Transfer Equivalency

Transfer Equivalency Listing

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University of Delaware / MU Transfer Course Equivalencies

In general, 无忧短视频 awards transfer credit for college-level courses in fields of study offered at 无忧短视频 that were completed on the campus of a regionally accredited institution.

Note: The list below might not include all courses that would be accepted in transfer. Questions may be addressed to:

Tip: For MU Gen ED code descriptions, place your cursor over the codes corresponding to the courses listed below, a tooltip should appear.

University of Delaware Course 无忧短视频 Equivalent MU Gen ED Code (s)
ACCT 160 Intro to Business Info Systems BUAD 307 Management Information Systms
ACCT 207 Accounting 1 BUAD 161 Intro to Financial Accounting
ACCT 208 Accounting 2 BUAD 162 Intro to Managerial Accounting
AFRA 110 Intro to Africana Studies AFAM 201 Intro to African American Stdy G3, D
AFRA 205 Contemp African-Amer Issues AFAM 201 Intro to African American Stdy D, G3
AGRI 130 Today's Agriculture BIOL 1X3 Today's Agriculture G2
AGRI 165 Mastering the Freshman Year UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
ANFS 100 Animals and Human Culture ELEC 1XX Animals and Human Culture
ANFS 102 Food for Thought Does Not Transfer
ANSC 101 Intro to Animal Science ELEC 1XX Intro to Animal Science
ANSC 111 Animal Science Laboratory Does Not Transfer
ANTH 101 Intro to Soc & Cult Anthropolo ANTH 121 Cultural Anthropology G3
ANTH 103 Intro Prehistoric Archaeology ANTH 123 Introduction To Archeology G3
ANTH 104 Intro to Archeological Ant ANTH 122 Physical Anthropology G3
ANTH 205 Anthropology and Human Nature ANTH 2X5 Anthropology and Human Nature G3
ANTH 223 Food, Gender and Culture ANTH 2X3 Food, Gender and Culture G3
ANTH 228 Peoples & Culture: Southwest ANTH 2X8 Peoples & Culture: Southwest G3
ANTH 251 Intro to the Primitive Arts ANTH 2X1 Intro to the Primitive Arts
ANTH 275 DE Prehistoric Archaeology ANTH 2XX DE Prehistoric Archaeology
ANTH 390 HNRS COL: Technology & Societ ANTH 3X9 Technology & Society G3, W
APEC 100 Sustainable Development ECON 1XX Sustainable Development
APEC 135 Intro to Data Analysis ECON 1X5 Intro to Data Analysis
APEC 150 Econ of Agriculture/Natural Re GEOG 1X5 Econ of Agriculture/Natural Re G3
ARSC 390 HNRS: CLQ: Landscapes of Imagi ELEC 3XX HNRS: CLQ: Landscapes of Imagi
ART 110 Foundation Drawing 1 ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 130 Drawing 1: Tools & Techniques ART 133 Drawing 1 G1
ART 204 Media Design Culture DESN 144 Digital Theory and Skills
ARTH 101 Visual Culture ART 100 Art in Culture G1
ARTH 153 Introduction to Art History 1 ART 301 The Ancient World G1
ARTH 154 Introduction to Art History 2 ART 312 Survey of Art History G1
ARTH 198 Studies in World Art & Arch ART 19X Studies in Wrld Art/Archit G1
ARTH 208 Greek and Roman Art ART 301 The Ancient World G1
ARTH 230 American Art: 1607 - 1866 ART 313 Art in America G1
ARTH 315 Modern Art I: Nineteenth Cent ART 303 The 19th Century G1
BAMS 110 Intro to Black Amer Studies AFAM 201 Intro to African American Stdy D, G3
BHAN 120 Physical Education WELL 1X2 Physical Education WELL
BHAN 130 Health Topics: Health/Virtues WELL 1XX Health Topics: Health/Virtues
BHAN 135 Freshmen Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
BHAN 155 Personal Health Mgmt WELL 1X5 Personal Health Mgmt
BHAN 160 Hlth Behavior Sci Seminar Does Not Transfer
BHAN 311 Issues in Hlth Behav Science BIOL 3X1 Issues in Hlth Behav Science
BHAN 326 Research Mthds & Stats WSSD 3X6 Research Mthds & Stats
BHAN 342 Intro Adapted Phys Activ WSSD 3X2 Intro Adapted Phys Activ
BHAN 435 Physical Activity Behavior WSSD 4X5 Physical Activity Behavior
