY 203 Educational Psychology EDFN 241 Psyc Foundation of Teaching
PSY 204 Dev Psych: Lifespa PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
PSY 206 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 337 Abnormal Psychology G3, W
PSY 208 Theories of Personality PSYC 335 Personality Theory G3
PSY 216 Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
RAD 101 Radiologic Technology I Does Not Transfer
RAD 102 Radiologic Technology Ii Does Not Transfer
RAD 103 Radiologic Positioning I Does Not Transfer
RAD 104 Radiologic Positioning Ii Does Not Transfer
RAD 105 Radiologic Technology Orient Does Not Transfer
RAD 107 Clinical Technique I Does Not Transfer
RAD 108 Clinical Technique Ii Does Not Transfer
RAD 201 Radiologic Technology Iii Does Not Transfer
RAD 204 Clinical Technique Iii Does Not Transfer
RAD 205 Clinical Technique Iv Does Not Transfer
RAD 207 Radiologic Positioning Iii Does Not Transfer
RAD 208 Medical Imaging Does Not Transfer
RAD 211 Clinical Technique V Does Not Transfer
RAD 212 Cross-Sectional Anatomy Does Not Transfer
RAD 222 Principles of MR Imaging Does Not Transfer
RAD 224 MRI Clinical Practicum I Does Not Transfer
RAD 224A MRI Clinical Practicum II Does Not Transfer
RAD 224B MRI Clinical Practicum III Does Not Transfer
REC 101 Community Recreation WSSD 1XX Community Recreation
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOC 102 Sociology of Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems G3, W
SOC 103 Criminology SOCY 230 Criminology G3, W
SOC 105 Juvenile Delinquency SOCY 334 Juvenile Delinquency W, G3
SOC 106 Race and Ethnic Relations SOCY 315 Race and Ethnic Relations G3
SOC 206 Marriage and Famil SOCY 210 Sociology of the Family G3
SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPD 101 Introduction to Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
SPD 103 Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
SPD 106 Fundamentals of Acting THEA 130 Acting 1 G1, W
SPD 114 History of the Theatre THEA 340 History of Theatre 1 G1, W
SPN 101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPN 102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPN 201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPN 202 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 G1
SPN 290 Span Study in Dominican Rep SPAN 2X9 Span Study in Dominican Rep
STU 106 Professionalism In Workplace Does Not Transfer
THR 102 Elements of Drama Production THEA 1X2 Elements of Drama Production G1

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