Prevention Strategies
Current Prevention Programming
The Center for Health Education and Promotion offers educational programs facilitated by trained peer educators. The programs offer educational resources for students and provide awareness on several different topics. Among those topics are alcohol and other drugs, body image, dating violence, domestic violence, healthy relationships, safer sex, sexual assault, stalking, and stress. The programs related to Sexual Violence are listed below.
- Getting Down in the Green
- Escalation
- Behind the Post
- Red Flags
Scheduled events are listed below:
9/6/2019 Body and Mind Pop-up Mirror 12-1
9/9/2019 Karlie’s Angels Red Zone Table
9/9/2019 Title IX on the Nines 11-1, SMC Promenade
9/11/2019 Wellness Wednesday hosted by Body and Mind
9/12/2019 National Day of Encouragement hosted by Choices Student-Athletes
9/12/2019 Contraceptive Corner hosted by Sexual Responsibility 9pm-10, SMC Galley
9/17/2019 Outreach on Loneliness hosted by Body and Mind
9/24/2019 NCAA Banned Substances information table hosted by Choices Student-Athletes
9/26/2019 Contraceptive Corner hosted by Sexual Responsibility 9pm-10, SMC Galley
9/27/2019 Healthy Relationships Table hosted by Karlie’s Angels
10/8/2019 Purple Carnival hosted by Karlie’s Angels 6pm-8, SMC Reighard MPR
10/10/2019 Contraceptive Corner hosted by Sexual Responsibility 9pm-10, SMC Galley
10/16/2019 Hazing outreach hosted by Choice Student-Athletes
10/24/2019 H.A.Y. Outreach hosted by Body and Mind
10/24/2019 Contraceptive Corner hosted by Sexual Responsibility 9pm-10, SMC Galley
10/25/2019 Alcohol Education presented by Choices Student-Athletes
10/30/2019 Wellness Wednesday- Males survivors of sexual assault hosted by Karlie’s Angels 11am-1pm.
November and December coming soon!
Check back for upcoming events specific to these topics:
- Red Flag Campaign
- It's On Us Campaign
- Escalation Training
Interested in requesting a program? Request a program here.
The Center for Health Education is located in the Montour House (16 South George Street) and is open from 8am-4:30pm. Contact us at 717-871-4141 or at
Step Up!
Be an Active Bystander
Being an active bystander discourages attitudes and behaviors that support sexual assault and other harmful behavior. When you witness a potential sexual assault or other behavior that promotes a culture of violence, don’t assume someone else will help or that it’s none of your business; speak up, step in and seek help.
无忧短视频 encourages students to Step Up! as active bystanders. Staff and students are trained in the Step Up! program and facilitate bystander intervention programs for students on an ongoing basis. Step UP! is a prosocial behavior and bystander intervention program that educates students to be proactive in helping others.
Step Up! follows the following principles:
1-Notice the event.
2-Interpret it as a problem.
3-Assume personal responsibility.
4-Know how to help.
5-Assume responsibility-Step Up!
Interested in requesting a program? Request a program here.
Identifying Relationship Violence
If your friend is in an unhealthy relationship and you notice these patterns of behavior from their partner SPEAK UP.
Red Flags in a relationship:
- Checking your cell phone or email without permission
- Constantly putting you down
- Extreme jealousy or insecurity
- Explosive temper
- Isolating you from family or friends
- Making false accusations
- Mood swings
- Physically hurting you in any way
- Possessiveness
- Telling you what to do
- Pressuring or forcing you to have sex
When communicating with a friend about and unhealthy relationship remember to:
- Find the right time to talk about the issue
- Talk face-to-face
- Do not judge or attack
- Support: talk to them and tell them you are concerned for their safety.
- Empower: encourage your friend to make a safety plan
- Connect: connect the victim to information and resources
- Show them the website
- Have available the 24hr hotline number 1-800-799-7233