BISC 103 Princ of Biology BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BISC 104 Principles of Biology with Lab BIOL 100 General Biology G2, L
BISC 106 Elementary Human Physiology BIOL 1X6 Elementary Human Physiology
BISC 107 Elem Evolutionary Ecology BIOL 241 Principles of Ecology
BISC 152 Biology of Human Sexuality BIOL 207 Human Sexuality D, W, G2
BISC 171 Microbiology in Modern Society BIOL 161 Clinical Microbiology
BISC 205 Biology for Health Sciences BIOL 2X5 Biology for Health Sciences G2, L
BISC 207 HNRS: Intro Biology 1 BIOL 2XX Hnrs: Intro Biology 1 G2, L
BISC 208 HNRS: Introductory Biology 2 BIOL 2XX HNRS: Introductory Biology 2 G2, L
BISC 276 Human Physiology BIOL 2X1 Human Physiology
BISC 300 Introduction to Microbiology BIOL 3X1 Introduction to Microbiology G2, L
BISC 306 General Physiology BIOL 3X6 General Physiology
BISC 401 Molecular Biology of the Cell BIOL 462 Molecular Biology W
BISC 403 Genetic and Evolutionary Biol BIOL 4X3 Genetic and Evolutionary Biol
BUAD 110 Basics of Business BUAD 101 Introduction to Business G3
BUAD 210 Foundations of Sport Mngmt BUAD 2X0 Foundations of Sport Mngmt G3
BUAD 309 Mgmt & Organizational Behavior BUAD 351 Organization Theory
BUAD 472 Mktg, Society & Environme BUAD 47X Mktg, Society and Environment
CHEG 112 Intro to Chemical Engineering SCMA 1X2 Intro to Chemical Engineering G2
CHEG 231 Chemical Engineering Thermo SCMA 2X1 Chemical Engineering Thermo G2
CHEG 304 Random Variability in Chem Pro CHEM 3X4 Random Variability in Chem Pro G2
CHEM 101 General Chemistry CHEM 103 Gen Organic and Biochemistry 1 G2, L
CHEM 105 General Chemistry CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHEM 106 Elem Bioorganic Chemistry CHEM 1X6 Elem Bioorganic Chemistry G2
CHEM 107 Gen Chemistry Life Sci I CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHEM 108 General Chem Life Sciences II CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 G2, L
CHEM 111 General Chemistry CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHEM 112 General Chemistry CHEM 112 Introductory Chemistry 2 L, G2
CHEM 119 Quantitative Chemistry 1 CHEM 1X9 Quantitative Chemistry 1 G2, L
CHEM 120 Quantitative Chemistry 2 CHEM 265 Quantitative Analysis G2, L
CHEM 220 Quantitative Analysis CHEM 265 Quantitative Analysis G2, G2, L
CHEM 221 Quantitative Analysis Lab Does Not Transfer
CHEM 331 Organic Chemistry CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry 1 G2, L, G2
CHEM 333 Organic Chemistry Majors Lab Does Not Transfer
CHEM 444 Physical Chemistry II CHEM 342 Physical Chemistry 2 W
CHIN 105 Chinese I Elementary FORL 1X5 Chinese I Elementary G1
CISC 101 Computers & Information System CSCI 1X1 Computers & Information System G2
CISC 105 General Computer Science CSCI 161 Introduction to Programming 1 G2
CISC 106 Gen Computer Scien for Engnr CSCI 1X6 Gen Computer Scien for Engnr G2
CISC 181 Intro Computer Science CSCI 162 Introduction to Programming 2 G2
CISC 187 Vert Int Projects I Does Not Transfer
CISC 210 Intro to Systems Programming CSCI 2X1 Intro to Systems Programming
CISC 220 Data Structures CSCI 362 Data Structures
CISC 260 Mach Org & Assem Lang CSCI 2X6 Mach Org & Assem Lang
CISC 287 Vert Int Projects II Does Not Transfer
CISC 355 Computer Ethics and Society PHIL 3X5 Computers, Ethics & Society G1
CISC 387 Vert Int Projects III Does Not Transfer
CNST 100 Leadership, Integrity & Change SSCI 1XX Leadership, Integrity & Change
CNST 200 Consumer Economics ECON 1XX Consumer Economics
CNST 404 Leadership in Organizations SSCI 4XX Leadership in Organizations
COMM 200 Tpcs: Comm & Family Systems COMM 2XX Tpcs: Comm & Family Systems
COMM 212 Oral Communication in Business COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
COMM 245 Mass Comm & Culture COMM 220 Survey of Mass Media G1
