Moving Department

The Moving Crew is available to transport university owned equipment and materials on campus. 

Contact: Tyler Moses 717-871-4338 -


Examples of our services provided by the Moving Crew include:

· Deliver and remove tables and chairs for events.

· Move furniture: desks, chairs, file cabinets, bookshelves, etc…

· Remove surplus IT equipment.

· Provide pop-up tents for temporary events.

· Show surplus items available for potential reuse.

· Deliver requested items from surplus to be reused in a new department.

· Remove and shred confidential paper documents.



1) All items to be moved must be labeled with post-it notes designating the items as such.

2) Please allow an appropriate amount of time for request to be accomplished. It is best to submit a move request at the earliest opportunity. We require:

a. At least 5 business days for small moves: example- tables and chairs

b. At least 2 weeks for medium size moves: example- single office move

c. At least 1 month for large, in depth moves: example- full department move

If a requested move is beyond the capabilities of the MU Moving Crew, the requestor may be directed to contact one of the university approved outside moving companies.