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Rain Garden
The construction of a rain garden at the WETi aims to address the impact of historically destructive stormwater management practices and policies across multiple watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed area. Construction of this green infrastructure will expand our conservation efforts within the Conestoga Watershed and enhance WETI’s ability to improve upon stormwater management practices in Lancaster County. Gaining a deeper understanding of rain gardens will allow MU undergrad students to understand not only the challenges associated with managing urban runoff, but also have practical experience in identifying stormwater management problems, developing solutions and following through with implementation.
Activity A: Finalization of Design, Fall 2018
Drs. Dietrich and Wallace along with Secondary Science BSE and Biology students will finalize the conceptual design and prepare the site for construction. This work will include percolation testing of the site, detailed sizing calculations and plant selection. Progress will be documented and shared via social media.
Activity B: Construction of Rain Garden, Early Spring 2019
Drs. Dietrich and Wallace along with Secondary Science BSE and Biology students will work together to construct the rain garden. This work will include hand grading of the site, planting, and installation of education signage. Construction progress will be shared via social media.
Activity C: WETi Groups Visit Rain Garden, Summer 2019
Provision of educational training to enable WETi educators to use the rain garden and its educational signage as a starting point to describe the purpose and function of green infrastructure to WETi visitors (including k-12 school groups, MU students, parents, community members). The tours will include an environmental education component and an overview of watershed conservation practices that landowners can implement on their own property.
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