COMM 256 Principles of Com Theory COMM 201 Theory of Communication G1
COMM 312 Oral Communication in Business COMM 305 Business Profess Communictn
COMM 330 Comm & Interpersonal Behavior COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
COMM 341 Theories of Interpersonal Comm COMM 217 Interpersonal Communication G1
COMM 350 Public Speaking COMM 100 Fundamentals of Speech SPCH
CPEG 202 Intro to Digital Systems CSCI 2X2 Intro to Digital Systems
CPEG 222 Microprocessor Systems CSCI 2X4 Microprocessor Systems
CPEG 467 Seminar Does Not Transfer
CRJU 110 Introduction to Criminal Justi SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CRJU 201 Problems of Law Enforcement SOCY 2X1 Problems of Law Enforcement
CRJU 202 Prblms of Criminal Judiciary SOCY 331 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst G3
CRJU 203 Problems of Corrections SOCY 2X3 Problems of Corrections G3
DANC 302 Intermediate Ballet WELL 3X2 Intermediate Ballet
DIST 100 Access Ability Intro Seminar UNIV 1X1 Access Ability Intro Seminar
ECON 100 Economic Issues & Policies ECON 1X1 Economic Issues & Policies G3
ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomics ECON 102 Principles of Microeconomics G3
ECON 103 Introduction to Macroeconomics ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics G3
ECON 151 Intro Microecon: Prices & Mark ECON 102 Principles of Economics 2 G3
ECON 152 Introduction to Macroeconomics ECON 101 Principles of Economics 1 G3
ECON 301 Quantitative Microecon Theory ECON 318 Intermediate Microeconomics G3
ECON 302 Banking and Monetary Policy ECON 215 Money, Credit, and Banking G3
ECON 367 Seminar ECON 488 Seminar in Economics W
EDUC 210 Lit & Literacy for Young Child EDUC 333 Children's Literature
EDUC 230 Intro to Exceptional Children SPED 101 Orientation to Special Educ
EDUC 247 Prof Issues: Hist Perspectives EDFN 211 Foundations Modern Education D
EDUC 258 Cultural Divers, Schling & Tch EDUC 403 Pluralism in Classroom D, W
EDUC 267 Ed Tech: Professional Tools EDFN 2XX Ed Tech: Professional Tools
EDUC 391 Colloquium EDFN 3X1 Colloquium
EDUC 485 Multimedia Literacy EDUC 4X5 Multimedia Literacy
EGGG 101 Introduction to Engineering ELEC 1X1 Introduction to Engineering
ELEG 205 Analog Circuits I ITEC 262 Semiconductor Electronics
ELEG 305 Signals and Systems ELEC 3X5 Signals and Systems
ELEG 415 Electric Pwr & Renewable Energ ITEC 304 Energy, Sustainability & Envir P
ENGL 011 English Essentials Does Not Transfer
ENGL 101 Tools of Textual Analysis ENGL 1X1 Tools of Textual Analysis
ENGL 110 Critical Reading & Writi ENGL 110 English Composition COMP
ENGL 202 Biblical & Classical Literatur ENGL 332 Literature of the Bible
ENGL 204 American Literature ENGL 235 Early American Literature G1
ENGL 205 British Literature 1 ENGL 233 Early English Literature G1
ENGL 206 British Literature 2 ENGL 234 Later English Literature G1
ENGL 208 Introduction to Drama ENGL 2X8 Introduction to Drama G1
ENGL 210 Introduction to Short Story ENGL 21X Introduction to Short Story G1
ENGL 217 Introduction to Film ENGL 240 Introduction to Film W, G1
ENGL 230 Intro to Environmental Lit ENGL 2X3 Intro to Environmental Lit G1
ENGL 278 Studies in Diversity ENGL 2X7 Studies in Diversity G1
ENGL 312 Written Comm in Business ENGL 316 Business Writing AW
ENGL 318 Studies in Film ENGL 240 Introduction to Film G1, W
ENGL 464 Internship in Bus-Tech Writing ENGL 4XX Internship in Bus-Tech Writing
ENSC 101 Intro to Environment ESCI 1X1 Intro to Environment G2
ENSC 300 Earth Systems: Science/Policy ESCI 3XX Earth Systems: Science/Policy G2
ENTO 406 Insect Identification-Taxonomy BIOL 4XX Insect Identification-Taxonomy
ENTR 101 Entrepreneurship Experience ENTR 1XX Entrepreneurship Experience
