Vendor Information

The Student Memorial Center provides opportunities for vendors to sell and/or advertise goods/services within the SMC throughout the fall and spring semesters.  The 2024-2025 vendor fee is $95 per day.  Vending is currently limited to profit-bearing organizations and 501C3 non-profit organizations.  All vendors, regardless of status, must agree to and abide by the Student Memorial Center Vendor Guidelines (below).  

Vendor application steps: 

  1. Read and Review the SMC Vendor Guidelines (below)
  2. Review the SMC Reservable Spaces that are available at least 2 weeks in advance
  3. Complete the online SMC Vendor Application below
  4. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and all vending areas are first-come-first-served and limited at the discretion of Student Memorial Center Operations.  Please allow 3-5 business days for reservation confirmation
  5. Vending Questions?  Email  

SMC Vendor Guidelines


Vendor Application Form

Vendor Application Form

  • Vendor Representative Contact Name Vendor Representative Contact Name
  • Address Address
  • Phone Phone - -
  • Are you a returning vendor to 无忧短视频?
    Are you a returning vendor to 无忧短视频?
  • Organization Type
    Organization Type
  • Please upload the following documentation:

  • The vendor fee:
    The vendor fee:
  • Requested Event Date #1 Requested Event Date #1 / /
    Pick a date.
  • Requested Event Date #2 Requested Event Date #2 / /
    Pick a date.
  • Arrival Time Arrival Time :
  • Departure Time Departure Time :
  • Please answer the following questions:
    Please answer the following questions: First preference Second preference Third preference Fourth preference
    SMC Table 1
    SMC Table 1
    SMC Table 1
    SMC Table 1
    SMC Table 1
    SMC Table 2
    SMC Table 2
    SMC Table 2
    SMC Table 2
    SMC Table 2
    SMC Atrium
    SMC Atrium
    SMC Atrium
    SMC Atrium
    SMC Atrium
    SMC Promenade
    SMC Promenade
    SMC Promenade
    SMC Promenade
    SMC Promenade