MFET Requirements

Manufacturing Engineering Technology - 4-year Degree (B.S.) Requirements

The Manufacturing Engineering Technology (MFET) degree is a four-year program where upon successful completion you will be awarded a bachelor's degree. Your coursework over the four years in the program will be divided into three categories: 1) General Education; 2) Technical Core Requirements; and 3) Required Related Courses.

The following information is provided as a reference. Students should consult with their advisor to be sure they are making the correct curricular decisions.

General Education: 48 credits (minimum)

All students seeking a bachelor's degree from ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ must successfully complete the general education requirements. The general education requirements are designed to help make you into a well-rounded professional. Please take some time to read about the general education requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog

Manufacturing Engineering Technology Core Requirements: 60 credits

The courses required for the MFET degree are listed below. Please click here to read the course descriptions.

Bachelor's Degree
Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Required Courses: 60 credits

ITEC 130: Production Materials and Processes
ITEC 241: Drafting Communications
ITEC 261: Electronic Systems
ITEC 262: Semiconductor Electronics
ITEC 271: Processing Nonmetallic Materials
ITEC 281: Metallic Materials & Production Methods
ITEC 325: Power Conversion & Control
ITEC 326: Fluid Power
ITEC 342: Computer-Aided Engineering Drawing
ITEC 344: Product Design
ITEC 346: Statics & Strengths of Materials
ITEC 375: Polymer & Ceramic Technology
ITEC 384: Advanced Manufacturing
ITEC 425: Industrial Robotic Systems
ITEC 427: Programmable Logic Controllers
ITEC 448: Machine Tool Design
ITEC 492: Technical Entrepreneurship
ITEC 494: Total Quality Management
Directed Elective: Select one of the following:
ITEC 300: Internship; or
ITEC 376: Wood Technology; or
ITEC 392: Industrial Training; or
ITEC 400: Internship; or
ITEC 446: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design; or
ITEC 467: Mobile Robotic Systems

Required Related Courses: 18 credits

All Manufacturing Engineering Technology majors are required to take the following Required Related Courses. These courses will also count towards fulfillment of the Science and Math requirements in the General Education program.

Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Required Related Courses: 18 credits

MATH 130: Survey of Statistics
MATH 161: Calculus I
PHYS 131: Physics I with Algebra
PHYS 132: Physics II with Algebra
CHEM 111: Introductory Chemistry I