ENTR 350 Intro to Entrepreneurship ENTR 3X5 Intro to Entrepreneurship
ENTR 351 Entrepreneurial Marketing BUAD 3X5 Entrepreneurial Marketing
ENWC 165 New Student Seminar BIOL 1X5 New Student Seminar
ENWC 201 Wildlife Conservatn & Ecology BIOL 2X1 Wildlife Conservatn & Ecology
ENWC 205 Elements of Entomology BIOL 2X3 Elements of Entomology G2
FINC 201 Introduction to Investments BUAD 2X1 Introduction to Investments
FINC 311 Principles of Finance BUAD 341 Managerial Finance 1 W
FLLT 360 Humanities Colloquium HUMN 3X6 Humanities Colloquium
FREC 110 Intro to Food and Agribusiness BUAD 1X1 Intro to Food and Agribusiness
FREC 135 Introduction to Data Analysis CSCI 101 Problem Solving with Computers G2
FREC 150 Econ of Ag & Natural Resources ECON 1X5 Econ of Ag & Natural Resources G3
FREN 100 Elementary French I FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FREN 105 French 1 - Elementary FREN 101 Elementary French 1 G1
FREN 106 French 2 - Elem / Inter FREN 102 Elementary French 2 G1
FREN 107 French 3 - Intermediate FREN 202 Intermediate French 2 G1
FREN 200 Grammar and Composition FREN 351 Comp and Oral Expression 1 G1, W
FREN 205 French Conversation FREN 2XX French Conversation G1
FREN 301 Introduction to French Literat Does Not Transfer
FREN 302 Introduction to French Literat Does Not Transfer
FREN 325 French Civilization 1 Does Not Transfer
FREN 326 French Civilization 2 Does Not Transfer
FREN 453 French Civilization 3 Does Not Transfer
GEOG 101 Phys Geog: Climatic Processes GEOG 230 Physical Geography G3
GEOG 102 Human Geography GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
GEOG 103 Topics in Human Environment GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
GEOG 105 Geological Hazards ESCI 101 Earth Systms and Naturl Hazrds G2
GEOG 111 Physical Geography Lab GEOG 1XX Physical Geography Lab
GEOG 120 World Regional Geography Does Not Transfer
GEOG 203 Intro Cultural Geography GEOG 120 Human Geography D, G3
GEOG 220 Meteorology ESCI 241 Meteorology G2
GEOG 221 Meteorology Lab ESCI 2XX Meteorology Lab
GEOG 341 Climate and Climate Change GEOG 3X1 Climate and Climate Change
GEOG 345 Cultural Geography GEOG 3X5 Cultural Geography G3
GEOG 372 Intro to GIS GEOG 281 Maps and GIS G3
GEOL 105 Geo Hazards & Human Impact ESCI 120 Environmental Geology G2
GEOL 107 Geology of Dynamic Earth ESCI 221 Physical Geology G2, L
GEOL 108 Volcanoes and Earthquakes ESCI 12X Volcanoes and Earthquakes G2
GEOL 110 Earths Evolving Systems ESCI 222 Historical Geology G2, L, W
GEOL 113 Earth Science ESCI 1X3 Earth Science G2, L
GEOL 115 Geo Hazards Lab ESCI 121 Environmental Geology Lab G2, L
GEOL 203 Earth Surface Process ESCI 2X3 Earth Surface Process G2
GREK 101 Elementary Ancient Greek 1 GREK 101 Elementary Greek 1 G1
GREK 102 Elementary Ancient Greek 2 GREK 102 Elementary Greek 2 G1
GRMN 105 German 1 - Elementary GERM 101 Elementary German 1 G1
GRMN 325 German Civilization and Cultur Does Not Transfer
HDFS 201 Life Span Development PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
HDFS 202 Foundations of Family Studies SOCY 2X2 Foundations of Family Studies G3
HESC 120 Diet/Exercise/Weight Control WELL 1XX Diet/Exercise/Weight Control WELL
HESC 135 Freshman Seminar UNIV 1X5 Freshman Seminar
HESC 210 Emergency Management ELEC 21X Emergency Management
HESC 214 Wellness: A Way of Life WELL 175 Wellness WELL
HESC 220 Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 1XX Anatomy and Physiology
HIST 101 Western Civilization to 1648 HIST 101 Europe and the World 1500-1815 G3
HIST 102 Western Civilization 1648 to P HIST 102 Europe and World since 1815 G3
HIST 103 World History 1 HIST 206 The World to 1500 G3
HIST 104 World History 2 HIST 1XX World History 2 G3
HIST 105 US History to 1865 HIST 1X5 US History to 1865 G3
