Mission Statement & By-Laws

Mission Statement

The Mission of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) is to foster a university climate that promotes an environment free of discrimination and harassment for self-identified women (hereafter women) promoting positive empowerment and equity for them and their allies and advocates.



A. To assess the working, learning, and social environment for all women (faculty, administrators, staff, and students) and to recommend appropriate action and resources.

B. To identify, support and advocate for appropriate action for ensuring gender equity that is inclusive of all women regardless of race, sexual orientation, etc. across the campus community.

C. To advise the President of the University on all matters pertaining to the status of  women.

D. To cultivate awareness among the campus community regarding the need for justice and empowerment of women.


A. On or before April 1 of each year, the Commission shall submit recommendations to the University President for appointment to the Commission. Replacement for membership may be recommended by the Commission from the various committee members.

B. Approval of the recommendations of the Executive Board for appointment to the Commission is at the sole discretion of the University President.

C. Membership shall consist of a minimum of sixteen (16) voting members including the Commission Chairperson with representation from among administrators, faculty, support staff, and students from the university and members from the surrounding community. A majority of the Commission shall consist of women.

D. Commission membership shall insure representation from the various areas of the university (Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Finance and Administration, University Advancement).

E. Representation will consist of the following university members: Administration, Faculty, Support Staff (with a goal of a balance of representation) and a minimum of 3 students.

F. Ex-officio members will be appointed as needed from any of the following offices or entities, but not exclusively:  Diversity & Social Justice, the Center for Health Education and Promotions, Women’s Studies Program, Title IX, AAUW, past PCSW Executive Board members.

G. Immediate past chairs shall serve for one year following the expiration of their terms. Past chairs may, at the discretion of the University President, be invited to serve additional one-year terms on the Commission following the expiration of their terms.

H. Terms of Membership

      1. Members shall be appointed by the President to serve overlapping terms of three years, except for students, who will serve one year renewable terms. No member shall serve more than six years in succession. Student members are eligible for term renewal as long as they maintain their active enrollment status.
      2. Members from the community shall be appointed to serve one year renewable terms. Recommendations for community members will be made to the President for their approval.
      3. The anniversary date of terms shall be June 1.
      4. Should a member resign prior to the expiration of his/her term, the Commission shall submit a list of recommendations from which the Executive Board shall select a replacement to be recommended to the President to complete the remainder of the term of that member.
      5. In the event of chronic absenteeism (attendance at fewer than three regularly scheduled meetings in one year), the Commission Chairperson shall consult with the member to determine whether or not a permanent replacement shall be named. If a replacement is to be named, the Commission shall submit recommendations to the Executive Board for appointment to be sent to the President for approval.


A. The officers of the Commission shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

B. Executive Board shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, President’s designee, Secretary, Treasurer, Marketing representative and two members at large.  Ex Officio members shall include the Chair or Vice Chair for one year immediately following their term. The Ex Officio members shall have full voting rights on the Executive Board. The members at large will be recommended by the Executive Board and elected annually by the entire Commission. Its responsibilities shall include: budgeting, planning, recommending and reviewing Commission goals and programs; nomination of new members; bylaw revisions, and acting on behalf of the Commission in the event of emergencies between regularly scheduled meetings. The Commission Chair shall facilitate this committee.

C. The University President shall appoint the Chair for a term of three (3) years (September 1 through August 31). Ordinarily new appointments that begin on September 1 will be announced at the last regularly scheduled meeting of the previous academic year. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission, including the executive board meetings, and serve as its chief spokesperson. The Chair shall retain full voting privileges.

D. The Vice-Chair shall be nominated by the Chair for a three (3) year term and elected by the Commission at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year. The Vice-Chair shall preside at all Commission meetings in the absence of the Chair, including executive board meetings.

E. The Secretary shall be nominated by the Chair for a three (3) year term and elected by the Commission at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year.

F. The Treasurer shall be nominated by the Chair for a three (3) year term and elected by the Commission at the first regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year. The Treasurer shall make regular reports regarding the financial status of the Commission.


A. The Commission shall: establish committees as it deems appropriate when a specific concern, initiative or event warrants. The chairperson may appoint ad hoc task groups as needed.

B. All committees active within an academic year shall submit an annual report of its activity by June 30. The Chair person shall submit an annual report incorporating all committee reports to the President by August 30.


A. Allocation Awards: The Women's Issues Allocation Award can be used for a variety of purposes such as travel, purchase of supplies, equipment, publication charges, etc. related to events or other projects to support women's issues.

B. Purpose: The Women's Issues Allocations Award was established by the Commission on the Status of Women to further encourage integration of the curriculum, research on women, and ongoing efforts to insure a climate of equality at 无忧短视频.

C. Applicants must be students or a member of the faculty, staff or administration of 无忧短视频. Typical Awards range from $250 - $1,000.

D. Funding decisions (outside of Commission operations) will be made via the Commission Allocation process. The Executive Committee shall have discretion to make minor funding decisions by simple majority for requests that do not exceed $500.00.


A. Commission Meetings

      1. Regular meetings shall normally be held eight times per year (four meetings each during the Fall and Spring semesters).
      2. Members shall receive a Meeting Agenda from the Chair within 3-5 days prior to the date of scheduled meetings to provide for opportunity for input on the Meeting Agenda. In order to have an item listed on the Meeting Agenda, Members have the opportunity to request for the addition of items to the Meeting Agenda one day prior to the date of scheduled meetings by contacting the Chair. During Commission Meetings, the Chair will also provide opportunity for items to be presented.
      3. A simple majority of Commission members shall be needed to proceed with a Commission meeting.
      4. Any decision made by the Commission will be reached through motions or resolutions.  A motion can be debated and amended before approval.  If the motion is made and seconded, the secretary will read the motion before a vote is taken.  If an agreement cannot be reached by a simple majority of Commission members attending, the motion can be reframed and reconsidered, tabled for further discussion or rescinded.
      5. Minutes shall be kept by the secretary and should include at least all major events and motions. Minutes from the previous meeting should be circulated, with the Chair asking for corrections and motion to approve.

B. Amendment of the Bylaws

      1. The bylaws shall be amended by a majority of the members and approval of the University President.