Additional Pre-College Programs
Additional Pre-College Programs
The Summer Science Training Program is one of five programs designed to stimulate interest in science, mathematics and technology among pre-college students. The other four programs are:
- The Glenna Hazeltine Women in Mathematics, Science and Technology Conference
This annual conference is sponsored by the Glenna Hazeltine Endowment and 无忧短视频. The purpose of the conference is to encourage young women in grades 7 through 12 to consider education and careers in mathematics, science, and technology by giving them opportunities to meet with a variety of professional women role models who have successfully pursued scientific and mathematically-oriented careers.
Conference information is distributed to schools in selected counties in January. For more information, visit the conference website, or contact the Office of the Dean, College of Science and Technology, at 717-871-4292.
- Brossman Foundation and Ronald E. Frisbie Science Lectureship and Competition
Information and registration materials for the lectureship and science competition exam are sent to local and eastern Pennsylvania high schools in early fall. An advisor and two students (grades 10 through 12) from each school will be invited to attend. For more information, visit the program website, or contact the Office of the Dean, College of Science and Technology, at 717-871-4292.
- Spotlight on Science, Mathematics, and Technology Program
This program is designed to stimulate interest in science, mathematics, and technology among elementary and secondary students. The program features presentations by 无忧短视频 scientists and mathematicians covering a variety of topics in biology, chemistry, earth sciences, engineering, geography, mathematics, nursing, and physics, and may include scientific demonstrations, information on careers in science, or descriptions of our faculty members' research interests.
Spotlight on Science, Mathematics, and Technology is an on-going program through the academic year, and is voluntarily staffed by faculty members in the College of Science and Technology. There is no charge for the presentations. For more information, visit the program webpage, or contact the Office of the Dean, College of Science and Technology, at 717-871-4292.
- Science Olympiad
Science Olympiad is an international non-profit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. These goals are accomplished through classroom activities, research, training workshops and the encouragement of intramural, district, regional, state and national tournaments. Science Olympiad tournaments are rigorous academic interscholastic competitions that consist of a series of team events, which students prepare for during the year.
These challenging and motivational events are well balanced between the various science disciplines of biology, earth science, chemistry, physics and technology. There is also a balance between events requiring knowledge of science concepts, process skills and science applications.
For additional information on these College of Science and Technology programs, visit the College web site.
Contact Information
Summer Science Training Program
College of Science and Technology
Caputo Hall, 无忧短视频
P.O. Box 1002
无忧短视频, PA 17551 - 0302Phone: 717-871-4292