HIST 130 Islamic Near East: 600-1500 HIST 1X3 Islamic Near East: 600-1500 G3
HIST 134 History of Africa HIST 1X4 History of Africa G3
HIST 135 Introduction to Latin American HIST 283 Colonial Latin America G3, W
HIST 156 American Sexualities HIST 1X6 American Sexualities G3
HIST 205 United States History HIST 106 Contours of US History G3
HIST 206 United States History HIST 2XX United States History G3, W
HIST 254 Jewish Holocaust: 1933-1945 HIST 2X4 Jewish Holocaust: 1933-1945 G3
HIST 267 Film and American Society HIST 2XX Film and American Society G3
HIST 321 Civil War & Reconstruction HIST 355 Civil War and Reconstruction G3, W
HIST 340 Ancient Near East & Greece HIST 3X4 Ancient Near East & Greece G3
HIST 341 Ancient Rome HIST 213 Greeks and Romans G3
HIST 347 The French Revolution & Napole HIST 332 French Revolution G3, W
HIST 358 Russian History 1801 - 1917 HIST 241 Imperial Russia
HIST 367 American Sports History HIST 3X7 American Sports History
HIST 373 Modern Ireland: 1534 - Present HIST 3XX Modern Ireland: 1534-Present G3
HIST 374 History of England to 1715 HIST 221 England to 1688 G3
HONR 290 Honors Colloquium: Arts/Humn HUMN 2X9 Honors Colloquium: Arts/Humn G1
HONR 291 Honors Colloquium HNRS 2X9 Honors Colloquium
HONR 292 Hnrs: Social/Behav Topics ELEC 2XX Hnrs: Social/Behav Topics
HPER 120 Racquetball 1 WELL 1XX Racquetball 1 WELL
IFST 201 Life Span Development PSYC 228 Life Span Human Devlopment G3
IFST 221 Child Development PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
IFST 267 Seminar SOCY 2X7 Seminar
ITAL 105 Italian 1 - Elementary ITAL 101 Elementary Italian 1 G1
ITAL 106 Italian II - Elem/Inter ITAL 102 Elementary Italian 2 G1
ITAL 107 Italian III Intermediate ITAL 201 Intermediate Italian G1
JAPN 105 Japanese 1 - Elementary JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese 1 G1
JWST 267 Intro to Jewish History HIST 2X7 Intro to Jewish History G3
KAAP 180 Intro to Exercise Science WSSD 18X Intro to Exercise Science
KAAP 210 Emergency Mngmt Injuries WSSD 2X0 Emergency Mngmt Injuries
KAAP 220 Anatomy & Physiology BIOL 254 Human Anat and Physiology 1
KAAP 221 Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 255 Human Anat and Physiology 2
KAAP 320 Principles of Strength/Conditn WSSD 3X2 Principles of Strength/Conditn
LATN 101 Elementary Latin I LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1 G1
LATN 102 Elementary Latin II LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 G1
LEAD 100 Leadership, Integrity, Change HUMN 1X1 Leadership, Integrity, Change G1
LING 101 Introduction to Linguistics ENGL 221 Intro to Linguistic Analysis G1
LLCU 320 Varying Authors and Genres ENGL 3X2 Varying Authors and Genres G1, W
MAST 100 Marine Science Colloquium I BIOL 1X0 Marine Science Colloquium I
MAST 101 Marine Science Colloguium II BIOL 1X1 Marine Science Colloquium II
MAST 200 The Oceans ESCI 104 The World Ocean G2
MAST 382 Intro to Ocean Sciences ESCI 261 Introduction to Oceanography G2, L
MATH 010 Intermediate Algebra MATH 090 Basic Mathematics
MATH 113 Contemporary Mathematics MATH 100 Survey of Mathematical Ideas G2
MATH 114 Coll Mathematics & Statistics MATH 1X1 Coll Mathematics & Statistics G2
MATH 115 Pre-Calculus MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MATH 117 Precalc for Scientists & Engin MATH 160 Precalculus G2
MATH 201 Intro to Statistical Methods MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
MATH 202 Intro to Statistical Methods 2 MATH 2X2 Intro to Statistical Methods 2 G2
MATH 210 Discrete Mathematics I MATH 21X Discrete Mathematics I G2
MATH 221 Calculus 1 MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MATH 222 Calculus II
MATH 230 Finite Mathematics with Applic MATH 2X3 Finite Mathematics with Applic
MATH 231 Integrated Calculus IA MATH 2XX Integrated Calculus IA
MATH 241 Analytic Geometry & Calculus A MATH 161 Calculus 1 G2
MATH 242 Analytic Geometry & Calculus B MATH 211 Calculus 2 G2
MATH 243 Analytic Geometry & Calculus MATH 311 Calculus 3 G2
MATH 251 Math for Elementary School 1 MATH 104 Fundamentals of Math 1 G2
MATH 252 Math for Elementary School 2 MATH 1X1 Math for Elementary School 2 G2
MATH 253 Math K-8 Tcher: Geo, Alg, Meas MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math 2 G2
MATH 305 Applied Mathematics for Biomed MATH 3X5 Applied Mathematics for Biomed G2
MATH 351 Engineering Mathematics I MATH 3X1 Engineering Mathematics I G2
MATH 352 Engineering Mathematics II MATH 3X2 Engineering Mathematics II
MATH 353 Engineering Mathematics III MATH 3X3 Engineering Mathematics III
MEDT 100 Intro to Medical Lab Science Does Not Transfer
MEDT 200 The Language of Medicine Does Not Transfer
MEDT 270 Med Micro & Infect Diseases BIOL 2XX Med Micro & Infect Diseases
MEEG 101 Intro to Mechanical Engineerin ELEC 1X1 Intro to Mechanical Engineerin
MEEG 102 Intro to Mechanical Eng Labs ELEC 1X2 Intro to Mechanical Eng Labs
MEEG 104 Analysis Comm Tech Info ELEC 1X4 Analysis Comm Tech Info
MEEG 210 Statics ITEC 2X0 Statics
MEEG 211 Dynamics ITEC 2X1 Dynamics
MEEG 215 Mechanics of Solids ITEC 2X5 Mechanics of Solids
MEEG 216 Solid Mechanics Lab ITEC 2X6 Solid Mechanics Lab
MEEG 241 Thermodynamics PHYS 334 Macroscopic Physics
MISY 160 Bus. Compt: Tools & Concepts BUAD 1X6 Bus. Compt: Tools & Concepts
MLSC 105 Introduction to Leadership 1 MILS 101 Intro to Military Science 1
MLSC 106 Introduction to Leadership 2 MILS 210 Self and Team Development
MSEG 201 Intro to Materials Science ITEC 2X1 Intro to Materials Science
MSEG 302 Materials Science for Engineer PHYS 3X2 Materials Science for Engineer G2
MSEG 608 Structre and Prop of Materls I ITEC 6X8 Structre and Prop of Materls I
MUED 179 Freshman Seminar in Music Ed UNIV 1X1 Freshman Seminar in Music Ed
MUSC 100 Recital Attendance Does Not Transfer
MUSC 101 Appreciation of Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUSC 102 Appreciation of Music MUSI 100 Music and Culture G1
MUSC 107 History of Rock MUSI 263 Popular Music G1
MUSC 111 Concert Choir MUSI 226 University Choir
MUSC 113 Marching Band MUSI 129 Appl Music in Marching Band
MUSC 114 Symphonic Band MUSI 220 Concert Band
MUSC 117 University Orchestra MUSI 122 Appl Music in Orchestra/Chambr
MUSC 123 Steel Band MUSI 1X3 Steel Band
MUSC 151 Private Study Bach of Music I MUSI 154 Major Performance 1:
MUSC 152 Private Study: BMAS II MUSI 155 Major Performance 2:
MUSC 155 Priv Study: Secondary/Merit MUSI 1X5 Priv Study: Secondary Merit
MUSC 167 Marching Percussion Techniques MUSI 229 Applied Music Marching Band
MUSC 167 Marching Percussion Techniques MUSI 1X7 Steel Band
MUSC 171 Diction: English and Italian MUSI 1X7 Diction: English and Italian
MUSC 175 Class Piano: Elem I MUSI 131 Class Piano 1
MUSC 176 Class Piano: Elem II MUSI 1X7 Class Piano: Elem II
MUSC 184 Fundamentals of Music Review Does Not Transfer
MUSC 185 Aural Skills I MUSI 1X5 Aural Skills I
MUSC 186 Aural Skills II MUSI 1X6 Aural Skills II
MUSC 195 Harmony I MUSI 1X9 Harmony I
MUSC 196 Harmony II MUSI 1X6 Harmony II
MUSC 205 Music of Non-Western World MUSI 2X5 Music of Non-Western World G1
MUSC 211 Music, History & Ideas MUSI 2XX Music, History & Ideas G1
MUSC 221 Marching Percussion Tech MUSI 229 Applied Music Marching Band
MUSC 231 Orchestration MUSI 2X3 Orchestration
MUSC 251 Private Study: BMAS III MUSI 2X1 Private Study: BMAS III
MUSC 252 Private Study: BMAS IV MUSI 2X2 Private Study: BMAS IV
MUSC 271 Diction: German MUSI 2X7 Diction: German
MUSC 275 Class Piano: Interm I MUSI 231 Class Piano 2
MUSC 285 Adv Aural Skills I MUSI 2X5 Adv Aural Skills I
MUSC 286 Adv Aural Skills II MUSI 2X6 Adv Aural Skills II
MUSC 295 Advanced Harmony I MUSI 2X9 Advanced Harmony I
MUSC 311 Music History to 1600 MUSI 362 Music History and Literature 1 W
MUSC 367 Seminar MUSI 3X6 Seminar
MUSC 430 Chamber Ensemble MUSI 323 Chamber Orchestra
MUSC 460 University Singers MUSI 4X6 University Singers
NTDT 200 Nutrition Concepts BIOL 256 Nutrition G2, W
NTDT 310 Nutrition & Activity WSSD 3X1 Nutrition & Activity
NURS 101 Human Anatomy BIOL 356 Functional Human Anatomy
NURS 110 Nursing Connections Does Not Transfer
NURS 200 Clinical Decision Making Does Not Transfer
NURS 222 Pharmacology Does Not Transfer
NURS 235 Health: Vulnerability & Divers Does Not Transfer
NURS 241 Scientific Basis of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 242 Scientific Basis of Nursing Does Not Transfer
NURS 253 Health & Physical Assessment Does Not Transfer
NURS 362 Research Concept in Hlthcare Does Not Transfer
NURS 382 Communities & Health Policy Does Not Transfer
PHIL 100 Philosophies of Life PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHIL 101 Great Western Philosophers PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHIL 102 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy G1
PHIL 105 Critical Thinking PHIL 1X5 Critical Thinking G1
PHIL 201 Social & Political Philosophy PHIL 407 Political and Social Philosphy G1, W
PHIL 202 Contemporary Moral Problems PHIL 381 Ethical Theories G1, W
PHIL 204 World Religions PHIL 313 World Religions G1, W
PHIL 205 Logic PHIL 211 Introduction to Logic G1
PHIL 209 Philosophy of Religion PHIL 2X9 Philosophy of Religion G1
PHIL 241 Ethical Issues in Healthcare PHIL 2X1 Ethical Issues in Healthcare G1
PHIL 244 Philosophy of Art PHIL 383 Philosophy of Art G1, W
PHIL 313 Killing and Letting Die PHIL 280 Thanatopsis:Viewing Death G1
PHYS 133 Introduction to Astronomy PHYS 13X Intro to Astronomy w/Lab G2, L
PHYS 139 Star & Constellation Identific PHYS 1X9 Star & Constellation Identific G2
PHYS 144 Concepts of the Universe PHYS 1X4 Concepts of the Universe
PHYS 145 Black Holes & Cosmic Evolution PHYS 1X5 Black Holes & Cosmic Evolution G2
PHYS 201 Introductory Physics I PHYS 2X1 Introductory Physics I G2
PHYS 208 Fundamentals of Physics II PHYS 232 Physics 2 with Calculus G2, L
PHYS 245 Intro Electricity/Electronics PHYS 266 Electronics
PLSC 100 Plants and Human Culture BIOL 10X Plants and Human Culture G2
PLSC 101 Botany I BIOL 221 Concepts of Botany G2, L
PLSC 201 Botany II BIOL 2X1 Botany II G2
PLSC 204 Intro to Soil Science BIOL 2X4 Intro to Soil Science L, G2
PLSC 300 Princ of Animal & Plant Gene BIOL 3X0 Princ of Animal & Plant Gene
PLSC 303 Intro Plant Pathology BIOL 3X3 Intro Plant Pathology
POSC 150 The American Politcal System GOVT 111 Intro to American Government G3
POSC 151 Exploring American Politics GOVT 1X1 Exploring American Politics
POSC 211 Intro to Politics in Dev Cntri GOVT 2X1 Intro to Politics in Dev Cntri G3
POSC 240 Intro to International Relatio GOVT 251 Intro to Global Politics G3
POSC 313 American Foreign Policy GOVT 3XX American Foreign Policy G3
POSC 317 Gender and Politics GOVT 3X7 Gender and Politics P
POSC 318 Public Opinion GOVT 3X8 Public Opinion
POSC 350 Politics and the Environment GOVT 3XX Politics and the Environment G3
POSC 368 Politics of Difference GOVT 361 Politics of Race and Ethnicity D, G3
POSC 380 Introduction to Law GOVT 3X1 Introduction to Law
POSC 390 Honors Colloquium UNIV 3X0H H:Honors Colloquium
POSC 411 Politics & Poverty GOVT 4X1 Politics & Poverty G3
POSC 435 Modern Political Thought GOVT 331 Modern Political Thought
PSYC 100 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSYC 201 General Psychology PSYC 100 General Psychology G3
PSYC 209 Measurement & Statistics PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
PSYC 303 Intro to Social Psychology PSYC 317 Social Psychology
PSYC 309 Measurement & Statistics PSYC 211 Statistics and Exper Design 1 W
PSYC 314 Brain and Behavior PSYC 314 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 325 Child Psychology PSYC 227 Devlopmnt Child and Adolescent G3, W
PSYC 366 Independent Study Does Not Transfer
RUSS 310 Introduction to Russian Litera Does Not Transfer
RUSS 325 Russian Civilization Does Not Transfer
SCEN 101 Physical Science PHYS 1X1 Physical Science G2, L
SCEN 102 Physical Science PHYS 1XX Physical Science G2, L
SOCI 201 Introduction to Sociology SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology G3
SOCI 204 Urban Communities SOCY 441 Urban Society
SOCI 206 Women and Work SOCY 2XX Women and Work G3
SOCI 209 Social Problems SOCY 211 Social Problems W, G3
SOCI 215 Race in Society SOCY 2X5 Race in Society G3
SOCI 301 Intro to Sociological Research SOCY 2X3 Intro to Sociological Research G3
SOCI 312 Theories of Society SOCY 2X3 Theories of Society G3
SOCI 350 Social Inequality & Film SOCY 2X5 Social Inequality & Film G3
SPAN 105 Spanish 1 - Elementary SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 G1
SPAN 106 Spanish 2 - Elem / Inter SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 G1
SPAN 107 Spanish 3 - Intermediate SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 G1
SPAN 200 Spanish Composition & Grammar SPAN 351 Composition and Oral Express 1 G1, W
SPAN 201 Spanish Reading & Composition SPAN 352 Composition and Oral Express 2 G1, W
SPAN 205 Spanish Conversation SPAN 2X5 Spanish Conversation
SPAN 208 Contemporary Spain I SPAN 2X8 Contemporary Spain I G1
SPAN 307 Contemporary Latin America II SPAN 472 Contemporary Latin America
SPAN 325 Spanish Civilization and Cultu SPAN 3X5 Spanish Civilization and Cultu
SPAN 326 Latin American Civilization an SPAN 3X6 Latin American Civilization an
STAT 200 Basic Statistical Practice MATH 130 Elements of Statistics 1 G2
THEA 102 Introduction to Performance THEA 130 Acting 1 G1, W
THEA 104 Intro to Theatre & Drama THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
THEA 200 Intro to Theatre Production THEA 120 Stagecraft
THEA 203 Introduction to Costuming THEA 2XX Intro to Costuming
THEA 226 Fundamentals of Acting I THEA 130 Acting 1 G1
THEA 241 Western Theatre: Live on Stage THEA 2X1 Western Theatre Live on Stage G1
THEA 242 Page to Stage: Making Theatre THEA 217 Theatre Appreciation G1
THEA 367 Seminar THEA 3X7 Seminar
UAPP 110 Changing The World & Pub Pol ELEC 1X1 Changing The World & Pub Pol
UNIV 100 Honors First Year Experience Does Not Transfer
UNIV 101 First Year Experience 1 UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
UNIV 111 UST Freshman Sem: Finding Your UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
UNIV 112 Skilmod: Academic Self Mgmt UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
UNIV 113 Skilmod: Study Skills Does Not Transfer
UNIV 116 FYS: Strategies for Acadm Succ UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
UNIV 117 Exploring your Academic Path Does Not Transfer
UNIV 167 Seminar UNIV 101 Freshman Seminar
UNIV 320 Contemp Issues for RAs I UNIV 1X1 Contemp Issues for RAs I
WOMS 201 Intro to Women's Studies WSTU 220 Introduction Women's Studies G3
WOMS 202 Womens Studies Global Context WSTU 2X2 Womens Studies Global Context G2
WOMS 205 Women in the Arts & Humanities WSTU 2X5 Women in the Arts & Humanities G1
WOMS 206 Women and Work WSTU 2XX Women and Work G3
WOMS 210 Women and Religion WSTU 2X1 Women and Religion P
WOMS 267 HNRS: Lesbian and Gay Film Ser WSTU 2XX HNRS: Lesbian and Gay Film Ser G3

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